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    Robert Sarah

    • 9781621646846 He Gave Us So Much

      He Gave Us So Much


      “Benedict XVI was a spiritual master,” writes Robert Cardinal Sarah of his longtime mentor, after his death early 2023. “His very precise and profound theological thought is rooted in an authentic mystical and spiritual experience.” This book offers not an academic analysis of Ratzinger’s intellectual work, but a personal sketch of the “soul of Joseph Ratzinger”, a glimpse into “the secret recesses of his heart”.

      In He Gave Us So Much, Cardinal Sarah traces the spiritual contours of Ratzinger’s life and thought, revealing the image of a man on fire with love for God and neighbor. Benedict XVI was no professor in an ivory tower, but a shepherd and pastor, with the heart of a father. For him, prayer and meditation–communion with Christ–stand at the vibrant center of all Christian existence.

      After a series of essays on Ratzinger, He Gave Us So Much also presents a selection of texts and homilies written by the late pope himself, arranged by Cardinal Sarah as a “spiritual itinerary” for prayer. These works invite us to follow Jesus in our own lives–body, soul, and spirit–to the ends of the earth and beyond.

      “You may discover an unexpected, unknown Benedict XVI,” proposes Cardinal Sarah. “His teaching and his example are a continent, still unexplored, where the Church will be able to find nourishment for a long time.” This is no ordinary biography, but–in Sarah’s words–the “portrait of a saint”.

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    • 9781682782910 For Eternity : Restoring The Priesthood And Our Spiritual Fatherhood

      For Eternity : Restoring The Priesthood And Our Spiritual Fatherhood


      “We have to look at the truth head-on: the priesthood seems to be failing,” explains Cardinal Robert Sarah in this book. “The priesthood, its status, its mission, and its authority have been placed at the service of the worst crimes. . . The search for worldly glory, power, honors, earthly pleasures, and money has infiltrated the hearts of priests, bishops, and cardinals. How can we tolerate such deeds without trembling, without weeping, without asking ourselves probing questions?”

      In the arid desert of Western society, where man believes he is happier without God, Cardinal Sarah invites priests to become ever more clearly the signs of the presence of God in the world.

      Collected here are the writings of the greatest saints to help priests rediscover the essence of their priesthood so the people of God can renew their gaze upon them. This is not a treatise of academic theology, Cardinal Sarah explains, but a theology of the saints that is contemplative and spiritual as well as practical and concrete.

      “Each text will be for us like a renewed way of looking, a luminous feature to draw more accurately the spiritual portrait of the priest as Jesus Christ intended him and as we need him today,” writes Cardinal Sarah. “In light of these teachings of the Church and of the saints, together, we will examine the quality of our relations with God.”

      Ultimately, he claims, priests must avoid becoming simply specialists in God and masters of the Faith. Instead, priests must allow themselves to be transformed, renewed, governed, and divinized by it. It is through a priest’s gospel-filled life and testimony that he will restore God to His place in the world.

      “This book is an invitation to sit at the feet of Jesus, our High Priest,” Cardinal Sarah explains, “to allow ourselves to be renewed in our priesthood. At His feet and following in His footsteps, we learn to be priests, to let ourselves be formed in His image and likeness, and to enter fully into the Christian mysteries that we celebrate with faith.”

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    • 9781682782934 Catechism Of The Spiritual Life

      Catechism Of The Spiritual Life


      In this dynamic and authoritative book on the spiritual life, Cardinal Robert Sarah shows us how to enter into and progress through the spiritual life. He notes that the goal of this book is “to accompany all those who have set their hearts on responding to God’s love with a full, happy, fruitful life that will culminate in the eternal happiness of contemplating Him.”

      Written as a catechism of the spiritual life, this book is organized around the sacraments, prayer, asceticism, and the liturgy and infused with a single goal: to make us all aware that our Baptism is the beginning of a great conversion — the great return to the Father.

      Cardinal Sarah invites you to journey with him through the Gospels and discover the origin and meaning of each of the sacraments and how they are essential to helping you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus, foster your contemplative life, and flourish in communion with the Holy Trinity.

      You will learn about the mysteries of our Faith — from the importance of being baptized shortly after birth, and thereby “plunged into the paschal mystery,” to receiving Confirmation as a child so as to be open to the liberating action of the Holy Spirit.

      You will also learn about how the baptized are to prepare for spiritual priesthood — through docility and offering to God all the love, works, joys, prayers, and sufferings of their lives. In like manner, Cardinal Sarah explains how to renew the ordained priesthood, married life, and much more.

      In chapter after chapter, the cardinal provides wise counsel regarding:

      *How loss of faith in the Real Presence causes a decline in Christian communities
      *Our need to restore the sacredness of the liturgy and silent Eucharistic adoration
      *The power of the Holy Spirit at work through the sacraments of the Church
      *The dangers of revisionist doctrines on morality based on sociology and science
      *Why laws prohibiting our freedom of worship are more deadly than any virus
      *Why the sacrament of Penance is essential for the daily spiritual combat

      You will marvel at how the Old Covenant is fulfilled in the New and how we are called to the marriage banquet of the Lamb. “Without the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, the world is doomed to barbarity, decadence, and death,” Cardinal Sarah asserts. “No government, no ecclesiastical authority can legitimately forbid the celebration of the Eucharist.”

      Cardinal Sarah reminds us that from the earliest centuries, Christians wer

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    • 9781621640509 God Or Nothing

      God Or Nothing


      “The idea of putting Magisterial teaching in a beautiful display case while separating it from pastoral practice, which then could evolve along with circumstances, fashions, and passions, is a sort of heresy, a dangerous schizophrenic pathology. I therefore solemnly state that the Church in Africa is staunchly opposed to any rebellion against the teaching of Jesus and of the Magisterium. . . . The Church of Africa is committed in the name of the Lord Jesus to keeping unchanged the teaching of God and of the Church.”
      Robert Cardinal Sarah

      In this fascinating autobiographical interview, one of the most prominent and outspoken Catholic Cardinals gives witness to his Christian faith and comments on many current controversial issues. The mission of the Church, the joy of the gospel, the heresy of activism , and the definition of marriage are among the topics he discusses with wisdom and eloquence.

      Robert Cardinal Sarah grew up in Guinea, West Africa. Inspired by the missionary priests who made great sacrifices to bring the Faith to their remote village, his parents became Catholics. Robert discerned a call to the priesthood and entered the seminary at a young age, but due to the oppression of the Church by the government of Guinea, he continued his education outside of his homeland. He studied in France and nearby Senegal. Later he obtained a licentiate in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, followed by a licentiate in Sacred Scripture at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum of Jerusalem.

      At the age of thirty-four he became the youngest Bishop in the Catholic Church when John Paul II appointed him the Archbishop of Conakry, Guinea, in 1979. His predecessor had been imprisoned by the Communist government for several years, and when Archbishop Sarah was targeted for assassination John Paul II called him to Rome to be Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI named him Cardinal and appointed him Prefect of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. Pope Francis made him Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in 2014.

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