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    Church History

    • 9781641231145 Foxes Book Of Martyrs

      Foxes Book Of Martyrs


      In 1563, John Foxe published an account of the life of Christian martyrs, beginning with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day–Protestants killed during Bloody Mary’s reign. He knew that dangers lay in forgetting the martyrs–in being insensitive to their struggles. They faced torture and death in their fight of faith, willing to stand for their beliefs and the Word of God regardless of the price. The faithfulness of such historical figures as John Wycliffe, John Huss, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, and so many others has given us our rich Christian heritage. Their courage and dedication inspire us to live for Christ today.

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    • 9781683071945 7 Books That Rocked The Church

      7 Books That Rocked The Church


      7 Books That Rocked the Church, by Daniel Crane, explores controversial books throughout history that the Christian church has famously disavowed–and asks the question why?

      Engagingly written and thoughtfully researched, this book explores what the “fuss” was all about with books ranging in date from the second century after Christ to more contemporary authors. Books by Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei, and many others profoundly upset the church by calling into question foundational Christian doctrines or beliefs. Most of the books discussed here were banned at some time by Christian authorities.

      The author’s aim is to challenge Christians to respond critically but open-mindedly to books that oppose a Christian worldview. Readers of 7 Books That Rocked the Church will come away better equipped to answer the charge that the church is intolerant of competing ideas. They will also develop the ability to interact with new and possibly dangerous ideas that comport with Jesus’ admonition to be wise as serpents but gentle as doves. This book also includes discussion questions for further study.

      1. Valentinus the Gnostic: Who Doesn’t Love a Conspiracy Theory? (Think The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown)

      2. Galileo Galilei: A Scandal of Religion, Science, and Politics

      3. Voltaire’s Candide, Enlightenment Rationalism, and the Church’s Thin Skin

      4. Darwin’s Origin of Species: The Many Faces of Evolutionary Theory

      5. Marx’s Communist Manifesto: The Red Bull of the Masses

      6. Sigmund Freud’s Ego

      7. Joseph Campbell: Christianity as an (Almost) Enlightened Myth (A book that strongly influenced George Lucas’s Star Wars films)

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    • 9781622826124 How Catholic Art Saved The Faith

      How Catholic Art Saved The Faith


      More than 500 years after the Reformation, Elizabeth Lev shows how the Catholic Church responded to this turbulent age by finding an artistic voice to proclaim Truth through beauty. Exploring the works of Bernini, Caravaggio, Michelangelo and countless other Counter-Reformation artists, Dr. Lev shows how Catholic art in the 16th and 17th centuries was designed to confront challenges raised by the Reformation with soothing and persuasive voice of art.

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    • 9781683590644 Apostolic Fathers : A New Translation

      Apostolic Fathers : A New Translation


      A fresh, modern translation of key works of the apostolic fathers. These translations by Rick Brannan are perfect for use by students, scholars, and everyday Christians interested in these treasures of the early church.

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    • 9781629119618 95 The Ideas That Birthed The Reformation

      95 The Ideas That Birthed The Reformation


      In 1517, an unknown Augustinian monk, informed by his growing belief that salvation is by faith alone, published and distributed a stark criticism of papal abuses in the Catholic Church. In doing so, Martin Luther lit the spark for what would become the Protestant Reformation.

      What became known as the “95 Theses” was a series of statements expressing concern with corruption within the Church, primarily the selling of “indulgences” to the people as a means covering them from their sins.

      For the 500th anniversary of Luther’s revolutionary writing, Whitaker House is combining each thesis with an excerpt from one of his later works to provide a convenient way to understand the ideas and concepts that became the seeds of the Protestant Reformation.

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    • 9780912106366 Pentecost To Present Book 3

      Pentecost To Present Book 3


      Without knowing the Holy Spirit’s work in history, we cannot possibly understand what He is doing today, much less prepare for what He will do.

