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    • 9781603742788 How To Walk In The Supernatural Power Of God

      How To Walk In The Supernatural Power Of God


      Today’s church is not reaching many of the lost, sick, and hurting because believers are not taking the authority and power they have been given through Christ and going out to the world as His body. Guillermo Maldonado believes that the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today, still able to heal, do miracles, and conquer the devil’s oppression.

      Through Maldonado’s insights on the supernatural, you will:
      ” Recognize human substitutes for God’s power
      ” Develop faith for the miraculous
      ” Seek God’s anointing to carry out His calling
      ” Receive the glory that accompanies His supernatural presence
      ” Protect yourself from the devil’s deception
      ” Learn to hear God’s voice
      ” Overcome demonic attacks
      ” Understand how to operate in the supernatural

      Once you grasp the full revelation of our supernatural God and live in it, you will be able to reach the world for Christ!

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    • 9781603742580 Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets

      Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets


      An alarming number of Christians have been fed the notion that our God is a mean and angry god. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Larry Huch suggests that God’s eyes are constantly searching “to and fro throughout the whole earth” (2 Chronicles 16:9), looking for someone to heal, someone to bless, someone to prosper, and someone to favor.

      In his new book, Unveiling Biblical Secrets, Huch reveals God’s ancient blessings for your life, such as:
      ” the hundredfold breakthrough in the parable of the seed
      ” the secret of prayer revealed in Jacob’s Ladder
      ” the protective power of the Mazzuzah
      ” Purim’s miracle for turning your life story around
      ” biblical faith for the last days
      ” God’s covenant of success
      ” God’s power multiplied in your life with the four cups of Communion

      By understanding and tapping into these timeless truths in the Torah, Christians can rediscover the destiny that God intends for His people. We were not meant to live lives of empty religious ritual. We were meant to be shining examples of God’s power, blessing, and favor!

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    • 9781603742672 Total Healing : You Can Walk In Perfect Health

      Total Healing : You Can Walk In Perfect Health


      Whether you are dealing with a disease, trusting God to heal your loved one, wanting to learn how to stay healthy, or simply questioning whether God wants you well, you will find this book a refreshing and encouraging resource.

      Renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey brings scriptural truths and principles to life. Explore the love of God, which prompts His desire to heal us, and the power of God,
      through which healing occurs. Find out how healing ties into your overall relationship with your heavenly Father. As you do, you will discover the answers to these questions:
      * Why is there sickness in the world?
      * Is faith necessary for healing?
      * Will God heal me?
      * Can sickness return?
      * How can I live in divine health?
      * What are the four components to miraculous living?

      Your faith will increase as you read the compelling personal, ministry, and biblical accounts of others who have been healed so that you, too, can receive healing. You will also be encouraged to reach out to those around you and allow God’s healing power to flow through your life to the sick and hurting.

      Our loving Creator is also our Healer. He desires that all of His children live in divine health and wholeness in their spirits, bodies, emotions, and minds. Like all good things, health and healing come from God, and He still heals today.

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    • 9781603742795 Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat - (Spanish)

      Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat – (Spanish)


      !El Poder de los Milagros esta Disponible Hoy!

      “Y estas seales seguiran a los que creen: En mi nombre echaran fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas”. (Marcos 16:17)

      El poder sobrenatural esta disponible hoy para todos los creyentes, tal como lo estaba para la iglesia primitiva durante los dias de los apostoles. El poder de Dios nunca se ha extinguido, solo el entendimiento de la iglesia de como obtenerlo.
      Milagros, sanidades y liberacion de opresiones demoniacas estan disponibles para cada creyente. Ahora, a traves de la Escritura, el Apostol Maldonado le muestra como obtener los beneficios del poder sobrenatural que estan disponibles para usted, de manera que pueda:

      Desarrollar fe para los milagros

      Protegerse a si mismo de los engaos del diablo

      Operar y fluir en lo sobrenatural

      Ministrar sanidad a los enfermos

      Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.

      Guillermo Maldonado believes the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead, that He is alive today, and that He wants to heal and do miracles through you. Now, you can walk in the full revelation of our supernatural God.

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    • 9781603742757 Su Poder En Espiritu Santo - (Spanish)

      Su Poder En Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


      John G. Lake was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost in miraculous ways. Here is a glimpse of the unparalleled outpouring of Holy Spirit power when operating through a completely yielded life. Drawing upon his vast ministry experiences, Lake presents an enlightening look at how God desires to use His people mightily to minister to a dying world. Through his insightful words, you will discover how you can personally…
      * Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
      * Be filled with the overcoming life of Christ.
      * Be a more powerful witness for Christ.
      * Overcome all the schemes of Satan.
      * Exercise authority over evil spirits in Jesus’ name.
      * Trust God to meet all your needs.
      * Find true purpose for your life.
      * Develop a faith for miracles.
      * See people powerfully saved, healed, and delivered.
      * Transform your world for Christ.

