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    Hold Fast Camo Flag


    Proclaim your love of country in this HOLD FAST Black & Grey Camo Flag Cap. Hold fast to your faith, your family, and your freedom. We can celebrate these things because of the sacrifice of those who serve in the United States Armed Forces, and ultimately because of the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on the cross at Calvary. When you pledge allegiance to the flag, or see those colors flying in the breeze, think on these things. Inspire your family, friends, and neighbors to look to you as an example of faith in our nation, and in the Lord.

    John 15:13 says, Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one s life for one s friends. Good deeds are one thing. Remembering the ultimate love is quite another. This handsome cap is a reminder of what matters most, and the sacrifices of those who have served to protect our rights, and our very lives. We owe it to those who step up to keep us safe, to remember them in our prayers, and to honor when the opportunity arises.

    Every time you wear this cool cap, you ll encourage people to reflect on the blessings they hold dear. The flag of the United States of America is meaningful, and worthy of our respect because of what it represents. #HoldFast #BookofJohn #FaithFamilyFreedom #NoGreaterLove

    In stock

    SKU (UPC): 612978524534

    Colors: Black
    Apparel class: Adult
    Manufacturer: Kerusso

    SKU: 612978524534 Categories: , Tag:



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