      In this third and final installment, the reader will learn how Charles Parham founded the modern Pentecostal baptism with speaking in tongues, how Evan Roberts gained worldwide attention through the 1904-05 Welsh revival, and how William Seymour spearheaded an international Pentecostal movement from Azusa Street in Los Angeles in 1906. The reader will learn how Pentecostalism spawned new denominations, national and international ministries, global renewal movements, and inspired innovators to take modern revivalism to a whole new level. Then when Pentecostalism penetrated American Middle-class Protestantism, many observers began speaking of a “third force” in Christianity. Meanwhile, revolutionary changes in the Catholic Church opened the door for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Then, just as the charismatic movement was beginning to subside in America, it went global, as charismatic mega churches, Bible schools, and television networks took the message of renewal to the world. The twenty-first century has witnessed a dramatic shift in Christianity to the Southern Hemisphere fueled, in part, by the global rise of Pentecostalism, with many new movements on the horizon.

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    • 9780912106311 Pentecost To The Present Book 2

      Pentecost To The Present Book 2


      Jesus once spoke of a time when men would sleep and an enemy would come and sow tares among the wheat. The Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Modern Age were just such a time.

      In this second installment, the reader will learn how signs and wonders played roles in the foundations of nearly every new state church, Free Church, and denomination. How Catholicism countered with its own reformation that included a revival of mysticism, a new army of spiritual soldiers, and the discovery of the New World. How restorationist movements countered the intellectual revolutions of their day with revivals of faith in the supernatural. How a decade-long prayer meeting shaped the future of revivalism affecting both England’s Wesleyan Revival and America’s First Great Awakening. How the French Revolution replaced Christianity with liberalism as the world’s dominant ideology. How many Americans countered this new revolution with a Second Great Awakening. How Phoebe Palmer began the modern Holiness movement and Jeremiah Lanphier launched a worldwide Laymen’s Prayer Revival. How many Americans reunited after the Civil War with a series of Holiness Camp Meetings, followed by a similar “Higher Life” movement in Britain, and later, a new stream of American healing ministries.

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    • 9781486614523 Under Siege Mar

      Under Siege Mar


      Writing from the perspective of a student of life, history, law, politics, and theology, Don Hutchinson draws on all of these areas in ‘Under Siege’ to offer perceptive insight into the Christian Church of today’s Canada. The reader will receive the benefit of his thirty years of church leadership, Christian witness, constitutional law, and public policy experience to gain a practical understanding of how we, the Church, may cast the deciding votes on the future of Christianity in our constitutionally guaranteed ‘free and democratic society.’

      How did we get here? What happened to ‘Christian’ Canada? Do we not have ‘Charter’ rights like everyone else? What does the Bible say?

      Many Christians sense that an advancing secularism is trying to force upon Canadians a culture in which faith is meant to be private. Hutchinson presents historic, legal, and theological grounds for us not to hide our faith in stained-glass closets, but instead to enter Canada’s contested public space with confidence. Together as individual Christians, congregations, denominations, and para- congregational ministries, we are the Church in Canada. And together we have the capacity to impact the nation for God’s good, the good of our neighbours, and the good of ourselves. Will we?

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    • 9781602730946 Revolutionaries The World Turned Upside Down

      Revolutionaries The World Turned Upside Down


      God is raising up a transformation generation in the earth today. Discover the life of a spiritual revolutionary through the study of Scripture and parallels from history. In Revolutionaries: The World Turned Upside Down, Pastor Joshua Gay guides the reader on a journey revealing the characteristics and principles of sons and daughters who are called to release spiritual revolution in our society. Are you one who is called to be a spiritual revolutionary? A new generation is arising in this day to see revival, restoration, and reformation released within all aspects of culture. Take your rightful place as one who is moving in your God-given destiny and purpose. Begin to move in the power that God has released to you. Revolutionaries will see the world turned upside down!

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    • 9780912106038 Pentecost To The Present Book 1

      Pentecost To The Present Book 1


      Contrary to popular belief, miracles did not pass away with the twelve apostles. If anything, the Pentecostal sparks that were lit by them continued to spread throughout the known world.

      In this first installment, the reader will learn how Jesus and the apostles established the concept of the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence in the church laying the groundwork for a Christian initiation that included salvation and Spirit baptism. The reader will see how spiritual gifts operated through the twelve apostles as they spread Christianity into the known world. How bold witnesses, supernatural signs, and practical love resulted in massive expansion of the early church despite extreme persecution. How Montanism tried to revive the church from moral decay through strict living and prophetical gifts before it was rejected. How Emperor Constantine I reunited the Roman Empire under a new Christian-friendly regime. How the new state-run churches, overrun with sin, caused many to flee to the wilderness resulting in another intense spiritual revival. How the Middle Ages featured the mass conversion of much of northern Europe through miracle-working missionary monks, followed by a period of great jubilation, mystical faith, and charismatic revivals, and ending with the incredible healing ministry of Vincent Ferrer.