      You, too, can bring salvation and healing to many hurting,
      hungry people in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit.
      Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers
      everywhere, and experience God’s powerful and miraculous

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    • 9781602730137 70 Reasons For Speaking In Tongues

      70 Reasons For Speaking In Tongues


      600 million Christians have received the Holy Spirit gift of their own spirit language. Almost 95% of Spirit baptized Christians understand or use less than 10% of the purposes and benefits pf speaking in tongues. Learn how to use your spirit language to activate more faith and increase God’s love and power within your life and ministry.

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    • 9781603742450 Favor Camino Hacia Exito - (Spanish)

      Favor Camino Hacia Exito – (Spanish)


      Como obtener el favor de Dios.

      Estas verdades ayudaran a los cristianos a liberar al Espiritu Santo que esta en su interior, a fin de que los creyentes puedan experimentar vidas plenas, emocionantes y exuberantes.

      Bob Buess habla sobre como:

      El favor transforma la inseguridad en confianza en uno mismo
      El favor cambiara hogares, esposos, esposas, e hijos
      Usted puede recibir la bendicion de Dios y exito en sus circunstancias

      Se incluyen varios testimonios del favor de Dios. El autor combina un celo celestial con una utilidad practica, !y podria encontrarse riendo y a la vez aprendiendo!

      “Porque tu, oh Jehova, bendeciras al justo; como con un escudo lo rodearas de tu favor”. -Salmo 5:12


      These truths will help Christians release the Holy Spirit who is within, so that believers can experience full, exciting, exuberant lives.

      Bob Buess discusses how:

      Favor changes insecurity into self-confidence
      Favor will change homes, husbands, wives, and children
      You can receive God’s blessing and success in your circumstances

      Included are many testimonies of God’s favor. The author combines heavenly zeal with a down-to-earth practicality, and you may find yourself laughing while learning!

      “For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” -Psalm 6:12

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    • 9781603742351 Dos Tipos De Justicia - (Spanish)

      Dos Tipos De Justicia – (Spanish)


      The Right Choice Provides Rewards–Now and Eternally!
      Legendary teacher E. W. Kenyon describes biblical righteousness. True righteousness is a gift from God that means the ability to stand in His presence without fear or any sense of guilt and inferiority. This righteousness is available to you right now…if you choose rightly. Then, you will:
      *Overcome sin and temptation
      *Receive God’s blessings
      *Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit
      *Experience the deep joy of fellowship with God
      *Powerfully witness to others
      *Develop miracle-working faith
      True righteousness can be yours today!

      La eleccion correcta proporciona recompensas, !ahora y eternamente!

      El legendario maestro E. W. Kenyon describe la justicia biblica. La verdadera justicia es un regalo de Dios que significa la capacidad de estar en la presencia de El sin temor y sin ningun sentimiento de culpa o de inferioridad. Esta justicia esta a tu disposicion ahora… si escoges correctamente. Entonces:
      *Venceras el pecado y la tentacion
      *Recibiras las bendiciones de Dios
      *Tendras acceso al poder del Espiritu Santo
      *Experimentaras el profundo gozo de la comunion con Dios
      *Testificaras poderosamente a otros
      *Desarrollaras una fe que obra milagros
      !La verdadera justicia puede ser tuya hoy!

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    • 9781596363991 Who I Am In Christ Wall Chart Laminated

      Who I Am In Christ Wall Chart Laminated


      The “Who I Am in Christ” chart and pamphlet reminds us what God has done through His Son, Jesus. We are “forgiven”, “beloved,” “new creatures,” and more. Each word has a Bible reference. Be reminded and reassured of the many qualities and characteristics you possess as a believer. You are accepted, forgiven, and made holy in Christ, and that’s just the beginning! Find dozens of promises and where they are located in the Bible.

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    • 9781596363908 Who I Am In Christ Pamphlet

      Who I Am In Christ Pamphlet


      The “Who I Am in Christ” chart and pamphlet reminds us what God has done through His Son, Jesus. We are “forgiven”, “beloved,” “new creatures,” and more. Each word has a Bible reference. Be reminded and reassured of the many qualities and characteristics you possess as a believer. You are accepted, forgiven, and made holy in Christ, and that’s just the beginning! Find dozens of promises and where they are located in the Bible.

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    • 9780768432329 Power Of Blessing

      Power Of Blessing


      The Power of Blessing is more than an encouragement to bless. It shows you many ways you can be a blessing to those around you. Blessings are not just about materialism, blessings are more about a lifestyle that changes environments and conditions among families, churches, communities, and even small businesses and large corporations.

      Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing (1 Peter 3:9 NIV).

      The Power of Blessing:
      * Presents practical applications about how to bless others and receiving blessings.
      * Teaches the difference between truth and fact.
      * Shares humorous and inspirational testimonies.
      * Reveals the importance of speaking God’s intentions as to how things should be.
      * Breaks generational curses by learning how to bless.

