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    Sophia Institute Press

    • 9781644133149 Saints Chronicles Collection 5

      Saints Chronicles Collection 5


      The Saints Chronicles bring vividly to life the stories of courageous Christians from the earliest days of Christianity to modern times. All five volumes of this popular graphic novel series are packed with engaging texts and dramatic images that captivate readers of all ages and inspire them to appreciate and live out more fully their participation in the Mystical Body of Christ.

      The stirring adventures of these brave Christian souls remind us that God has in mind for each of us a unique mission worthy of all our imagination and all our daring.

      Appealing to readers of all ages, these graphic novels will educate, enlighten, entertain, and inspire while illuminating the path of holiness and solidifying in your children a decidedly Catholic worldview.

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    • 9781622826803 Saints Chronicles Collection 4

      Saints Chronicles Collection 4


      The Saints Chronicles bring vividly to life the stories of the courageous Christians from the earliest days of Christianity to modern times. All four collections of this Graphic Novel Series are packed with engaging texts and draamtic images that captivate and inspire readers of all ages.

      In this fourth collection, you’ll dive into the life of Christianity’s boldest heroes of the Faith, including: Saint Wilibrord, Saint Margaret of Scotland, Saint Stanislaus, Saint Rose of Lima, and Saint Dominic.

      The stirring adventures of these brave Christian souls remind us that God has in mindfor each of us a unique mission, worthy of all our imagination and all our daring.

      Appealing to readers of all ages, these four Graphic Novels will enhance literacy and promote content retention while introducing Catholic saints in a form that can be enjoyed again and gain.

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    • 9781622826827 Sacraments In Action

      Sacraments In Action


      The Saints Chronicles bring vividly to life the beauty of our Catholic Faith. All four collections of this Graphic Novel Series are packed with engaging texts and dramatic images that captivate and inspire readers of all ages.

      In this fifth collection, you’ll follow Hannah and Andy as they learn about theSacraments of Initiation ???????”???????????????” Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion.

      Appealing to readers of all ages, these four Graphic Novels will enhance literacy and promote content retention while introducing Catholic saints in a form that can be enjoyed again and again.

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    • 9781622826780 Saints Chronicles Collection 3

      Saints Chronicles Collection 3


      The Saints Chroniclesbring vividly to life the stories of courageous Christians from the earliest days of Christianity to modern times. All four collections of this Graphic Novel are packed with engaging texts and dramatic images that captivate and inspire readers of all ages.

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    • 9781622826766 Saints Chronicles Collection 2

      Saints Chronicles Collection 2


      This graphic novel series for young adults brings vividly to life the stories of courageous Christians from the earliest days of Christianity to modern times. Each volume is packed with engaging texts and dramatic images depicting the stirring missions of these brave Christian souls.

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