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    • 9780882711294 Book Of Saints (Revised)

      Book Of Saints (Revised)


      This book is about saints remembered in the calendar of the Catholic Church. Apostles, martyrs, bishops and missionaries, holy men and women who loved God and his people in a remarkable way. Some died for their faith in Christ; others served the poor, upheld the cause of justice, pursued truth and prayed to God with exceptional results. Like leaven in the earth’s mass, they changed the world in which they lived.

      April 2015 – New edition now in two colors

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    • 9781610361309 Great Welsh Revival

      Great Welsh Revival


      The Holy Spirit Visits Wales…
      I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Joel 2:28. One of those sons was Evan Roberts, and God used him to bring salvation to untold thousands in his homeland during 1904 and 1905. Evan is a central figure in this book.

      The original version of this book was written by S.B.Shaw in 1905. Revised and updated by Darrel D. King, this work contains reports of people who witnessed the revival and saw people totally transformed by God in amazing ways. Here are three of those reports:

      I have just returned from a two days’ visit to the storm center of the great Welsh revival which is sweeping over Wales like a cyclone…Already over 34,000 converts have been made. Note: Later accounts reported over 100,000 converts as the revival continued, and the great awakening shows no signs of waning George T.B. Davis in the The New York Weekly Witness.

      In Cardiff…police reports show that drunkenness has diminished 60 per cent…The same thing happened at the Swansea County Court…and the magistrate said, All the years I’ve been sitting here I’ve never seen anything like it, and I attribute this happy state of things entirely to revival! As reported in the London Methodist Times.

      Reliable information from experienced Christian businessman…show that the influence of the Welsh revival has been by no means overstated… Reported in the Belfast Witness.

      This book also contains information about the Welsh Revival of 1857-1858 and the Great Revival in Ireland of 1859.

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    • 9781629111575 Underground Church

      Underground Church


      The Chinese house church is one of the most misunderstood and controversial subjects in Christian world missions today. Many questions about it abound, such as…

      *How did it start?
      *How does it work?
      *How is it led?
      *Why does it continue to experience revival?
      *Is it necessary, now that China has extended religious freedoms?

      Much of the confusion is caused by the Chinese government, which deceives journalists and foreign missionaries with promises of religious freedom that are never kept.

      The truth is, the house churches of China are growing at a phenomenal rate. Never in the history of the world have so many people in such a short time left one belief system for another without a hostile revolution. Lives in China are being transformed daily by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the display of His miraculous power.

      The Underground Church demystifies the Chinese house church movement, with real-life examples and personal testimonies from Chinese Christians. The movement’s unique characteristics-both good and bad-are addressed, as well as how they have led to the church’s astonishing growth.

      Be amazed at what God is doing in China!

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    • 9781603749688 Awakening In Wales

      Awakening In Wales


      Watchman Nee called it the “greatest known revival in church history.” On October 31, 1904, Evan Roberts, a twenty-six-year-old former miner, returned home from a ministry training program, having quit at the urging of the Holy Spirit. That night, he joined sixteen other young people at a village chapel, and from that humble origin sprang a spiritual revival that roared across the hills and valleys of Wales. Thousands of souls were welcomed into God’s kingdom. Even the press could not ignore the changes occurring and eagerly reported on Roberts’ every move.

      As suddenly as he had appeared, Roberts vanished from the world stage, only to reemerge twenty years later. What happened? How did God work so miraculously?

      Jessie Penn-Lewis was well-acquainted with the revival, and with its leader, Evan Roberts. Her clear and concise history of the events of that time remains a treasure for all those who pray for revival to return in our day.

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    • 9781603746380 World Changers : Fascinating Figures From Church History

      World Changers : Fascinating Figures From Church History


      They Served the Lord They Loved

      Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer presents brief biographical sketches of the stirring deeds and extraordinary accomplishments of some of the greatest men of God in church history. Though human, with their own faults, flaws, and missteps, these men had a passion to serve God in a needy world, and their stories still thrill our hearts and create within us a desire to follow Christ, wherever He may lead us.