      Your heavenly Father is the redemptive God who delights in bringing things back into His divine order. Through learning how to bless, you can participate in this redemptive process. By actively living a lifestyle of blessing, you will see changes in the hearts of those you bless-as well as in yourself!

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    • 9781603742481 Jesus El Sanador - (Spanish)

      Jesus El Sanador – (Spanish)


      Multitudes have been healed while reading this book!

      Experience the Power of Faith in Your Life

      Dr. Kenyon had a rare gift for presenting deep, profound biblical truths in a simple and easily understood way. You, too, can be inspired to step out and receive your healing, like the many multitudes of others who have read Jesus the Healer and were healed. Explore these rich truths with Kenyon, and discover how to:
      *Receive physical and emotional healing
      *Remove hindrances to healing
      *Be free from fear, guilt, and shame
      *Experience a new joy in your life
      *Become a stronger soulwinner
      *Develop a miracle-working faith

      Share these powerful truths, and see how God can use you to bring healing to others.
      You, too, can personally receive God’s healing touch!

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    • 9780736917681 Girl After Gods Own Heart

      Girl After Gods Own Heart


      Bestselling author Elizabeth George follows her popular teen books (more than 400,000 copies sold), including A Young Woman’s Guide to Making Right Choices, by reaching out to tweens, ages 8 to 12, in A Girl After God’s Own Heart.

      Upbeat and positive, Elizabeth provides biblical truths and suggestions so tweens can thrive. She reaches out to girls where they’re at and addresses daily issues that concern them, including-

      building real friendships
      talking with parents
      putting Jesus first
      handling schoolwork and activities
      deciding how to dress
      Girls are busy developing new skills and increasing their knowledge as they grow into young women. A Girl After God’s Own Heart shows them how to establish healthy guidelines that honor God, promote their well-being, and help them get the most from this wonderful time in their lives.

      Perfect for Sunday school, preteen groups, and individuals.

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    • 9781603742245 Spiritual Warfare : Protect Your Home From Spiritual Darkness

      Spiritual Warfare : Protect Your Home From Spiritual Darkness


      Satan’s War against the Family

      Satan has a plan… to destroy God’s kingdom, the church, and especially our homes and families! Beginning today, your family can be safe from the devastation of attacks by unseen spiritual forces of darkness-strife, division, emptiness, bitterness, despair, and much more. In this hard-hitting book, Marilyn Hickey shows, through her own experiences and those of others, how to successfully fight back using the powerful spiritual weapons that God has given you. Then, you can:
      *Break free from generational curses.
      *Conquer entrenched sins and habits.
      *Receive powerful answers to prayer.
      *Block Satan’s attacks.
      *Release others from spiritual bondage.
      *Overcome temptations.
      *Receive divine protection.

      Spiritual Warfare reveals the enemy’s strategies and equips you to engage in spiritual battles AND WIN!

      Only 1 left in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • 9781603741866 Claves Para Cambio - (Spanish)

      Claves Para Cambio – (Spanish)


      Filled with motivating insights and practical advice, these inspiring quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provide wisdom for living your life according to God’s purposes. Keys for Change highlights vital principles for seasons of change and how you can maximize the benefits of change-whether the change seems positive or negative-enabling you to thrive while fulfilling your purpose in life. As you meditate on these truths, your mind will be renewed and your life will be transformed. You will understand the Creator’s original design so you can fulfill your unique, God-given purpose in the world with joy and confidence.

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    • 9781603741873 Claves Para Hombres - (Spanish)

      Claves Para Hombres – (Spanish)


      Llenas con pensamientos muy motivadores y consejos muy practicos, estas frases inspiradores del autor de Best SellersDr. Myles Munroe proveen sabiduria para que puedas vivir tu vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para los Hombres capacita a los hombres para que puedan entender el proposito que Dios les dio, asi como sus cualidades unicas, y sus relaciones con los demas- incluyendo su relacion complementaria con las mujeres- de tal manera que puedan llegar a realizar su destino y todo su potencial.

      Filled with motivating insights and practical advice, these inspiring quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provide wisdom for living your life according to God’s purposes. Keys for Vision shares truths on how to make your dreams and hopes a living reality. As you meditate on these truths, your mind will be renewed and your life will be transformed. You will understand the Creator’s original design so you can fulfill your unique, God-given purpose in the world with joy and confidence.

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    • 9781885904829 Biblical Manhood : Masculinity Leadership And Decision Making

      Biblical Manhood : Masculinity Leadership And Decision Making


      How does a man know if he is a ‘real man’? The answers can be discovered in Scripture. This book addresses three important areas of a man’s life: Masculinity, Leadership and Decision-Making. Whether you are single or married, this will be a valuable resource. Appendices include critical help to combat the temptation of sexual lust, on of the most destructive areas for the single man, the husband and his family.

