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    New King James Version (NKJV)

    • 9781400344079 Open Bible Comfort Print

      Open Bible Comfort Print


      Discover the extraordinary depth and wisdom of the Bible for yourself!For over 50 years, The Open Bible has been a trusted resource for exploring and understanding Scripture. Join the millions who have navigated the treasures of God’s Holy Word with a powerful collection of topical tools, outlines, cross-references, articles, and more. With this time-tested Bible, you can trace the interconnected themes from Genesis to Revelation, easily find key teachings, and appreciate the beauty of this divinely inspired 66-book masterpiece.Features include:Topical Index to the Bible-This easy-to-navigate feature quickly displays the scriptural connections between more than 8,000 names, places, concepts, events, and doctrines.Concordance-Quickly find the Bible verses you’re looking for with over 3,500 word entries with over 9,300 Scripture references.The Visual Survey of the Bible-The detailed 24-page visual overview of the Bible unfolds the people, events, and themes of scripture at a glance. Life application notes crystallize central spiritual truths.Bible Book Introductions-Extensive at-a-glance outlines plus a detailed overview of the overview help broaden your perspective of each book.How to Study the Bible-Expert advice for both personal and family Bible study, plus helpful principles of Bible interpretation.Over 200 Word StudiesOver 40 Charts, Maps, and IllustrationsStarred Messianic Prophecies-420 stars in the OT and NT denoting prophecies about JesusThe Christian’s Guide to the New Life-A complete doctrinal overview of Scripture divided into 32 “Christian Guides,” supported by hundreds of scripture references.And more: The Scarlet Thread of Redemption, , Read Your Bible Through the Year, 60 Days Through the Story of Scripture reading plan, Between the Testaments, Teachings and Illustrations of Christ, Prophecies of the Messiah Fulfilled in Christ, The Parables of Jesus Christ, The Miracles of Jesus Christ, A History of the Twelve Apostles, The English Bible and Its Development, The History of the Red Letter Bible, Facts about the Bible, The Laws of the Bible, Detailed Maps, A Harmony of the Gospels, and still more.Clear and readable 9-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)

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    • 9781400336036 Color Code Bible For Kids Comfort Print

      Color Code Bible For Kids Comfort Print


      The Color Code Bible for Kids helps kids understand important biblical truths with a unique color-code system. With more than 1,900 verses highlighted in vibrant colors, a child can quickly identify major topics found in Scripture in nine different categories: God, Jesus, sin, salvation, love, worship, growth, heaven, and family.Key features include:1,900 highlighted verses clearly calling out key topics for children to apply to their faith journeyIndex to color code highlights to quickly find important topics throughout ScriptureReading plans provide guidance on how to read the Bible on a daily basisTeaching articles for background information to gain a deeper understanding of ScriptureMiracles and parables of Jesus charts provide a visual representation of key teachings and stories of Jesus in the BibleClear and readable 9-Point Comfort Print

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    • 9781400338566 NoteWorthy New Testament Read And Journal Through The New Testament In A Ye

      NoteWorthy New Testament Read And Journal Through The New Testament In A Ye


      Embark on a 365-day journey through the New Testament with daily readings and generous, lined space for notes. The NoteWorthy New Testament is a great way to daily study the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation. Designed to begin any day of the year, start your 365-day journey through the Gospels, the birth of the Christian church, and the promised return of Jesus Christ. This edition offers generous, lined space for notetaking or journaling as you read. The seventh day of each week offers a fully lined single page for more extended journaling or as a larger space to record your reflections, insights, or prayers.Features include:Daily readings for six days of each weekEvery seventh day is an entire page lined for journalingGenerous room to take notes or journal on each page of Scripture readingStart any day of the year Clear and readable 9-point NKJV Comfort Print

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    • 9781400338559 NoteWorthy New Testament Read And Journal Through The New Testament In A Ye

      NoteWorthy New Testament Read And Journal Through The New Testament In A Ye


      Embark on a 365-day journey through the New Testament with daily readings and generous, lined space for notes. The NoteWorthy New Testament is a great way to daily study the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation. Designed to begin any day of the year, start your 365-day journey through the Gospels, the birth of the Christian church, and the promised return of Jesus Christ. This edition offers generous, lined space for notetaking or journaling as you read. The seventh day of each week offers a fully lined single page for more extended journaling or as a larger space to record your reflections, insights, or prayers.Features include:Daily readings for six days of each weekEvery seventh day is an entire page lined for journalingGenerous room to take notes or journal on each page of Scripture readingStart any day of the year Clear and readable 9-point NKJV Comfort Print

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    • 9781400336012 Color Code Bible For Kids Comfort Print

