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    Christology (Theology of Jesus Christ the Son)

    • 9781683597162 Lord Jesus Christ

      Lord Jesus Christ


      Christ, our Redeemer

      Jesus is the divine Son of God who has taken on human nature in the incarnation. And as prophet, priest, and king, he leads his people in a new exodus. In The Lord Jesus Christ, Brandon D. Crowe reflects on Christ’s person and work. Crowe traces christological concerns throughout the Old and New Testaments and church history and then presents systematic and practical implications. Through a combination of biblical, historical, and theological study, Crowe provides a fresh and robust statement of who Christ is and what he has done.

      Written from a confessionally Reformed perspective in dialogue with the great creeds of the church, The Lord Jesus Christ provides a thorough and trustworthy guide to understanding Jesus and his salvific work.

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    • 9781636092393 Jesus A Life In Pictures

      Jesus A Life In Pictures


      Curious about the life of Jesus?

      Need to understand how the four Gospel accounts relate?

      Want to “see” the people, places, and events of the Lord’s time on earth?

      This beautiful book will help you visualize the life of Jesus Christ. Based on a blending of the four Gospel accounts in the words of Barbour’s fresh, new Simplified King James Version, Jesus, a Life in Pictures features full-color artwork throughout, plus informative maps at the end.

      The text provides a seamless narrative of Jesus’ life, from eternity past (John 1) to eternity future (Revelation 22), with special emphasis on His earthly ministry. Topics include:

      *The Sermon on the Mount
      *Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee
      *His Final Days in Jerusalem
      *Jesus’ Trial and Crucifixion
      *The Resurrection and Ascension

      Explanatory notes clarify confusing elements of Jesus’ story and help you keep track of the orderly progression of the historical account. Jesus, a Life in Pictures is powerful visual biography of the most important Person in history.

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    • 9781644136201 Wise Men Who Found Christmas

      Wise Men Who Found Christmas


      Finally, the True, Untold Story of the Wise Men…

      They were not three kings. Nor were they from the Far East, or even Persia…

      In this thrilling, visual adventure capturing the wonder of the Christmas season, New York Times bestselling author Raymond Arroyo shares the true, hidden story of the mysterious Magi, who risked everything to discover the truth. Based on new historical evidence, The Wise Men Who Found Christmas is the miraculous, untold tale of three seekers who followed a star and found themselves in the middle of the greatest story ever told. Stunningly illustrated by Diane Le Feyer, this enchanting family keepsake is sure to become part of your Christmas tradition – and a reminder that chasing truth is often the greatest adventure of all.

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    • 9781644137567 Life Of Christ

      Life Of Christ


      Widely regarded, upon its release in Europe in 1941, as a masterpiece and the best biography of Our Lord ever published, Fr. Giuseppe Ricciotti’s Life of Christ is a monumental work in which the author surveys the chronology, history, customs, and geography pertinent to the life of Christ. In dignified and elegant language, Fr. Ricciotti retells the Gospel story in light of modern archaeological, critical, and historical findings.

      “It has been my wish to write an exclusively historical and documentary work,” Fr. Ricciotti declared when the book was first published. He succeeded, bringing the entire Gospel to life, vividly and faithfully, in rich detail. Christ’s life is retold with intimacy and reverence, like a story – our story – of salvation.

      Fr. Ricciotti details what Our Lord’s life was like from His infancy and childhood through His public ministry, teachings, miracles, Passion, death, and Resurrection. He unpacks the theological significance of each scriptural event – including the three Paschs of Jesus’ life – in light of the Old Testament and the traditions of the time and provides abundant insights to enrich your meditation throughout. Furthermore, he adds dimension and color to key individuals in the life of Jesus, from Our Lady and St. Joseph to St. John the Baptist and the Apostles.

      Additionally, you will learn about significant Jewish customs and religious practices, which will illuminate your understanding of how Jesus lived and worshipped. Fr. Riccioti evaluates documents from Flavius Joseph and Roman writers to Christian sources that are not contained in the New Testament. Whether considering the miraculous or the scientific aspects of each mystery, you will see the relevance of these events and how they relate to the concerns of our day, to help you grow in holiness and in imitation of our Lord.

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    • 9781683596028 Word From The Beginning

      Word From The Beginning


      And the Word became flesh

      John’s Gospel famously opens with a poetic prologue about the Word. However, after these initial verses, the theme of God’s Word incarnate seems to fade.

      The silence is only apparent. In The Word from the Beginning, Bruce G. Schuchard reunites John’s prologue with the rest of his Gospel. What Jesus does in the Gospel embodies who Jesus is in the prologue. Jesus’s words and actions reveal and unfold his unique identity as the Word. Jesus is indeed God’s Word enfleshed.