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    • 9781593830496 Forgiveness : Releasing The Power Of Grace (Reprinted)

      Forgiveness : Releasing The Power Of Grace (Reprinted)


      We are commanded to forgive as we have been forgiven. Since we have been forgiven all, we must forgive all. This book will help you release the power of grace in your life.

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    • 9781603741620 John G Lake On Healing

      John G Lake On Healing


      John G. Lake was one of the most powerful healing evangelists of the twentieth century. His life’s work included countless conversions, healings, and deliverances, as well as the establishment of hundreds of churches and ministries. Now, the wisdom and experience of Lake’s teachings on healing have been condensed into one book. Through these teachings, you, too, can: ” Receive physical and emotional healing. ” Discover the spiritual roots of sickness. ” Overcome fear and hopelessness. ” Remove hindrances to healing. ” Defeat the attacks of Satan. ” Walk in divine health. ” Minister healing to others. ” Win souls for eternity. ” Experience a new joy in your life. The power of John G. Lake’s healing ministry and its effect on the world is finally at your fingertips. Healing is available for you and your loved ones today!

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    • 9781603741590 Principios Y Beneficios Del Ca - (Spanish)

      Principios Y Beneficios Del Ca – (Spanish)


      L as corrientes tradicionales-ya sean personales o
      culturales-pueden traer tension nerviosa, estres,
      confusion e incluso panico. Solo un pequeo porcentaje de
      las gentes puede responder al cambio en formas que son
      verdaderamente efectivas. Sin embargo, la forma como
      tratamos con el cambio determina a final de cuentas si va a
      ser una fuerza positiva o negativa en nuestra vida.
      El autor de Best Sellers Dr. Myles Munroe explica como
      podemos enfrentarnos al poder positivo del cambio, sin
      importar cual sea la fuente de origen de ese cambio, para
      que nos lleve a tener exito, mientras que al mismo tiempo
      estamos cumpliendo los propositos que Dios nos ha dado en
      esta vida.
      A traves de este libro, tu vas a descubrir como:
      * Ser una parte activa del cambio, en lugar de ser victima
      del mismo.
      * Ser completamente libre de temores durante tiempos
      * Centro activo con relacion a buscar tu proposito, aun en
      contra de todas las circunstancias.
      * Permitir que el cambio que ha sido ordenado por Dios sea
      impartido al mundo a traves de ti.
      * Poder ver los tiempos de transicion desde la perspectiva
      de Dios.
      * Poder encontrar tremendas oportunidades para el
      crecimiento personal y la realizacion de ti mismo.
      El cambio y a todos nosotros, ya sea que estemos
      preparados para ello o no lo estemos. No permitas que te
      desvie, sino al contrario, descubre los principios que te
      permiten con el poder positivo del cambio para servicio de
      tu propia vida

      Change happens to us. It’s measured in gains or losses: you find a spouse or lose a loved one; you receive a promotion or lose a job.
      Change happens around us. It’s marked by natural and social factors: a good harvest, a natural disaster; an economic boom, a stock market plunge.
      Change is initiated by us. It’s weighed by its outcome: you make a decision that improves your life; you make a choice that shatters your dreams.

      Transitional tides-whether personal or cultural-can bring on stress, confusion, and even panic. Only a small percentage of people respond to change in truly effective ways. Yet how we deal with change determines whether it will ultimately be a positive or negative force in our lives. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe explains how we can tap into the positive power of change-no matter what the source of that change-enabling us to thrive while fulfilling our God-given purposes in life.

      Through this book, you can discover how to…
      ” Be

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    • 9781603741637 Your Power In The Holy Spirit

      Your Power In The Holy Spirit


      John G. Lake was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost in miraculous ways. Here is a glimpse of unparalleled outpouring of Holy Spirit power when operating through a completely yielded life. Drawing upon his vast ministry experiences, Lake presents an enlightening look at how God desires to use His people mightily to minister to a dying world. Through his insightful words, you will discover how you can personally… –Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit –Be filled with the overcoming life of Christ –Be a more powerful witness for Christ –Overcome all the schemes of Satan –Exercise authority over evil spirits in Jesus’ name –Trust God to meet all your needs –Find true purpose for your life –Develop a faith for miracles –See people powerfully saved, healed, and delivered –Transform your world for Christ You, too, can bring salvation and healing to many hurting, hungry people in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit. Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers everywhere, and experience God’s powerful and miraculous ways!

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    • 9780980028607 He Leads Me Beside Still Waters (Student/Study Guide)

      He Leads Me Beside Still Waters (Student/Study Guide)


      The book of Psalms has aptly been called “The Book of Praises” by ancient worshipers of Jehovah. The adoration of God is the prominent theme. Every word penned emits the aroma of humble worship and reverential fear. No other portion of Scripture is so capable of ushering the hungry soul into the Presence of God as this compilation of ancient Hebraic songs. “He Leads Me Beside Still Waters,” a 12week study of the choicest Psalms, will evoke in you a determined desire to find His Presence for yourself. This Bible study is part of “The Walk Series”, which includes “The Walk of Repentance,” “A Lamp Unto My Feet,” “Pressing On Toward the Heavenly Calling,” and “He Leads Me Beside Still Waters.”