      Color Code Bible For Kids Comfort Print


      The Color Code Bible for Kids helps kids understand important biblical truths with a unique color-code system. With more than 1,900 verses highlighted in vibrant colors, a child can quickly identify major topics found in Scripture in nine different categories: God, Jesus, sin, salvation, love, worship, growth, heaven, and family.Key features include:1,900 highlighted verses clearly calling out key topics for children to apply to their faith journeyIndex to color code highlights to quickly find important topics throughout ScriptureReading plans provide guidance on how to read the Bible on a daily basisTeaching articles for background information to gain a deeper understanding of ScriptureMiracles and parables of Jesus charts provide a visual representation of key teachings and stories of Jesus in the BibleClear and readable 9-Point Comfort Print

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    • 9781400335886 Grace For The Moment Daily Bible Comfort Print

      Grace For The Moment Daily Bible Comfort Print


      Drench yourself in grace as you spend a few moments each day in God’s Word.You have not been spattered with grace. You have not been sprinkled with forgiveness. You have not been dusted with kindness. You have been immersed in it. As a child of God, you are submerged in His mercy. Welcome God’s pure gift. Drink deeply from God’s endless aquifer of grace.Bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado invites you to drench yourself in grace as you spend a few moments each day in God’s Word. Excerpts from Max’s works, on topics that are relevant to your life, help you connect daily with the Savior and experience the fullness of His grace. Each of the 365 readings features a selection from Grace for the Moment, and portions from the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, and Proverbs.Features include:Read through the Bible in a year with portions of the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, and ProverbsA devotional each day from Max Lucado tailored to the day’s reading to easily connect God’s Word to your life365 daily readings from the first and second volumes of Grace for the MomentDouble-column layoutThe complete text of Scripture in the New King James Version of the BibleClear and readable 8.5-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)

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    • 9780785296089 Life In Christ Bible Comfort Print

      Life In Christ Bible Comfort Print


      Discover who God says you are-and who Christ makes you to be-from the pages of Scripture.Our identities-the people we are-shape how we live each day. We build our identities around our work, our interests, and our families. God made us to live out of a deeper identity, one based in who He says we are, and find fulfilment in the identity Christ gives us. The Life in Christ Bible invites you to discover, believe, and rejoice in who God says you are. You will learn what it means to bear God’s image and find our identity in Christ with notes that trace these themes throughout all Scripture. You will explore what it means to live out of your true identity day-by-day with practical wisdom from 16 key topics. And you will be encouraged by quotes revealing the good news of being made in the image of God and conformed to the image of Christ (Genesis 1:27; Romans 8:29).Features include: Book introductions that feature identity-related themes and topics found in each book1000 chain-referenced notes connected to 40 themes related to our identity in Christ that run throughout the Bible70 chained articles addressing 16 identity-focused topics50 encouraging quotes about our identity and life in Christ20 chartsConcordanceEnd of page translators’ notes and cross referencesLine-matched, single-column typesettingClear and readable 9-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)

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    • 9780785296072 Life In Christ Bible Comfort Print

      Life In Christ Bible Comfort Print


      Discover who God says you are-and who Christ makes you to be-from the pages of Scripture.Our identities-the people we are-shape how we live each day. We build our identities around our work, our interests, and our families. God made us to live out of a deeper identity, one based in who He says we are, and find fulfilment in the identity Christ gives us. The Life in Christ Bible invites you to discover, believe, and rejoice in who God says you are. You will learn what it means to bear God’s image and find our identity in Christ with notes that trace these themes throughout all Scripture. You will explore what it means to live out of your true identity day-by-day with practical wisdom from 16 key topics. And you will be encouraged by quotes revealing the good news of being made in the image of God and conformed to the image of Christ (Genesis 1:27; Romans 8:29).Features include: Book introductions that feature identity-related themes and topics found in each book1000 chain-referenced notes connected to 40 themes related to our identity in Christ that run throughout the Bible70 chained articles addressing 16 identity-focused topics50 encouraging quotes about our identity and life in Christ20 chartsConcordanceEnd of page translators’ notes and cross referencesLine-matched, single-column typesettingClear and readable 9-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)

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    • 9780785295990 Life In Christ Bible Comfort Print

      Life In Christ Bible Comfort Print


      Discover who God says you are-and who Christ makes you to be-from the pages of Scripture.Our identities-the people we are-shape how we live each day. We build our identities around our work, our interests, and our families. God made us to live out of a deeper identity, one based in who He says we are, and find fulfilment in the identity Christ gives us. The Life in Christ Bible invites you to discover, believe, and rejoice in who God says you are. You will learn what it means to bear God’s image and find our identity in Christ with notes that trace these themes throughout all Scripture. You will explore what it means to live out of your true identity day-by-day with practical wisdom from 16 key topics. And you will be encouraged by quotes revealing the good news of being made in the image of God and conformed to the image of Christ (Genesis 1:27; Romans 8:29).Features include: Book introductions that feature identity-related themes and topics found in each book1000 chain-referenced notes connected to 40 themes related to our identity in Christ that run throughout the Bible70 chained articles addressing 16 identity-focused topics50 encouraging quotes about our identity and life in Christ20 chartsConcordanceEnd of page translators’ notes and cross referencesLine-matched, single-column typesettingClear and readable 9-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)

