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    Reina Valera - 1960 (RVR)

    • 9781087768458 Interactive Bible For Kids

      Interactive Bible For Kids


      Los nios podran leer la Biblia como nunca antes, al ver escenas de la Biblia literalmente saltar de la pagina a traves de una aplicacion descargable que les permite ver las imagenes en un formato de realidad aumentada y al mismo tiempo escuchar la narracion del evento.
      Junto a sus padres, los nios podran disfrutar las secciones de Conexiones con Cristo y las Grandes preguntas y respuestas que muestran como la historia de Dios se desarrolla desde el inicio del tiempo y como nosotros encajamos en Su plan. Las paginas de esta Biblia cobran vida y encuentran a los nios en el mundo visual al que estan acostumbrados.

      ?Kids can now be engaged in Bible reading and study as never before, seeing scenes from the Bible literally pop off the page via a free downloadable app that lets them view the images in an augmented reality format, as well as listen to narration of the event.

      Together kids and parents can enjoy the Christ Connections and Big Questions and Answers call outs that show God’s story unfolding from the beginning of time and how we fit into his plan. This meets children in the visual world they are so accustomed to, bringing Bible pages to life.

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    • 9781087706054 Rainbow Study Bible

      Rainbow Study Bible


      La Biblia de Estudio Arco Iris cuenta con un sistema único de «código de colores» que le permite al lector de manera fácil y rápida identificar 12 temas importantes en las Escrituras: Dios, amor, discipulado, fe, pecado, Satanás, salvación, familia, testimonio, mandamientos, historia y profecía. Características: Cada versículo en su propio color de acuerdo con 12 temas clave, edición con las palabras de la Trinidad subrayadas, referencias en columna central, encabezamientos y subtítulos en el texto bíblico, 100 pasajes favoritos, concordancia, mapas a lo largo del texto bíblico y en la sección final, calendario para lectura bíblica diaria, plan para saber que dice Dios, plan de salvación, glosario. The RVR 1960 Rainbow Study Bible has a unique color-coding system that allows the readers to quickly and easily identify twelve major themes on Scripture throughout the text: God, love, discipleship, faith, sin, evil, salvation, family, outreach, commandments, history and prophecy. Features: All verses color-coded  to easily identify 12 major Biblical themes, words of the Trinity underlined for added emphasis, center cross-references, headings and subheadings, throughout Biblical text, 100 popular Bible passages, concordance, in-text Maps and illustrations and special Bible maps in the final section, daily Bible reading calendar, know What God Says, plan of salvation, glossary. 

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    • 9781087706030 Rainbow Study Bible

      Rainbow Study Bible


      La Biblia de Estudio Arco Iris cuenta con un sistema único de «código de colores» que le permite al lector de manera fácil y rápida identificar 12 temas importantes en las Escrituras: Dios, amor, discipulado, fe, pecado, Satanás, salvación, familia, testimonio, mandamientos, historia y profecía. Características: Cada versículo en su propio color de acuerdo con 12 temas clave, edición con las palabras de la Trinidad subrayadas, referencias en columna central, encabezamientos y subtítulos en el texto bíblico, 100 pasajes favoritos, concordancia, mapas a lo largo del texto bíblico y en la sección final, calendario para lectura bíblica diaria, plan para saber que dice Dios, plan de salvación, glosario. The RVR 1960 Rainbow Study Bible has a unique color-coding system that allows the readers to quickly and easily identify twelve major themes on Scripture throughout the text: God, love, discipleship, faith, sin, evil, salvation, family, outreach, commandments, history and prophecy. Features: All verses color-coded  to easily identify 12 major Biblical themes, words of the Trinity underlined for added emphasis, center cross-references, headings and subheadings, throughout Biblical text, 100 popular Bible passages, concordance, in-text Maps and illustrations and special Bible maps in the final section, daily Bible reading calendar, know What God Says, plan of salvation, glossary. 