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    • 9781603740944 Smith Wigglesworth On The Power Of Scripture

      Smith Wigglesworth On The Power Of Scripture


      Smith Wigglesworth knew firsthand of the power of Scripture. For years, the “Apostle of Faith” taught the Bible to millions of believers in his legendary, miracle- filled meetings. Now, many of these teachings have been collected in one book, offering you the rare opportunity to sit at the feet of this anointed man of God. Transcribed exactly as they were delivered to a select group of Bible students at Aimee Semple McPherson’s celebrated Angelus Temple, these teachings will allow you to: * Better understand the gifts of the Spirit. * Claim victory over temptation. * Share in the riches of God’s glory. * Learn how to pray for the sick. * See how God’s presence brings healing.
      * Develop better spiritual discernment. * Live in the freedom of God’s grace. * Be used by God to win souls. * Experience the biblical foundation of speaking in tongues. * Discover the joy of obeying God’s Word.Each session includes a one-of-a-kind question and answer
      session between the students and Smith Wigglesworth himself. If you are ready to receive a fresh understanding of God’s gifts and a fresh anointing of His power, you will cherish this glimpse into the heart and mind of one of His most gifted servants.

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    • 9781603740739 Revelacion Divina Del Oracion - (Spanish)

      Revelacion Divina Del Oracion – (Spanish)


      !La oracion realmente funciona!

      Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no pueden vencer sus pecados y sus tentaciones, y cual es la razon de que sus oraciones pidiendo por una mejor salud, bendiciones financieras, y restauracion en sus relaciones con otras personas, no han recibido respuesta.

      La autora de Best Sellers Mary K. Baxter comparte visiones y revelaciones acerca del poder de la oracion, que abren los ojos hacia una nueva perspectiva.

      Sus respuestas personales tan asombrosas te van a ayudar a:
      ” Vencer temores, ataduras y fracasos
      ” Poder escuchar claramente la direccion de Dios
      ” Recibir sanidad y liberacion de todo tipo de adicciones
      ” Poder vivir el tipo de vida que deberias vivir
      ” Experimentar el poder de Dios diariamente

      !Descubre los secretos que estan en la oracion
      para poderosas victorias transformadoras el hoy mismo!

      When you pray but don’t see an answer, you can be tempted to think God isn’t listening to you. Yet even when you do not visibly see God at work, He is actively answering your requests in the invisible realm. In A Divine Revelation of Prayer, Mary K. Baxter and George Bloomer share fascinating dreams and revelations concerning the power of prayer and their experiences with answered prayer as they’ve ministered throughout the world.
      You will discover…
      * How our prayers are received in the spirit realm.
      * How to pray in expectation.
      * How to live in confident faith that God’s will has been done as you wait for the physical manifestation of your answer.
      * Why you should never give up on prayer but rather give in to God.
      * How to discern and overcome hindrances to your prayers.
      * How to exercise the power of prayer in your everyday life.
      Ask for God’s help, and He will make you an overcomer in every facet of your life.

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    • 9781603740609 Revelacion Divina De La Libera - (Spanish)

      Revelacion Divina De La Libera – (Spanish)


      Liberacion de los
      ataques de satanas

      Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no han podido vencer al pecado, a las tentaciones, y por que estan sufriendo con problemas recurrentes, en su salud, sus finanzas, y en sus relaciones. Revelacion Divina de la Liberacion expone todas estas tacticas de Satanas.

      A traves de las escrituras, visiones de la guerra espiritual, y encuentros personales con las fuerzas espirituales del mal,

      Mary k. Baxter descubrio verdades poderosisimas que pueden ayudarte a:
      ” Vencer el temor que tienes del enemigo
      ” Reconocer y conquistar las trampas satanicas
      ” Obtener la victoria sobre los pecados y los fracasos
      ” Ser libre de ataques inexplicados
      ” Interceder por la liberacion de otros

      Esta es una guerra que debe ser peleada con el poder y las armas sobrenaturales de Dios

      Too many believers live in clouds of frustration and defeat. They suffer unexplained attacks on their lives or the lives of their family members. They wonder why they cannot overcome recurring sins and temptations. They struggle to survive amidst a culture that bombards them with evil attitudes and practices. Yet God loves us and desires to set us free from such spiritual attacks.

      With more than two million books in print, Mary K. Baxter teams with Bishop George G.
      Bloomer to reveal the way to recognize and experience deliverance from these demonic attacks of hell. These powerful truths can help you to…
      * Recognize and conquer hidden satanic traps
      * Break spiritual strongholds
      * Overcome your fear of the enemy
      * Lock up the destructive gates of hell
      * Defeat recurring sins and failures
      * Protect individuals, communities, and nations from demonic attack
      * Bring healing to the oppressed
      * Free people from mental bondage
      In these end times, Jesus has given believers undeniable victory over the destructive plans of the evil one. Through our dominion authority in the earth and the powerful keys of the kingdom, we can overcome sin and defeat the enemy while leading many to salvation and new life in Christ.