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    • 9781400343706 Large Print Outreach New Testament Bible Comfort Print

      Large Print Outreach New Testament Bible Comfort Print


      The NKJV Large Print Outreach New Testament is a great edition to provide to first-time Bible readers looking to discover the good news of God’s Word. Ideal for evangelism, this New Testament includes a clear gospel presentation in the front, an easy-to-follow, double-column format, plus a clear and readable large print.Features include:New Testament in the beautiful and trusted New King James VersionGospel presentation in the frontDouble-column formatClear and readable 10.5-point NKJV Comfort Print

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    • 9780825448805 Woman After Gods Own Heart Bible

      Woman After Gods Own Heart Bible


      New King James VersionIn A Woman After God’s Own Heart Bible, Elizabeth has integrated her life-changing devotions into a Bible packed with extra features designed to lead you to discover afresh the transformative power of God’s Word.You will be informed, instructed, and encouraged through the daily devotionals and the comprehensive study features that include: a More than 250 highlighted verses that have most impacted Elizabeth’s spiritual walk a Over 150 biographies of well-known-and not so well-known-women of the Bible a Introductions to every book of the Bible to help you approach the text a A review of each book’s main teaching that will impact your personal life a Full-page topical reflections on 25 of life’s challenges a Plus 400 brief whispers of practical wisdom for your heart and mindWomen around the world are drawn to Elizabeth’s approach of daily starting with the Bible to handle life’s challenges. A Woman After God’s Own Heart Bible gathers her tools so that they can be your guide as well.

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    • 9780785291176 Prayer Bible Comfort Print

      Prayer Bible Comfort Print


      Even when you can’t find the words, the Prayer Bible guides you in praying the life-giving Word of God, offering prayer prompts for each of the Bible’s 1,189 chapters.The Prayer Bible guides you in praying the life-giving Word of God. This long-standing practice teaches you to engage the Scriptures in prayer, giving you the words to pray even when you don’t know what to pray. Each of the Bible’s 1,189 chapters offer a prayer prompt, so you can engage the arc of Scripture through prayer. With a total of 1,200 prayer prompts, and as part of the Abide Bible editions, The Prayer Bible enables you to experience the depth and everyday meaning of every chapter of the Bible.Features include:Introduction on how to use The Prayer BibleBible book introductions1,200 prayer prompts, at least one for each chapter of the BibleWords of Christ in redPresentation pageSatin ribbonClear and readable 8.5-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)

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    • 9780785291183 Prayer Bible Comfort Print

      Prayer Bible Comfort Print


      Even when you can’t find the words, the Prayer Bible guides you in praying the life-giving Word of God, offering prayer prompts for each of the Bible’s 1,189 chapters.The Prayer Bible guides you in praying the life-giving Word of God. This long-standing practice teaches you to engage the Scriptures in prayer, giving you the words to pray even when you don’t know what to pray. Each of the Bible’s 1,189 chapters offer a prayer prompt, so you can engage the arc of Scripture through prayer. With a total of 1,200 prayer prompts, and as part of the Abide Bible editions, The Prayer Bible enables you to experience the depth and everyday meaning of every chapter of the Bible.Features include:Introduction on how to use The Prayer BibleBible book introductions1,200 prayer prompts, at least one for each chapter of the BibleWords of Christ in redPresentation pageSatin ribbonClear and readable 8.5-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)

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    • 9780310460879 Teen Study Bible

      Teen Study Bible


      The bestselling NKJV Teen Study Bible helps teens apply God’s Word to the issues they face every day!Full of study features to help today’s teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God’s Word relates to their lives, the NKJV Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world. Teens will discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and how to apply them to the issues they face every day as they read biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems such as bullying and depression. As teens navigate their hectic and sometimes stressful lives, this study Bible will help them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them, and they are never alone.Now available in the exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, the NKJV Teen Study Bible is as easy to read as it is to understand. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New King James Version (NKJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation.Features:Complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV)”We Believe” features unpack the Apostles’ Creed to reveal the biblical foundation of faith”Panorama” features keep the big picture of each book of the Bible in viewTopical indexes help with in-depth Bible studyBook introductions provide an overview for each book of the BibleBiblical advice about friends, family, school, and other issuesImportant Bible verses to memorizeQ and As test your Bible knowledgeProfiles of people in the BiblePresentation page for gift givingTwo-color page design8-page full-color map sectionExclusive NKJV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 9.5

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    • 9780310460886 Teen Study Bible