      The biographies include…
      *Martin Luther
      *George Wishart
      *John Knox
      *Robert Murray McCheyne
      *David Livingstone
      *John Bunyan
      *John Wesley
      *Charles Haddon Spurgeon

      These men were outstanding and strategic witnesses for Christ. Their influence and encouragement of God’s church continues to build up the faith of believers, even today.

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    • 9780882708485 William J Seymour

      William J Seymour


      William J. Seymour was a deeply spiritual man who impressed everyone who met him.

      “I do not believe that any man in modern times had a more wonderful deluge of God in his life than God gave that dear fellow, and the glory and power of a real Pentecost swept the world.” – John G. Lake

      “. . . the meekest man I ever met.” – William Durham

      Seymour was an effective leader, writer, teacher, and revivalist. His spiritual impact continues to be felt around the world today. His early work has opened the door to millions of people finding the fullness of the Holy Spirit since the Auzasa Street Revival, which both “Life” magazine and “USA Today” have listed as being one of the top 100 nation-impacting events of the 20th century.

      This book is more than the life story of William J. Seymour. It examines the historical context and sources that shaped Seymour’s theology by following his life from Louisiana to Azusa Street, provides us with his original sermons, analyses of his teachings, and the complete and original version of Seymour’s only book, Doctrine and Disciplines of the Apostolic Faith Mission of Los Angeles, originally published in 1915.

      William J. Seymour, the pioneer and messenger of Azusa Street, continues to speak to our hearts today with messages that are as timely now as when he first uttered them. His confident and steady voice calls us to holiness, repentance, faith, and racial reconciliation.

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    • 9780965508292 Christian History Time Line Pamphlet

      Christian History Time Line Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      2,000 Years of Christian History At A Glance!
      Christian History Time Line shows 2,000 years of church history at a glance. Includes brief explanations of more than 200 key people and events that all Christians should know. Special emphasis on world missions, the expansion of Christianity, and Bible translation into other languages. Pamphlet has 14 panels and fits inside a Bible cover

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    • 9780882708751 Foxes Book Of Martyrs (Revised)

      Foxes Book Of Martyrs (Revised)


      In 1563, John Foxe began a memorial of martyrs starting with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day; those killed during Bloody Mary’s reign. He knew that dangers lay in forgetting the martyrs–in being insensitive to their struggles. Martyrdom is not a thing of the past; every day the Christian church is persecuted in countries all over the world. More Christians were afflicted in the twentieth century then all the past centuries combined. If the Church is not reminded of the cost to follow Christ, she will die. Be vulnerable to the cries of the martyrs. Let their courage, their faith, their love–touch your life. This updated version includes reports on modern martyrs of the 20th and 21st century, a full color timeline of selected events and people for historical reference, and has been carefully edited into Modern American English for today’s reader.

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    • 9780883686386 Azusa Street

      Azusa Street


      6 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The great Azusa Street revival of the early 1900s began in a humble, run-down mission, with its makeshift “pews” that had been fashioned from planks and empty nail kegs. From this simple setting arose a powerful move of God that swept across the country and around the world. Is it possible to experience the same kind of life-changing revival today? Discover through Frank Bartleman’s eyewitness account what brought revival then and what will bring revival now. God is still looking for obedient hearts who long for His presence. Will you be a part of the coming revival?

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    • 9781886849150 Church In The New Testament

      Church In The New Testament


      This comprehensive reference work is a must for every serious student of the New Testament church. Encyclopedic in scope yet succinct in presentation, this survey provides greater understanding of the church, both universally and locally. Topics include the church in the Old Testament; the progressive revelation of the church throughout the Gospels; Acts and the Epistles; and more

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    • 9781886849020 Book Of Acts

      Book Of Acts


      In these days of renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit, God’s people are looking once again at the book of Acts. The Book Of Acts is designed to give emphasis to early church history and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. This insightful text unlocks the keys to the success and impact of the early Christian church and its relevance today.

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    • 9780898704440 Everlasting Man

      Everlasting Man


      SKU (ISBN): 9780898704440ISBN10: 0898704448G. K. ChestertonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1993Publisher: Ignatius Press

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