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    • 9780842362207 Spirit Controlled Temperament (Reprinted)

      Spirit Controlled Temperament (Reprinted)


      A superb treatment of the basic human temperaments and how God can use them, now revised with new chapters and questions for group study.

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    • 9781593830267 What Now Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)

      What Now Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Discovering the unique path of your personal destiny can be a challenge. This 12-week guide and companion book to What Now: Making Sense of Who You Are and Where You’re Going provides a step-by-step program for understanding your potential and equips you to live with incredible passion. Ideal for small groups, intern programs, Sunday School, campus ministry, and church equipping.

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    • 9781885904676 Gospel Primer For Christians

      Gospel Primer For Christians


      Preach the Gospel to Yourself Daily

      God did not give us His gospel just so we could embrace it and be converted. He offers it to us every day as a gift that gives to us everything we need for life and godliness. This new expanded edition contains 31 “Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily.” Use this book to preach the gospel to yourself daily and you will be amazed at the difference it will make in your life.

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    • 9781599792583 Fasting : Opening The Door To A Deeper

      Fasting : Opening The Door To A Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relati


      In one of the best available books on the topic, Franklin explains the spiritual power of fasting and offers a deeper understanding of God’s plan for fasting and the benefits available to those who participate. Those who seek God through fasting can expect tremendous rewards both for their personal lives and the church. They will see breakthroughs in many areas, such as healing, finances, bondages broken, and children set free.

      Jesus Himself fasted because He knew some supernatural realities could not be released in any other way. For that reason alone, Christians should make fasting a common practice.

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    • 9780891091578 Growing In Christ Series (Student/Study Guide)

      Growing In Christ Series (Student/Study Guide)


      Growing in Christ is designed to help you master the fundamentals of the Christian life as you explore the Scriptures. Growing in Christ has two parts:

      Lessons on Assurance– Basic Bible studies on five beginning principles for following Christ, plus five corresponding Scripture memory verses entitled Beginning with Christ.

      Lessons on Christian Living– Bible studies on eight more principles for Christian growth, plus eight Scripture memory verses entitled Going On with Christ.

      For use in groups or individually, Growing in Christ can help you establish a firm, scriptural foundation for your life as you develop habits of Bible study and Scripture memory.

      You will study these topics:
      Assurance of salvation -Answered prayer -Victory over sin -Forgiveness -Guidance -Putting Christ first in your life -Relying on the Lord’s strength -The importance of the Bible -Giving -The church -Good works -Witnessing

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    • 9780892765386 Tongues : Beyond The Upper Room

      Tongues : Beyond The Upper Room


      Few topics are more controversial than speaking in tongues – the divinely imparted gift that enables Christians to supernaturally communicate with God in a more intimate way than prayer and praise in languages we know. Amid much discussion and debate comes Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin’s Tongues: Beyond The Upper Room, a comprehensive work with insights from the most authoritative of sources – the Bible.

      Tongues: Beyond The Upper Room looks at common objections to and misconceptions about tongues, scriptural purposes of speaking in other tongues, common excesses, praying out God’s plan, pressing into greater depths in prayer, guidelines to receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and much more!

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    • 9781593830397 7 Declarations For An Unshakable Life

      7 Declarations For An Unshakable Life


      Seven Declarations For An Unshakable Life, Based On The Unshakable Word Of God:

      I Will Live Life Strong.
      I Will Love God’s House.
      I Will Hold My Head High.
      I Will Have An Overflowing Heart.
      I Will Turn To God At All Times.
      I Will Walk On A Level Path.
      I Will Not Lose Heart.

      Additional Info
      This book is written for those in the trenches of real life. It is written for those who experience challenges, surprises, disappointments, successes and failures that shake up their days. It is for those who are ready to build an unshakable life—a life that is anchored, immovable and indestructable.

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    • 9781600661297 Attributes Of God 1

      Attributes Of God 1


      Often quoted by Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley, Billy Graham and other great preachers, A. W. Tozer’s words are being heard and read by millions today words like: “Origin is a creature word… All things have an origin. But when you come back to God, you come back to the One who has not origin. He is the Cause of all things, the uncaused Cause. God is Transcendent.” “You’ll never find Him on your own… He is far away in one sense, but in another He is as near as your heartbeat, for the cross has brdiged the gulf.” “If there is anything God could learn, it would mean that God didn’t know it before. If he didn’t know it before, then He didn’t know everything, He wouldn’t be perfect, and if He isn’t perfect then He isn’t God.” The chapters of this book were originally preached as sermons at Avenue Road Church in Toronto, ON. Whether spoken or written, Tozer’s words were designed to “promote personal heart religion” among God’s people.