      Teen Study Bible


      The bestselling NKJV Teen Study Bible helps teens apply God’s Word to the issues they face every day!Full of study features to help today’s teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God’s Word relates to their lives, the NKJV Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world. Teens will discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and how to apply them to the issues they face every day as they read biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems such as bullying and depression. As teens navigate their hectic and sometimes stressful lives, this study Bible will help them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them, and they are never alone.Now available in the exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, the NKJV Teen Study Bible is as easy to read as it is to understand. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New King James Version (NKJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation.Features:Complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV)”We Believe” features unpack the Apostles’ Creed to reveal the biblical foundation of faith”Panorama” features keep the big picture of each book of the Bible in viewTopical indexes help with in-depth Bible studyBook introductions provide an overview for each book of the BibleBiblical advice about friends, family, school, and other issuesImportant Bible verses to memorizeQ and As test your Bible knowledgeProfiles of people in the BiblePresentation page for gift givingTwo-color page design8-page full-color map sectionSilver-stained page edgesTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive NKJV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 9.5

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    • 9781400333097 Compact Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Compact Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Enjoy the beautiful and trusted New King James Version in a classic hand-sized volume. This edition places over 43,000 cross-references between the two columns of Scripture text. The traditional format utilizes Thomas Nelson’s exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, making it the small Bible that has everything you need to take along with you.Features include:Center-column with 43,000 cross-references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyVerse-style formatConcise concordanceFull-color maps Flexible and strong Smyth-sewn bindingEasy-to-read 8-point NKJV Comfort Print

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    • 9781400333035 Compact Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Compact Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Enjoy the beautiful and trusted New King James Version in a classic hand-sized volume. This edition places over 43,000 cross-references between the two columns of Scripture text. The traditional format utilizes Thomas Nelson’s exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, making it the small Bible that has everything you need to take along with you.Features include:Center-column with 43,000 cross-references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyVerse-style formatConcise concordanceFull-color maps Flexible and strong Smyth-sewn bindingEasy-to-read 8-point NKJV Comfort Print

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    • 9781400333028 Compact Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Compact Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Enjoy the beautiful and trusted New King James Version in a classic hand-sized volume. This edition places over 43,000 cross-references between the two columns of Scripture text. The traditional format utilizes Thomas Nelson’s exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, making it the small Bible that has everything you need to take along with you.Features include:Center-column with 43,000 cross-references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyVerse-style formatConcise concordanceFull-color maps Flexible and strong Smyth-sewn bindingEasy-to-read 8-point NKJV Comfort Print

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    • 9780310459354 Thompson Chain Reference Bible Large Print Comfort Print

      Thompson Chain Reference Bible Large Print Comfort Print


      An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson(R) Chain-Reference(R) Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The NKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Large Print is printed in the NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New King James Version (NKJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation. This Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read.Features:Complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV)Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 referencesAlphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical studyAn extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study toolsFresh, two-color page design66 book introductions16-page full-color map section with map indexLine-matched text for enhanced readabilityWords of Jesus in redPresentation page for gift-givingGilded page edgesTwo double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wideLeathersoft cover lies flat when openThumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easierExclusive NKJV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 10.5

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    • 9780310459309 Thompson Chain Reference Bible Handy Size Comfort Print

      Thompson Chain Reference Bible Handy Size Comfort Print


      An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson(R) Chain-Reference(R) Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The NKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Handy Size is printed in the NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New King James Version (NKJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation. This Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read.Features:Complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV)Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 referencesAlphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical studyAn extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study toolsFresh, two-color page design66 book introductions16-page full-color map section with map indexLine-matched text for enhanced readabilityWords of Jesus in redPresentation page for gift-givingPersonal size for easy carryingGilded page edgesTwo double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wideLeathersoft cover lies flat when openThumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easierExclusive NKJV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 8

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    • 9780825447815 Woman After Gods Own Heart Bible

      Woman After Gods Own Heart Bible


      New King James VersionIn A Woman After God’s Own Heart Bible, Elizabeth has integrated her life-changing devotions into a Bible packed with extra features designed to lead you to discover afresh the transformative power of God’s Word.You will be informed, instructed, and encouraged through the daily devotionals and the comprehensive study features that include: a More than 250 highlighted verses that have most impacted Elizabeth’s spiritual walk a Over 150 biographies of well-known-and not so well-known-women of the Bible a Introductions to every book of the Bible to help you approach the text a A review of each book’s main teaching that will impact your personal life a Full-page topical reflections on 25 of life’s challenges a Plus 400 brief whispers of practical wisdom for your heart and mindWomen around the world are drawn to Elizabeth’s approach of daily starting with the Bible to handle life’s challenges. A Woman After God’s Own Heart Bible gathers her tools so that they can be your guide as well.

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    • 9781400333332 Compact Paragraph Style Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Compact Paragraph Style Reference Bible Comfort Print


      This hand sized NKJV edition is the perfect travel companion for readers who like to take their Bibles with them throughout the day. Though it fits easily into backpacks and purses, you won’t have to sacrifice readability or study resources.The exclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface was designed to be easy to read at any size, so you can experience deeper engagement in God’s Word. This edition also includes over 73,000 cross-references, a concordance, and full-color maps so you have everything you need for serious study at your fingertips.Features include:Presentation pageRed letter words of Christ73,000+ cross-references trace the connections in ScriptureConcordanceFull-color mapsSatin ribbon markerClear and readable 7.5-point NKJV Comfort PrintCommissioned in 1975 by Thomas Nelson, 130 international and multi-denominational Bible scholars, church leaders, and lay Christians worked for seven years to create a completely new, modern translation of Scripture that retained the purity and stylistic beauty of the King James Version. The New King James Version is faithful to the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text, and provides transparency to the recent research in archaeology, linguistics, and textual studies in the footnotes. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising-perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud.