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    • 9780825459177 True Woman Bible

      True Woman Bible


      Para mujeres que buscan arraigarse en el fundamento solido de las Escrituras Esta Biblia ayudara a que las mujeres se conecten con la Palabra de Dios y la hagan parte integral de sus vidas, a traves de las siguientes ayudas, entre otras: 66 introducciones a los libros de la Biblia escritas por el pastor Sugel Michelen Amplios margenes que facilitan la toma de notas, pensamientos y oraciones, o dibujar los versiculos favoritos Articulos transformacionales enfocados en la feminidad biblica 365 lecturas devocionales escritas para la mujer de hoy Version de la Biblia Reina Valera 1960 This Bible will help women to connect with the Word of God and make it an integral part of their lives, through the following resources, among others: 66 introductions to the books of the Bible written by Pastor Sugel Michelen Wide margins that make it easy to take notes, thoughts and sentences, or draw favorite verses Transformational articles focused on biblical femininity 365 written devotional readings for today’s woman Reina Valera 1960 translation

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    • 9780899579191 Hebrew Greek Key Word Study Bible

      Hebrew Greek Key Word Study Bible


      The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible Spanish Edition is a brand new edition of the best-selling Key Word Study Bible product line. Now available using the Reina-Valera 1960 translation into the Spanish language, this Bible will open up the doors to in-depth study of the Bible’s original languages of Hebrew and Greek. All the features and benefits of using the AMG Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible are available in this edition including Bible book introductions, marking of key words and Strong’s numbers, footnotes and center-column references for in-depth study, Old and New Testament grammatical helps section, and Bible and word study dictionaries in the back of this edition. Bonded Leather Black edition

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    • 9780825456473 Bible For Women After Gods Own Heart

      Bible For Women After Gods Own Heart


      La Biblia de la mujer conforme al corazon de Dios es una Biblia que te informa e instruye, te inspira y edifica, y te deleita y ayuda cada dia. Entre sus herramientas de estudio la Biblia incluye introducciones a los libros de la Biblia, 172 biografias de las principales mujeres y hombres de la Biblia, 25 articulos de sabiduria y 400 perlas de sabiduria, lecturas devocionales diarias, lecciones para la mujer de hoy y mas. The Bible for Women After God’s Own Heart is a Bible that informs and teaches, inspires and helps you grow, and will delight and help you every day. This Bible includes introductions to all of the books of the Bible, 172 biographies of the main women and men of the Bible, 25 wisdom articles and 400 wisdom pearls, daily devotions, lessons for today’s women and more.

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    • 9780825456466 Bible For Women After Gods Own Heart

      Bible For Women After Gods Own Heart


      La Biblia de la mujer conforme al corazon de Dios es una Biblia que te informa e instruye, te inspira y edifica, y te deleita y ayuda cada dia. Entre sus herramientas de estudio la Biblia incluye introducciones a los libros de la Biblia, 172 biografias de las principales mujeres y hombres de la Biblia, 25 articulos de sabiduria y 400 perlas de sabiduria, lecturas devocionales diarias, lecciones para la mujer de hoy y mas. The Bible for Women After God’s Own Heart is a Bible that informs and teaches, inspires and helps you grow, and will delight and help you every day. This Bible includes introductions to all of the books of the Bible, 172 biographies of the main women and men of the Bible, 25 wisdom articles and 400 wisdom pearls, daily devotions, lessons for today’s women and more.

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    • 9781433607974 Gift And Award Bible

      Gift And Award Bible


      Esta Biblia para Regalos y Premios incluye una página de presentación a todo color para que esa ocasión especial sea inolvidable.Características: – Palabras de Cristo en rojo – Subtítulos temáticos – Página de presentación – Concordancia de 62 páginas – Mapas a todo color (excepto en tapa dura) – Plan de salvación     This Gift & Award Bible features a full-color endleaf presentation page to help make any special occasion extra special.Features: – Words of Christ in red – Topical subheadings – Presentation page – 62-page concordance – Full-color maps (except hardcover) – Plan of Salvation

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    • 9781585168989 Super Giant Print Bible

      Super Giant Print Bible


      This super giant print edition is ideal for the pulpit or daily use.

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    • 9780899226279 Precious Moments Bible Precious Angels Edition

      Precious Moments Bible Precious Angels Edition


      Precious Moments Bibles are available once again!

      This newest edition to the family of Precious Moments(R) Bibles is our Precious Angels Bible. This beautifully designed Bible includes the full text of the RVR 1960, combined with 16 full-color images of Sam Butcher’s angelic characters.

      These delightful pages show angels alongside Scriptures on themes such as praise, joy, guidance, worship, protection, loving, caring, and sharing. Also included is a 4-page full-color presentation section and extra pages in the back to lovingly record your own thoughts of praise, joy, loving, caring, sharing, etc. The small trim size is just right for collecting, gift-giving, and the enjoyment of every “angel-lover” in your life.

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    • 9781558192287 Heres Hope New Testament

      Heres Hope New Testament


      Meeting the needs of today’s Hispanic population, Holman offers this efficient and effective tool for testifying at special events or using in missionary work.

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