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    • 9780883682227 Freedom To Forget

      Freedom To Forget


      Most of us don’t need as much help remembering as we do forgetting!
      So many are locked in a swirling pattern of pain, failure, and anger that
      thwarts their future progress by reminding them of all that has transpired in
      life. Sound like you? You don’t have to remain a hostage to the past
      Pastor Dan Willis utilizes humor and biblical truth to help you:
      * Learn the difference between forgiving and forgetting
      * Overcome the pain you don’t understand
      * Deal with family dysfunction
      * Find hope in adversity
      * Release the pain that holds you back
      * Revive and protect your soul as you go forward.
      No matter what you face or what you’ve been through, you can find the
      help and strength to go forward as you discover the Freedom to Forget.

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    • 9780882703121 4th Dimensional Living In A Three Dimensional World

      4th Dimensional Living In A Three Dimensional World


      Jesus said, “Knock and the door will be opened to you.” Discover the keys that open the door to the Fourth Dimension for every child of God who wants to know and experience God in all His fullness. This book unlocks the door and leads readers into the spiritual dimension, a wonderful place of love, peace, and joy, where they’ll be inspired to fully live.

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    • 9780883681305 Healing The Heart

      Healing The Heart


      For anyone who has ever been betrayed; for anyone who has ever felt lost, abused, or abandoned; for anyone who has ever suffered a broken heart- THERE IS HEALING! In this inspiring and life-changing book, Joan Hunter shares her challenging testimony of how she overcame rejection and the worst betrayal imaginable. No matter what your circumstances, God wants to minister to you through Joan’s insights and practical advice. On the cross, Jesus paid for more than your physical healing. He has also made provision for Healing the Heart.

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    • 9780975883266 Pressing On Toward The Heavenly Calling (Student/Study Guide)

      Pressing On Toward The Heavenly Calling (Student/Study Guide)


      Pressing On Toward the Heavenly Calling will challenge you to reach for the abundant life in God that Paul testifies is available to every one of us. Through daily meditation, readings and questions for reflection, you will be asked to consider the truth of Scripture and apply it to your life. At each week’s end, you will also read about the life of Paul, a man who burned in the refining fire of God for nearly thirty years. Through this 12-week study, you will be inspired to join Paul on this great eternal quest in Pressing On Toward the Heavenly Calling.

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    • 9780768423730 Kingdom Principles : Preparing For Kingdom Experience And Expansion

      Kingdom Principles : Preparing For Kingdom Experience And Expansion


      In his bestselling book Rediscovering the Kingdom, Munroe made a compelling case that the kingdom of God is the true message of the gospel and the only message that Jesus preached. Now, in Kingdom Principles, the second book in the “Kingdom” series, Munroe insists that we cannot appropriate and enjoy the benefits of God’s kingdom until we understand how it operates. Accordingly, he provides a detailed examination of the principles, concepts, and characteristics of the kingdom of God. As you study such concepts as kings, lord, territory, law, citizens, royal privilege, culture, and economy, your thinking about God’s kingdom and mankind’s destiny will be radically transformed. Kingdom Principles will help you learn to think and act like a Kingdom citizen and the ruler God intended you to be!

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    • 9781600060052 Spirit Filled Follower Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)

      Spirit Filled Follower Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      Grasp what it means to be filled by the Spirit so that obedience, Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and witnessing become natural, meaningful aspects of your life.

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    • 9781600060045 Your Life In Christ (Student/Study Guide)

      Your Life In Christ (Student/Study Guide)


      Reveals what it means to accept God’s love, keep Christ at the center of life, and live in the power of the Spirit.

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    • 9780975883259 Lamp Unto My Feet (Student/Study Guide)

      Lamp Unto My Feet (Student/Study Guide)


      Every true believer is daily moving toward his eternal destination. However, before that final crossing into the land of immortality, the Christian pilgrim must first travel through a hostile empire, fraught with dangers, toils and snares. How will he find his way through this land of shadows? Fortunately, the Father of lights has not left us to fend for ourselves; but rather, He has provided a roadmap, the Word of God. Little wonder that David christened it A Lamp Unto My Feet. A sequel to Gallaghers The Walk of Repentance, this is a 12week journey through the beautiful Psalm 119. This practical, personal study is a great resource for any individual seeking guidance in the midst of lifes struggles. Through daily meditation readings and questions for reflection, believers will be asked to consider the truths of Scripture. At each weeks end, they will also read about the life of David, a man after Gods own heart and author of this epic psalm. Every reader will be brought into a deeper love, respect and appreciation for Gods Word.

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    • 9780768423488 Experiencing Fathers Embrace

      Experiencing Fathers Embrace


      Experiencing Father’s Embrace is an excellent resource for anyone interested in growing or ministering in the Father’s love message. The author’s style of writing makes this book easy to read, yet it is one of the most thorough and profoundly impacting books available on knowing God as a Father.