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    • 9781400333325 Compact Paragraph Style Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Compact Paragraph Style Reference Bible Comfort Print


      This hand sized NKJV edition is the perfect travel companion for readers who like to take their Bibles with them throughout the day. Though it fits easily into backpacks and purses, you won’t have to sacrifice readability or study resources.The exclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface was designed to be easy to read at any size, so you can experience deeper engagement in God’s Word. This edition also includes over 73,000 cross-references, a concordance, and full-color maps so you have everything you need for serious study at your fingertips.Features include:Presentation pageRed letter words of Christ73,000+ cross-references trace the connections in ScriptureConcordanceFull-color mapsSatin ribbon markerClear and readable 7.5-point NKJV Comfort PrintCommissioned in 1975 by Thomas Nelson, 130 international and multi-denominational Bible scholars, church leaders, and lay Christians worked for seven years to create a completely new, modern translation of Scripture that retained the purity and stylistic beauty of the King James Version. The New King James Version is faithful to the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text, and provides transparency to the recent research in archaeology, linguistics, and textual studies in the footnotes. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising-perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud.

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    • 9781400333295 Compact Paragraph Style Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Compact Paragraph Style Reference Bible Comfort Print


      This hand sized NKJV edition is the perfect travel companion for readers who like to take their Bibles with them throughout the day. Though it fits easily into backpacks and purses, you won’t have to sacrifice readability or study resources.The exclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface was designed to be easy to read at any size, so you can experience deeper engagement in God’s Word. This edition also includes over 73,000 cross-references, a concordance, and full-color maps so you have everything you need for serious study at your fingertips.Features include:Presentation pageRed letter words of Christ73,000+ cross-references trace the connections in ScriptureConcordanceFull-color mapsClear and readable 7.5-point NKJV Comfort PrintCommissioned in 1975 by Thomas Nelson, 130 international and multi-denominational Bible scholars, church leaders, and lay Christians worked for seven years to create a completely new, modern translation of Scripture that retained the purity and stylistic beauty of the King James Version. The New King James Version is faithful to the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text, and provides transparency to the recent research in archaeology, linguistics, and textual studies in the footnotes. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising-perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud.

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    • 9781400330034 Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      The NKJV Super Giant Print Reference Bible features the largest available print size of the exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, which was designed to be the easiest to read at any size.Enjoy reading the beautiful, trustworthy New King James Version, printed in extra-large Comfort Print. In addition to the Scripture text, there are extensive cross-references, a concordance, and full-color maps so you’ll have essential study tools at your fingertips.Features include:More than 43,000 cross-referencesWords of Christ in redConcordanceOne-year reading planFull-color mapsSatin ribbon markersClear and readable 15-point NKJV Comfort Print

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    • 9781400329878 Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      The NKJV Super Giant Print Reference Bible features the largest available print size of the exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, which was designed to be the easiest to read at any size.Enjoy reading the beautiful, trustworthy New King James Version, printed in extra-large Comfort Print. In addition to the Scripture text, there are extensive cross-references, a concordance, and full-color maps so you’ll have essential study tools at your fingertips.Features include:More than 43,000 cross-referencesWords of Christ in redConcordanceOne-year reading planFull-color mapsSatin ribbon markersClear and readable 15-point NKJV Comfort Print

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    • 9780785296348 Interleaved Bible Journal Edition Comfort Print

      Interleaved Bible Journal Edition Comfort Print


      If you never have enough room for notes in your Bible, this is your answer.The NKJV Interleaved Bible, Journal Edition is the ultimate scripture journaling experience. Following a historic practice of placing blank pages throughout the entire Bible, it allows you to record study notes, prayers, observations from the Bible, sermon notes, and the story of your spiritual growth.Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the New King James Version (NKJV) remains a bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the NKJV translators relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used for the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising-perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud.Features include:Traditional double column Scripture text for a clean reading experienceA blank page inserted between each page of Scripture provides space to reflect, journal or create art next to your favorite verses2 double-faced satin ribbons allow you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were readingWords of Christ in red quickly identify verses spoken by JesusSturdy 45gsm paper limits bleed through ideal for taking notes in your BibleClear and readable 9-point NKJV Comfort Print

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    • 9781496452030 Life Application Study Bible Third Edition Large Print

      Life Application Study Bible Third Edition Large Print


      Trusted & Treasured by Millions of Readers over 30 Years, the Life Application Study Bible Is
      Today’s #1-Selling Study Bible.

      Now it has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights for understanding and applying God’s Word to everyday life in today’s world.

