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    Tim Staples

    • 9781938983917 Behold Your Mother

      Behold Your Mother


      From the cross Jesus gave us his mother to be our mother, too: a singularly holy model, consoler, and intercessor for our spiritual journey. Yet most Protestants, and too many Catholics don’t understand the role that God wants her to play in our lives. In Behold Your Mother, Tim Staples takes you through the Church’s teachings about the Blessed Virgin Mary, showing their firm Scriptural and historical roots and dismantling the objections of those who mistakenly believe that Mary competes for the attention due Christ alone. Combining the best recent scholarship with a convert’s in-depth knowledge of the arguments,

      Staples has assembled the most thorough and useful Marian apologetic you’ll find anywhere. Relevant and essential — Mary matters. Read Behold Your Mother and find out just how much.

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    • 9781941663684 20 Answers Mary

      20 Answers Mary


      20 Chapters

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      Handmaid of the Lord

      How can a human woman be God’s mother?
      Where in the Bible does it say that Mary was sinless and a perpetual virgin?
      Doesn’t praying to Mary and calling her “mediatrix” turn her into a kind of goddess?
      What can I do to build and deepen my relationship with Mary as my spiritual mother in heaven?

      In 20 Answers: Mary you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. From the cross, as his mission of redemption reached its climax, Jesus gave us Mary to be our mother. In 20 Answers: Mary you’ll find biblical evidence for Marian doctrine and devotion, answers to common objections to Catholic teachings about Mary, and guidance on how to imitate Christ-which we should do in all things-by loving and honoring his mother.

      The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world-all in a compact, easy-to-read package.

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