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    • 9781414301334 1 Year Book Of Hope

      1 Year Book Of Hope


      This book is for anyone who has been hurt in life and would benefit from a hope-filled daily companion. Critically acclaimed author Nancy Guthrie offers insightful daily reflections based on the Word of God to comfort, encourage, and uplift those who are feeling the aches of life–whether it’s because of everyday disappointments or deep losses. Through a year’s worth of thoughtful entries, the reader will learn how much God longs to lift us up, carry us through in times of difficulty and uncertainty, and give us true, lasting joy. Each daily step draws you closer to a God who truly cares and the hopeful life he wants you to enjoy. In short: Daily Scripture readings. Daily reflections for those who are experiencing any pain, disappointment, or grief. Daily opportunity to “dig deeper” into God’s Word. Weekly questions for reflection, opportunities for further meditation, and directed prayer.

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    • 9781577947073 Real Power For Kids

      Real Power For Kids


      The Real Life Series is written to teach children ages 6 to 9 about the fundamentals of Christianity. These fun, scriptural messages help kids understand salvation, the Holy Spirit, and healing on their level. Each book contains 12 delightful illustrations that help illuminate these life-changing concepts. Author Rod Baker has worked in children’s ministry for the last 20 years in prominent ministries such as the 20,000-member church, Victory Christian Center and 12,000-member church, Church On the Move, both located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. With a strong demand in churches and ministries for scripturally sound, inexpensive tools to teach kids, these books are perfect as a giveaway for children to take home and read again and again.

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    • 9781577946540 Scripture Confessions For Victorious Living

      Scripture Confessions For Victorious Living


      The Scripture Confessions Series connects the reader to the timeless passages in God’s Word that speaks to the issues of most concern to them. More than just a book of prayers, the reader will find personalized confessions that will arm them with the Word of God for life’s battles.

      This unique collection of Scriptures is a must have for today’s busy schedules. Whether at work or home, readers can access Scripture Confessions and remind themselves of God’s faithful promises in all areas including healing, finances, protection, wisdom, and more!

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    • 9781576836675 Sacred Sorrow : Reaching Out To God In The Lost Language Of Lament

      Sacred Sorrow : Reaching Out To God In The Lost Language Of Lament


      23 Chapters

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      At a time when the theme of worship is an everyone’s lips, why do so many still sense that something is missing? Could it be due to the fact we have largely ignored one-third of the Psalms–the fifty psalms of lament? Author, musician, and scholar Michael Card takes readers on a mission to recover this lost language. By investigating the lives of Job, David, Jeremiah, and Jesus, he reveals how lament is a natural and necessary part of our human experience. Find out how voicing sincere yet humble dissatisfactions with earthly suffering can be a cathartic completion of our worship and love of God.

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    • 9780883681787 Humility



      1. Humility: The Glory Of The Creature
      2. Humility: The Secret Of Redemption
      3. Humility In The Life Of Jesus
      4. Humility In The Teaching Of Jesus
      5. Humility In The Disciples Of Jesus
      6. Humility In Daily Life
      7. Humility And Holiness
      8. Humility And Sin
      9. Humility And Faith
      10. Humility And Death To Self
      11. Humility And Happiness
      12. Humility And Exaltation
      A Prayer For Humility
      About The Author

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      Is your walk with God stale? Are the same old things just not working as you seek intimacy and God’s power for you life? In this classic text by faith-great Andrew Murray, you will find refreshment for your spiritual journey and learn that humble dependence on God is the basis of all genuine blessing. In Humility, you will learn to model your life after Jesus’ life, find joy in service, and add power to your witnessing. Bring your focus back to God and walk in His will as never before!

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    • 9780883682074 10 Curses That Block The Blessing

      10 Curses That Block The Blessing


      Have you been suffering with depression, family dysfunction, marital unhappiness, or other problems and been unable to overcome them? Within the pages of this groundbreaking book, Ten Curses That Block the Blessing, Larry Huch shares his personal experience with a life of anger, drug addiction, crime, and violence. He shows how he broke these curses and reveals how you can recognize the signs of a curse, be set free from generational curses, and restore your health and wealth. You don’t have to struggle any longer. Choose to revolutionize your life. You can reverse the curses that block your blessings!

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    • 9780806690544 Guerrillas Of Grace (Anniversary)

      Guerrillas Of Grace (Anniversary)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780806690544ISBN10: 0806690542Ted LoderBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2004Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media

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    • 9780883684207 In His Steps (Revised)

      In His Steps (Revised)


      Rev. Henry Maxwell, speaking slowly and determinedly, yet not fully realizing the implications of what lay ahead of him, repeated his astounding proposition, “I want volunteers from Fist Church who will pledge themselves, earnestly and honestly, for an entire year, not to do anything without first asking the question, “What would Jesus do?” Maxwell never dreamed that among those who responded would be the most influential members of his congregation, the wealthy heiress with her millions at stake, the newspaper editor with his job on the line, the president of the local college, the town beauty. But together they pledged themselves to a new step of faith that would change, not just a handful of people, but an entire town–for good.

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