      With a fresh, two-color interior design and meaningfully updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions you may have and provides you with practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your life every day.

      The Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition includes the full text of the Holy Bible in the New King James Version (NKJV).

      This is a large-print edition, providing clear, readable text.

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    • 9781496452085 Life Application Study Bible Third Edition Large Print

      Life Application Study Bible Third Edition Large Print


      Trusted & Treasured by Millions of Readers over 30 Years, the Life Application Study Bible Is
      Today’s #1-Selling Study Bible.

      Now it has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights for understanding and applying God’s Word to everyday life in today’s world.

      With a fresh, two-color interior design and meaningfully updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions you may have and provides you with practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your life every day.

      The Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition includes the full text of the Holy Bible in the New King James Version (NKJV).

      This is a large-print edition, providing clear, readable text.

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    • 9781496452108 Life Application Study Bible Third Edition Large Print

      Life Application Study Bible Third Edition Large Print


      Trusted & Treasured by Millions of Readers over 30 Years, the Life Application Study Bible Is
      Today’s #1-Selling Study Bible.

      Now it has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights for understanding and applying God’s Word to everyday life in today’s world.

      With a fresh, two-color interior design and meaningfully updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions you may have and provides you with practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your life every day.

      The Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition includes the full text of the Holy Bible in the New King James Version (NKJV).

      This is a large-print edition, providing clear, readable text.

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    • 9780785291510 Thinline Youth Edition Bible Verse Art Cover Collection Comfort Print

      Thinline Youth Edition Bible Verse Art Cover Collection Comfort Print


      The NKJV Thinline Youth Edition Bible is ideal for students to take God’s Word with them anywhere. It is lightweight and convenient and fits easily into a backpack or purse. This edition, however, doesn’t sacrifice readability for portability.As part of the Verse Art Cover Collection, this edition is branded with a powerful verse that will inspire students to keep coming back to God’s Word.Features include:Clear and readable 8-point NKJV Comfort Print Words of Christ in redOne-year reading planA Visual Survey of the BibleGetting to Know God section outlines the plan of salvationFull-color maps

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    • 9780785291503 Thinline Youth Edition Bible Verse Art Cover Collection Comfort Print

      Thinline Youth Edition Bible Verse Art Cover Collection Comfort Print


      The NKJV Thinline Youth Edition Bible is ideal for students to take God’s Word with them anywhere. It is lightweight and convenient and fits easily into a backpack or purse. This edition, however, doesn’t sacrifice readability for portability.As part of the Verse Art Cover Collection, this edition is branded with a powerful verse that will inspire students to keep coming back to God’s Word.Features include:Clear and readable 8-point NKJV Comfort Print Words of Christ in redOne-year reading planA Visual Survey of the BibleGetting to Know God section outlines the plan of salvationFull-color maps

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    • 9780785291442 Holy Bible For Kids Verse Art Cover Collection Comfort Print

      Holy Bible For Kids Verse Art Cover Collection Comfort Print


      Kids will be proud to carry this easy-to-read edition of the timeless New King James Version. The NKJV Bible for Kids is ideal for children ages 6-10 to read on their own or with the family. Age-appropriate tools are included to help early readers begin to interact with and explore the Scriptures independently. As part of the Verse Art Cover Collection, this edition’s cover is branded with an inspiring verse ideal for committing to memory.

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    • 9780310460008 Thompson Chain Reference Bible

      Thompson Chain Reference Bible


      The NKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible compels you to experience the harmony of God’s Word with an optimal cross-reference system that has been enriching the spiritual hearts and minds of believers for over 100 years!

      Scripture is presented with a reference system that acts as a guide, not merely a tool, allowing you to explore a specific topic methodically through the entirety of the text. Relevant scripture verses are linked together, with over 100,000 topical references and 8,000 chain topics, enabling a study of the Bible that is relevant for all of the faithful- from those interested in what the Bible says about a particular word of interest to those wanting to prepare a sermon that delivers the unity of God’s special revelation to a divided world.

      Some biblical study helps can be cluttered in with God’s Word; unintentionally distracting the reader from the simplicity of biblical truth. You will find, however, that the NKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible’s highly structured and organized cross-reference system has been refined and updated through the years to deliver a reading and study experience that will encourage you to explore Scripture and discover what God has revealed about topics that interest you.