      This theological reading of John’s Gospel unifies Jesus’s identity, words, and work, opening up implications for Johannine Christology.

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    • 9781641236522 More Christlike Word

      More Christlike Word


      The Scriptures are an essential aspect of the Christian faith. But we have often equated them with the living Word Himself, even elevating them above the One to whom they point. In doing so, we have distorted their central message–and our view of God. Tragically, this has caused multitudes of people unnecessary doubt, confusion, and pain in their encounters with the Scriptures.

      Many people understand God as being truly loving and good. Yet, they struggle with depictions of God in Scripture as wrathful, violent, and genocidal. These “toxic texts” have caused some to set aside their Bibles as R-rated and unreliable. They have led others to completely reject their faith.

      Author and theologian Bradley Jersak has wrestled deeply with such passages over many years. He has experienced the same questions, doubt, and pain. In A More Christlike Word, he offers a clarifying and freeing path forward, whether you consider yourself a believer, a doubter, or a skeptic, inviting you to a better and more ancient way to read the Scriptures. He calls this path the “Emmaus Way” because it focuses on Jesus Christ as the final Word on God. It demonstrates how all Scripture, by design, points to Jesus, revealing the true nature of the Father.

      After deconstructing the modern biblicist/literalist approaches to Scripture interpretation that have failed us, Brad turns to the early church for a hermeneutic of prefigurement, treating the Bible as the grand narrative of redemption, told through a polyphony of voices and worldviews, culminating in the arrival of Christ as the eternal Word of God–what God has to say about himself.

      The interpretive system of the church fathers and mothers who gathered the New Testament and preached the gospel from the Old Testament has largely been ignored or dismissed by both evangelical and liberal movements, the twin children of modernity. The patristics explain and model the apostles’ Christ-centered interpretation of the Scriptures. Brad applies their approach to “unwrath” sample passages from each genre of the Bible, showing how even the cringe-worthy texts have an important place in the christotelic saga of divine love.

      Your journey on the Emmaus Way will open up to you the fullness of the Scriptures, and, most important, lead you to the God who deeply loves and welcomes you.

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    • 9781641234498 What Happened From The Cross To The Throne

      What Happened From The Cross To The Throne


      Believe it or not, as they stood at the foot of the cross, the original disciples who walked in close companionship with Jesus knew nothing of the real mission of the man they followed. They did not realize who Christ was, why He came, why He had to suffer, and what was to be gained by His suffering. They did not know what happened on the cross, or during the three days and nights in the tomb before His resurrection. They did not know why the incarnation was important, or that it even was an incarnation. All they could see was the undeserved suffering of their friend and rabbi.

      Now, legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon reveals hidden truths there were not fully understood until the Pauline Revelation of the Epistles. Until God revealed these truths to the apostle Paul, no one understood why Christ came…why His death on the cross was necessary…or what exactly occurred in the tomb. They did not comprehend the good news: that because of these events, we now become the righteousness of God, people who can stand in God’s presence without a sense of guilt, shame, or inferiority. This is the miracle of redemption and the miracle of New Creation. It is the confidence to overcome the devil, to heal disease, and to call Lazarus out of the tomb.

      To this day, far too many believers share the disciple’s view of Jesus: a biographical account of the things He did, the words He spoke, and the suffering He endured. Because of this limited revelation, their Christian faith will experience the same fears and doubts the disciples were left with the day Jesus was crucified. Like the apostles at Pentecost, we must move beyond sense knowledge and into the Spirit realm. We must move beyond religion and into a living and active truth if we are to truly walk in a powerful and overcoming faith.

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    • 9781784980757 Discovering The Real Jesus (Student/Study Guide)

      Discovering The Real Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Profits Or Prophets? (2 V 13-25)
      2. Water For A Dry Soul (4 V 5-42)
      3. Soul Food (6 V 1-35)
      4. I Once Was Blind (9 V 1-41)
      5. Eternal Life (11 V 1-44)
      6. Death Isn’t The Last Word (19 V 1-37)
      7. The End Of Doubt (20 V 1-31)

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      Every Christian knows that Jesus is good news for everyone. Yet most of us struggle to share this good news with the people closest to us. Becky Pippert has spent years talking to people about Jesus and her experience shines through on each page of these seven Bible studies in John.

      Discovering the Real Jesus has been designed to make it easy for any Christian to share their faith with friends and family. The expertly crafted questions are designed to open up conversations as you look at seven encounters with Jesus from the Gospel of John.

