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    Chromino—short for chromatic domino—challenges players to empty their hand of chromino tiles first. Each turn, a player either places a chromino from their hand onto the table or else they draw a new chromino tile from the stock, playing this tile if possible and keeping it otherwise. The first player to empty their hand wins!

    • 1-8 Players
    • Ages 6+
    • About 30 Minutes

    In stock (additional units can be purchased)

    Chromino challenges players to empty their hand of chromino tiles first. Each such tile has three colors on it laid out in a 1×3 row. At the start of the game, each player takes a hand of eight chrominoes and a special start tile with a wild center square is placed face-up on the table. Each turn, a player either places a chromino from his hand onto the table – with that chromino tile matching at least two colors on adjacent tiles already on the table – or else he draws a new chromino tile from the stock, playing this tile if possible and keeping it otherwise. The first player to empty his hand wins.

    Chromino includes variant expert rules.


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