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    • 9780785238409 Giant Print Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Giant Print Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Reading the Bible is now even easier in this extra-large Comfort Print edition from Thomas Nelson. Enjoy the full text of the Holy Bible in the trustworthy New King James Version. This classic Scripture design features two columns of Scripture with an extensive center-column cross-reference system.Features include: Complete text of the beautiful New King James VersionExclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print typefaceComplete center-column reference systemBook introductionsConcordanceWords of Christ in redFull-color mapsEasy-to-read 13.5-point print size

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    • 9780785238317 Giant Print Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Giant Print Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Reading the Bible is now even easier in this extra-large Comfort Print edition from Thomas Nelson. Enjoy the full text of the Holy Bible in the trustworthy New King James Version. This classic Scripture design features two columns of Scripture with an extensive center-column cross-reference system.Features include: Complete text of the beautiful New King James VersionExclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print typefaceComplete center-column reference systemBook introductionsConcordanceWords of Christ in redFull-color mapsEasy-to-read 13.5-point print size

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    • 9780785236405 Holy Bible For Kids

      Holy Bible For Kids


      Kids will be proud to carry this easy-to-read edition of the timeless New King James Version. The NKJV Holy Bible for Kids is ideal for kids ages 6-10 to read on their own or with the family. Age-appropriate tools are included in this Bible to help early readers begin to interact with and explore the Scriptures independently.Features include:Clear & readable 9.5-point NKJV Comfort Print Full color Bible maps help readers visualize historical events and where they happenedStudy helps designed specifically for beginning Bible readers, including the Miracles of Jesus, Names of God, Kids in the Bible, Scripture memorization, and the importance of reading the BibleDictionary-Concordance clarifies words used in ScriptureBook introductions provide context about how each book plays a part in the bigger picture of the biblical storyReading plans provide an easy framework to help guide kids as they experience God and His Word

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    • 9780785238225 Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Enjoy God’s Word in the trustworthy New King James Version in the largest print size available. With the NKJV Super Giant Print Reference Bible, you won’t have to sacrifice study features for readability. A complete cross-reference system, a concordance, and full-color maps make this the go-to Bible you’ll look forward to reading.Features include:Complete text of the beautiful New King James VersionExclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print typefaceComplete cross-reference systemConcordanceWords of Christ in redFull-color mapsEasy-to-read 17-point print size

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    • 9780785236399 Holy Bible For Kids

      Holy Bible For Kids


      Kids will be proud to carry this easy-to-read edition of the timeless New King James Version. The NKJV Holy Bible for Kids is ideal for kids ages 6-10 to read on their own or with the family. Age-appropriate tools are included in this Bible to help early readers begin to interact with and explore the Scriptures independently.Features include:Clear & readable 9.5-point NKJV Comfort Print Full color Bible maps help readers visualize historical events and where they happenedStudy helps designed specifically for beginning Bible readers, including the Miracles of Jesus, Names of God, Kids in the Bible, Scripture memorization, and the importance of reading the BibleDictionary-Concordance clarifies words used in ScriptureBook introductions provide context about how each book plays a part in the bigger picture of the biblical storyReading plans provide an easy framework to help guide kids as they experience God and His Word

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    • 9780785238416 Giant Print Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Giant Print Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Reading the Bible is now even easier in this extra-large Comfort Print edition from Thomas Nelson. Enjoy the full text of the Holy Bible in the trustworthy New King James Version. This classic Scripture design features two columns of Scripture with an extensive center-column cross-reference system.Features include: Complete text of the beautiful New King James VersionExclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print typefaceComplete center-column reference systemThumb-indexing along the page edges to make it easier to locate booksBook introductionsConcordanceWords of Christ in redFull-color mapsEasy-to-read 13.5-point print size

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    • 9780785238201 Giant Print Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print

      Giant Print Center Column Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Reading the Bible is now even easier in this extra-large Comfort Print edition from Thomas Nelson. Enjoy the full text of the Holy Bible in the trustworthy New King James Version. This classic Scripture design features two columns of Scripture with an extensive center-column cross-reference system.Features include: Complete text of the beautiful New King James VersionExclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print typefaceComplete center-column reference systemBook introductionsConcordanceWords of Christ in redFull-color mapsEasy-to-read 13.5-point print size

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • 9780310109457 Adventure Bible Full Color

      Adventure Bible Full Color


      Take your kids on an adventure through God’s Word with the #1 Bible for kids!The NKJV Adventure BibleA(R) will get kids excited about reading the Scriptures! Kids will be captivated with the full-color features that make reading the Bible and memorizing their favorite verses engaging and fun. Along the way they will meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly, they will grow closer in their relationship with God.Features include:Complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV)Full-color design throughout – makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engagingLife in Bible Times-Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient daysWords to Treasure-Highlights great verses to memorizeDid You Know?-Interesting facts help you understand God’s Word and the life of faithPeople in Bible Times-Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the BibleLive It!-Hands-on activities help you apply biblical truths to your lifeTwenty special pages-Focus on topics such as famous people of the Bible, highlights of the life of Jesus, how to pray, and the love passage for kids, all with a jungle safari themeBook introductions with useful facts about each book of the BibleDictionary/concordance for looking up tricky wordsColor map section to help locate places in the BibleUniquely-designed cover with a magnetic flap closure to protect the Bible’s pages9-point type size

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    • 9780785233602 End Of Verse Reference Bible Personal Size Large Print

