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    Natalie Ford

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    • 9781649494344 Seeking Answers Finding Peace

      Seeking Answers Finding Peace


      “You are a sorry excuse for a wife. I don’t know why I put up with you.”

      Natalie’s heart broke. What was happening to the kind, compassionate man she had married?

      Several years into their marriage, Natalie’s husband, Michael, transformed into a different person. Plagued with depression, he struggled to regain his normally cheerful and effervescent personality. After the depression came terrifying fits of rage and frenzied behavior Michael couldn’t control, and Natalie was helpless to understand. Unfortunately, Michael’s bipolar disorder eventually led to his suicide.

      Throughout the years, Natalie sought answers and instead found peace-peace that surpasses understanding.

      In Seeking Answers-Finding Peace, Natalie details the tribulations of dealing with the mental illness of a loved one. Debunking stigma and presenting practical advice, she offers hope to readers whose loved ones have dealt with mental illness or suicide.

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