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    Catan: Cities and Knights


    Dark clouds gather over the once peaceful landscape. Wild barbarians, lured by Catan’s wealth and power, maneuver to attack. Their massive warships loom against the bright orange horizon. You must be strong! Barbarians attack the weakest targets, and the victim of their onslaught will be the player who contributes the least to the defense of Catan. Don’t take any chances! Field your knights! In Catan: Cities & Knights you engage in the defense of Catan and compete to build the three great metropolises of Catan. Each of these magnificent urban centers is even more valuable than a city. They’re also immune to the dangerous barbarians. Invest in city improvements, which you acquire using three commodities of trade: coin, paper, and cloth. If you improve your culture, muster your knights, and enrich your fine cities, you will be the master of the great realm of Catan!


    • Ages 12+
    • 3-4 Players
    • about 90 Minutes


    In stock (additional units can be purchased)

    The game changes the base game in three main ways:

    First, there are 3 new commodities in the game, distinct from resources – paper, cloth, and coins, which can be acquired from Forest, Meadow, and Mountain spaces, respectively. Cities that would normally produce two of one of those resources instead produce 1 resource and 1 of the corresponding commodity. (To make commodities easier to obtain, each player starts the game with 1 city and 1 settlement on the board.) These commodities allow players to build city improvements that confer various advantages and eventually points.

    Second, the deck of development cards is replaced by three different decks, each corresponding to one of the commodities. Building city improvements gives players a chance to draw these cards with every roll of the dice. Building more improvements will increase these chances, but cards cannot be bought directly in any way. These cards are similar to the development cards in the base game, but with a wider range of effects. (Some cards are balanced better as well – the new Resource Monopoly card, for example, can take no more than 2 of the named resource from any one player.)

    Finally, players can also build knights on the island along their network of roads. These knights can be used to claim certain intersections and move the Robber (taking the place of Soldier cards), but are also used to defend the island from periodic barbarian attacks. If the island is successfully defended, the player(s) with the most knights are rewarded. If not, the player(s) with the fewest knights each have a city downgraded to a settlement.

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