      End Of Verse Reference Bible Personal Size Large Print


      Exploring God’s Word on the go just got easier. This edition not only includes the full text of the trustworthy New King James Version in an easy-to-read large print, but it is also small enough for everyday use and easy navigation with thousands of cross-references conveniently located at the end of verses.Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the NKJV remains the bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the translators relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used by the translators of the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising-perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud. Features include:Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print Line-matched large print typeVerse-style layout for easy navigationVerse-by-verse cross-references to easily navigate the connections throughout ScripturePortable personal-size format, perfect for your everyday-carry BibleDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • 9780785233596 End Of Verse Reference Bible Personal Size Large Print

      End Of Verse Reference Bible Personal Size Large Print


      Exploring God’s Word on the go just got easier. This edition not only includes the full text of the trustworthy New King James Version in an easy-to-read large print, but it is also small enough for everyday use and easy navigation with thousands of cross-references conveniently located at the end of verses.Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the NKJV remains the bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the translators relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used by the translators of the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising-perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud. Features include:Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print Line-matched large print typeVerse-style layout for easy navigationVerse-by-verse cross-references to easily navigate the connections throughout ScripturePortable personal-size format, perfect for your everyday-carry BibleDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • 9780785233398 End Of Verse Reference Bible Compact Comfort Print

      End Of Verse Reference Bible Compact Comfort Print


      Reading the Bible on the go? This compact-sized edition was designed with you in mind. Even though this Bible is small, you don’t have to compromise size for readability. Plus, thousands of cross references are conveniently located at the end of verses to help you make connections throughout Scripture.Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the NKJV remains the bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the translators relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used by the translators of the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising-perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud. Features include:Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print Cross references conveniently located at the end of versesVerse-style layout for easy navigationPortable personal size format, perfect for your everyday-carry Bible.Line matchedDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn bindingDouble ribbonsGilded page edgesConcordance

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • 9780785233442 End Of Verse Reference Bible Compact Comfort Print

      End Of Verse Reference Bible Compact Comfort Print


      Reading the Bible on the go? This compact-sized edition was designed with you in mind. Even though this Bible is small, you don’t have to compromise size for readability. Plus, thousands of cross references are conveniently located at the end of verses to help you make connections throughout Scripture.

      Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the NKJV remains the bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the translators relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used by the translators of the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising-perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud.

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    • 9780785233459 End Of Verse Reference Bible Compact Comfort Print

      End Of Verse Reference Bible Compact Comfort Print


      Reading the Bible on the go? This compact-sized edition was designed with you in mind. Even though this Bible is small, you don’t have to compromise size for readability. Plus, thousands of cross references are conveniently located at the end of verses to help you make connections throughout Scripture.Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the NKJV remains the bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the translators relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used by the translators of the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising-perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud. Features include:Clear and readable Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print Cross references conveniently located at the end of versesVerse-style layout for easy navigationPortable personal size format, perfect for your everyday-carry Bible.Line matchedDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn bindingDouble ribbonsGilded page edgesConcordance

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    • 9780785237990 Thinline Bible Large Print Comfort Print

      Thinline Bible Large Print Comfort Print


      The slim design of the NKJV Large Print Thinline means you can bring it along, wherever your day takes you. This large print edition features Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print , designed to provide a smooth reading experience of the accurate and beautiful New King James Version and deeper engagement in God’s Word. The deluxe features on this Bible include classic raised rib details on the spine, a premium faux leather cover, and two wide satin ribbons.Features include:Complete text of the beautiful New King James VersionExclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print typefaceLightweight for easy travelFull-color mapsTwo satin ribbonsDurable sewn bindingLine-matched Scripture text for optimal clarity on the pageEasy-to-read 10.5-point print size

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    • 9780785238034 Thinline Bible Large Print Comfort Print

      Thinline Bible Large Print Comfort Print


      The slim design of the NKJV Large Print Thinline means you can bring it along, wherever your day takes you. This large print edition features Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print , designed to provide a smooth reading experience of the accurate and beautiful New King James Version and deeper engagement in God’s Word. The deluxe features on this Bible include classic raised rib details on the spine, a premium faux leather cover, and two wide satin ribbons.Features include:Complete text of the beautiful New King James VersionExclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print typefaceLightweight for easy travelFull-color mapsTwo satin ribbonsDurable sewn bindingLine-matched Scripture text for optimal clarity on the pageEasy-to-read 10.5-point print size

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    • 9780785238010 Thinline Bible Large Print Comfort Print

      Thinline Bible Large Print Comfort Print


      The slim design of the NKJV Large Print Thinline means you can bring it along, wherever your day takes you. This large print edition features Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print , designed to provide a smooth reading experience of the accurate and beautiful New King James Version and deeper engagement in God’s Word. The deluxe features on this Bible include classic raised rib details on the spine, a premium faux leather cover, and two wide satin ribbons.Features include:Complete text of the beautiful New King James VersionExclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print typefaceLightweight for easy travelFull-color mapsTwo satin ribbonsDurable sewn bindingLine-matched Scripture text for optimal clarity on the pageEasy-to-read 10.5-point print size

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