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Zach Windahl

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  • Nuevo Testamento Facil De Apre – (Spanish)


    Mucha gente quiere crecer en su fe, pero no sabe por donde empezar. Estudiar la Biblia puede ser abrumador, y los recursos diseados para ayudarnos pueden ser demasiado complicados, lo que hace que muchos duden en siquiera empezar. Con un enfoque simple y agil, el autor y maestro biblico Zach Windahl te explica en 60 dias cada uno de los libros del Nuevo Testamento, en un formato facil de seguir. A traves de un desglose diario de contenido para leer, una descripcion general del texto, puntos reflexivos de enseanza y preguntas de aplicacion personal para ayudar a asimilar el contenido, lograras:

    *ver la historia completa de toda la Biblia
    *aumentar tu conocimiento del Nuevo Testamento
    *interactuar con las Escrituras con confianza
    *cultivar una relacion mas profunda con Dios

    No solo obtendras una mejor comprension del Padre, de su Palabra y de su corazon, sino tambien descubriras un mejor sentido del significado y el proposito para tu vida.

    Too many people want to grow in their faith but don’t know where to start. Studying the Bible can be overwhelming, and even the resources designed to help can be too complicated, leaving many hesitant to even start. Offering a simple, streamlined approach, author and Bible teacher Zach Windahl takes you through each book of the New Testament in 60 days in an easy-to-follow framework. Through a daily breakdown of content to read, an overview of the text, thoughtful teaching points, and personal application questions to help the content sink in, you will:

    *See the big picture story of the entire Bible
    *Increase your knowledge of the New Testament
    *Engage with Scripture confidently
    *Cultivate a deeper relationship with God

    Not only will you come away with a better understanding of the Father, his Word, and his heart, but you will also discover a better sense of meaning and purpose for your life.

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  • Estudio Biblico Para Ninos – (Spanish)


    El estudio biblico para nios es un estudio de la Biblia de un ao de duracion para nios, que reune a toda la familia. El resumen biblico de 52 semanas presenta actividades interactivas, oraciones y aplicaciones personales para los nios, junto con amplias oportunidades de lectura para los adultos. Tiene una narrativa simple que explora las historias de la Biblia en un lenguaje facil que toda la familia puede entender. !Ilustraciones divertidas a todo color para cada historia biblica, asi como versiones de las imagenes que los nios pueden colorear por si mismos! El formato semanal de 5 partes incluye el resumen de una historia biblica, una seccion biblica para “profundizar”, un versiculo para memorizar, una seccion de aplicacion y una oracion. Creemos que crecer cerca de Dios puede comenzar a cualquier edad. !Dejanos ayudarte a guiarte!

    The Bible Study for Kids is a one-year, kid-focused study of the Bible that brings the entire family together. The 52-week biblical overview features kid-friendly interactive activities, prayers, and personal applications, along with extended reading opportunities for adults.

    Simple storytelling explores the stories of the Bible in easy-to-follow language the whole family can understand. Fun, full-color illustrations for each Bible story, as well as versions of the pictures that kids can color themselves! A 5-part weekly framework includes the summary of a Bible story, a “Dive Deeper” Scripture section, a memory verse, an application section, and a prayer. We believe growing close to God can begin at any age. Let us help guide you!

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  • New Testament Made Easy


    So many people want to grow in their faith but don’t know where to start. Studying the Bible can be overwhelming, and even the resources designed to help can be too complicated, leaving many hesitant to even start.

    Offering a simple, streamlined approach, the founder of The Brand Sunday study products Zach Windahl takes you through each book of the New Testament in 60 days in an easy-to-follow framework. Through a daily breakdown of content to read, an overview of the text, thoughtful teaching points, and personal application questions to help the content sink in, you will:

    * see the big picture story of the entire Bible
    * increase your knowledge of the New Testament
    * engage with Scripture confidently
    * cultivate a deeper relationship with God

    Not only will you come away with a better understanding of the Father, his Word, and his heart, but you will also discover a better sense of meaning and purpose for your life.

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  • Mira Lo Bueno – (Spanish)


    Crees que el mundo esta mejorando o empeorando?

    Se esta volviendo mas facil o mas dificil ser cristiano?

    Muchos de nosotros tememos hacia donde se dirigen las cosas en la cultura, la iglesia y nuestras propias vidas. Pero, sabias que el mundo esta mejorando de innumerables formas? (!No, eso no es un error tipografico!) Que podria cambiar si nos enfocaramos en lo bueno?

    Despues de casi perder a su madre a causa del cancer y de luchar con su propia fe, Zach Windahl aprendio a aceptar cualquier cosa que la vida le deparara y eligio ser feliz. Con una narracion vibrante e inspiradora, Mira lo bueno le mostrara no solo como, sino tambien por que debe centrarse en lo positivo y ver lo extraordinario en todo lo que le rodea.

    La vida es dura, no se puede negar eso. Pero elegir enfocarnos en lo bueno conduce a los profundos beneficios que provienen de ver la vida como un regalo asombroso de Aquel que mas nos ama.

    Do you think the world is getting better or worse?

    Is it becoming easier or harder to be a Christian?

    So many of us fear where things are headed in the culture, the church, and our own lives. But did you know the world is getting better in countless ways? (No, that is not a typo!) What could change if we focused on the good?

    After almost losing his mother to cancer and wrestling with his own faith, Zach Windahl learned to take whatever life threw at him and chose to be joyful. With vibrant and inspiring storytelling, See the Good will show you not only how but why you should focus on the positive and see the extraordinary in everything around you.

    There’s no denying that life is hard. But choosing to put our focus on the good leads to the profound benefits that come from seeing life as an amazing gift from the One who loves us best.

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  • Bible Study For Kids


    “NEW! Ideal for kids 6-12 years old. An overview of the whole Bible, designed to be read weekly as a family.

    Each of the 52 key stories features:
    *A brief family devotional
    *Full-color illustration
    *Activity page
    *Coloring page

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