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    Gabriele Amorth

    • 9798889111207 Get Behind Me Satan

      Get Behind Me Satan


      Fr. Gabriele Amorth, known as “the Pope’s Exorcist,” exposes the reality of evil and lays out what our response should be in a time when the devil appears more powerful and cunningly alluring than ever. Our age, Fr. Amorth explains, is seduced by the wiles of the enemy – either through fascination with the occult or through willful ignorance. There is, however, nothing to fear when we put on the armor of God.

      In these absorbing pages, Fr. Amorth offers ways to equip yourself and your loved ones for the spiritual battle that all humans are destined to face – and to attain victory. From the pen of the legendary priest exorcist, you will learn gripping details about:

      *The figure of Satan and key ways to protect yourself from diabolical snares

      *The role of exorcists – past and present – and their discernment in counseling afflicted souls

      *Lessons from the saints in overcoming the temptations and attacks of the devil

      *Six types of disturbances that the devil can provoke (Can you guess them?)

      *Three things that cause a soul to fall into diabolical disturbances

      *Signs of diabolical possession and the view of science in such cases

      An invaluable collection of tried-and-true traditional prayers is also included for protection against the devil and liberation from his bondage.

      Fr. Amorth further explains the origin of Hell and the primary tactic the devil uses in pursuit of souls. He also provides a brief overview of the history of exorcism from the earliest centuries of Christianity and describes the ministry of exorcism, yesterday and today. Drawing from the riches of his experience, Father clarifies how he evaluates whether an individual is suffering due to preternatural causes and reveals the only authentic proof of malevolent influence.

      Significantly, you will see how the ability to cast out demons testifies to Jesus’ divinity and will discover ways that all of the faithful can intercede for the afflicted. Above all, you will be consoled by the power of Christ over the enemy and learn to rest safely in His care while trusting that by His Precious Blood shed on the Cross the triumph is already won.

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    • 9781622826087 Father Amorth : My Battle Against Satan

      Father Amorth : My Battle Against Satan


      Tall and balding with laughing eyes and a welcoming smile, Father Gabriele Amorth spent decades battling the Devil one-on-one, performing literally tens of thousands of exorcisms.

      When Father Amorth died in 2016, he was the world’s most famous exorcist, a legendary, miraculous chaser of demons. To the many he served, Father was a godsend, freeing them from years of demonic oppression; to others, he was just a crank – an extremist priest who saw the Devil everywhere.

      Now, in these never-before-published interviews, Father Amorth takes you into his private world, giving you a harrowing vision of his daily battles with the Devil. Here you won’t meet a wizard or a crazy man. Instead, you’ll encounter a solid Christian and a humble priest, one who jokes and takes life as God – or the Devil! – hands it to him.

      Not only will you learn from Father how he proceeds and why; you’ll discover the source of his profound faith and remarkable courage: strengths essential not only to exorcists, but to every person who would truly love and serve God.

      Indeed, with the help of these fascinating pages, you, too, can come to have the same strengths as Father Gabriele Amorth, the fearless exorcist who daily fought Satan . . . and won.

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    • 9781622823451 Exorcist Explains The Demonic

      Exorcist Explains The Demonic


      From Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the renowned exorcist in Rome, comes this powerful, eye-opening book on the deadly antics of Satan and his fallen angels, as well as spiritual remedies for each.

      These pages provide a basic orientation in the dark phenomenology, succinctly explaining Catholic doctrine on the fallen angels and the innumerable manifestations.

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