      This flexible resource allows you to share your faith with one or more of your friends wherever they’re at spiritually and wherever you happen to meet up. All you need is a coffee and a copy of Discovering the Real Jesus for everyone. Even the Bible passages are included inside.

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    • 9781910307632 Uncovering The Life Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)

      Uncovering The Life Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Standing Room Only
      2. Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?
      3. You Can Go Home Again!
      4. Everybody Is Somebody To Jesus
      5. Game Over…?
      6. The Son Also Rises

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      Every Christian knows that Jesus is good news for everyone. Yet most of us struggle to share this good news with the people closest to us. Becky Pippert has spent years talking to people about Jesus and her experience shines through on each page of these six Bible studies in Luke.

      Uncovering the life of Jesus has been designed to make it easy for any Christian to share their faith with friends and family. The expertly crafted questions are designed to open up conversations as you look at six encounters with Jesus from the Gospel of Luke.

      This flexible resource allows you to share your faith with one or more of your friends wherever they’re at spiritually and wherever you happen to meet up. All you need is a coffee and a copy of Uncovering the life of Jesus for everyone. Even the Bible passages are included inside.

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    • 9781909919013 Why Did Jesus Have To Die

      Why Did Jesus Have To Die


      Our culture ignores it. Many within the church seem to be almost embarrassed by it. Many others understand that the cross of Christ is at the very heart of Christian faith and life.
      This short, readable book explains clearly and simply what the Bible, and Jesus himself, says about the cross, and how Christians should understand it today.

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    • 9780830831050 Resurrection : Living As People Of Risen Lord (Student/Study Guide)

      Resurrection : Living As People Of Risen Lord (Student/Study Guide)


      1. New Breath For Old Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14)
      2. Healing And Restoration (Mark 5:21-43)
      3. A Love Stronger Than Death (John 11:1-44)
      4. Broken Bread And Open Eyes (Luke 24:13-35)
      5. To The End Of The Age (Matthew 28)
      6. Both Lord And Messiah (Acts 2:22-36)
      7. No Meaningless Work (1 Cor 15:50-58)
      8. The Spirit Of Life In Our Bodies (Rom 8:1-17)
      9. New Clothing (Col 3:1-17)
      10. All Things Made New (Revelation 21:1-8)

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      Surveys the resurrection story from the perspective of the Old Testament and the full New Testament. Explores the meaning of Christ’s resurrection in our lives today and in the way we look toward the future.

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    • 9781908762580 Passion : How Christs Final Day Changes Your Every Day

      Passion : How Christs Final Day Changes Your Every Day


      1. The Cup
      2. Betrayal And Denial
      3. The Mockery
      4. Three Kings
      5. Give Us Barabbas!
      6. The Long Walk
      7. Father, Forgive
      8. Two Criminals
      9. Climax
      10. Another Day

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      Some people see Jesus’ death as a historical footnote, buried in the past. Christians understand it is much more than that, and know it has transformed their future.

      But often we don’t realise how much Jesus’ last day should change our present, too.

      Walking readers through Luke’s Gospel, US pastor and well-known author Mike McKinley looks at the events of the last day of Jesus’ earthly life. At each point, he pauses to marvel at the love Christ has for His people; and shows how Jesus’ people can learn from His passion, His care, and His integrity.

      This unique book is perfect for both new and mature Christians. While great for reading at any time in the year, it’s particularly helpful to read during Lent or Holy Week.

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    • 9780385346405 Jesus Of Nazareth

      Jesus Of Nazareth


      The momentous third and final volume in the Pope’s international bestselling Jesus of Nazareth series, detailing how the stories of Jesus’ infancy and childhood are as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago.

      In 2007, Joseph Ratzinger published his first book as Pope Benedict XVI in order “to make known the figure and message of Jesus.” Now, the Pope focuses exclusively on the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life as a child. The root of these stories is the experience of hope found in the birth of Jesus and the affirmations of surrender and service embodied in his parents, Joseph and Mary. This is a story of longing and seeking, as demonstrated by the Magi searching for the redemption offered by the birth of a new king. It is a story of sacrifice and trusting completely in the wisdom of God as seen in the faith of Simeon, the just and devout man of Jerusalem, when he is in the presence of the Christ child. Ultimately, Jesus’ life and message is a story for today, one that speaks to the restlessness of the human heart searching for the sole truth which alone leads to profound joy.

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    • 9781586175009 Jesus Of Nazareth

      Jesus Of Nazareth


      For Christians, Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, and who rose from the dead in triumph over sin and death. For non-Christians, he is almost anything else-a myth, a political revolutionary, a prophet whose teaching was misunderstood or distorted by his followers.

      Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, and no myth, revolutionary, or misunderstood prophet, insists Benedict XVI. He thinks that the best of historical scholarship, while it can’t “prove” Jesus is the Son of God, certainly doesn’t disprove it. Indeed, Benedict maintains that the evidence, fairly considered, brings us face-to-face with the challenge of Jesus-a real man who taught and acted in ways that were tantamount to claims of divine authority, claims not easily dismissed as lunacy or deception.

      Benedict XVI presents this challenge in his new book, Jesus of Nazareth: Part Two Holy Week: From the Entrance Into Jerusalem To The Resurrection, the sequel volume to Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration.

      Why was Jesus rejected by the religious leaders of his day? Who was responsible for his death? Did he establish a Church to carry on his work? How did Jesus view his suffering and death? How should we? And, most importantly, did Jesus really rise from the dead and what does his resurrection mean? The story of Jesus raises many crucial questions.

      Benedict brings to his study the vast learning of a brilliant scholar, the passionate searching of a great mind, and the deep compassion of a pastor’s heart. In the end, he dares readers to grapple with the meaning of Jesus’ life, teaching, death, and resurrection.

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    • 9781596363373 Life Of Jesus Pamphlet

      Life Of Jesus Pamphlet


      14 Panels, Fits Inside Most Bibles, 8.5 X 5.5 Inches, Unfolds To 38 Inches Long.

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      Who is Jesus and how is he different from all other religious leaders? In just 14 full-color pages, you’ll see how Jesus and the New Testament writers answered this important question in their own words. Discover why Jesus came, what he taught, what he did-and why it matters now. Includes a time line of Jesus’ life and a chart of key beliefs about Jesus. A wonderful introduction or refresher for seekers, new believers, and life-long Christians.

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    • 9780830831333 I Am : Discovering Who Jesus Is (Student/Study Guide)

      I Am : Discovering Who Jesus Is (Student/Study Guide)


      In the midst of friends’ grief, a crownd’s hunger and follower’s fear, Jesus made some bold claims: “I am the Resurrection.” “I am the Bread of Life.” “I am the Way.” His claims are still true in our grief, fear and uncertainty. These eight studies help us see Jesus more clearly and live with hope and confidence because of who he is.

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    • 9781586171988 Jesus Of Nazareth

      Jesus Of Nazareth


      Who is Jesus? According to the wildly popular book and film, The Da Vinci Code, Jesus was a merely human figure whose original message was distorted by his followers.

      Not so, argues Pope Benedict XVI in this inspiring, well-argued, and thoughtful new book. Benedict sums up two thousand years of Christian insight about the person and work of Jesus Christ. The early Christians did not misrepresent Jesus. Indeed, their understanding of Jesus is the one that makes the most sense based on the historical evidence.

      “Who do men say that I am?” Jesus asked his disciples. The answer to that question is as crucial and timely today as when it was first asked two thousand years ago. Jesus Christ remains the pivotal figure of human history.

      In his first major book written as Pope, Benedict XVI looks at various answers to the question of Jesus’ identity. He shows in a “theological narrative” how the Christ of the Gospels, the Jesus of the Church’s faith, is the genuine Jesus of history. He presents Jesus as someone we can know personally, and someone who knows and loves us. And who sacrificed himself for our salvation.

      Jesus of Nazareth also continues the conversation about the relationship of Christianity and other world religions. Benedict XVI affirms the truth found in other religions, but he also expresses the Christian conviction that Jesus, the Word of God made flesh, embodies the fullness of truth, God’s immense love for the world.

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    • 9780830830022 Images Of Christ (Student/Study Guide)

      Images Of Christ (Student/Study Guide)


      Good Shepherd. Branch. Bridegroom. Cornerstone. There are many images of Christ in Scripture. Some of these word-portraits are easier for us to grasp than others, but each reveals an important aspect of who Christ is. By helping us understand the different images, these ten studies by Dale and Sandy Larsen lead us to know and respond to the reality behind the images–Christ himself–in new and deeper ways

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    • 9781596360587 Names Of Jesus Wall Chart Laminated

      Names Of Jesus Wall Chart Laminated


      There are many names for Jesus given in the Bible and each has a special blessing for us that will enrich your worship and prayer life. This poster shows more than 50 names for Jesus:
      * King of Kings, Lord of Lords
      * Good Shepherd
      * Chief Cornerstone
      * The Way, The Truth, and the Life
      * Advocate
      * I AM
      * Wonderful Counselor
      * High Priest
      * Holy One
      * Alpha and Omega
      * Mighty God
      * Morning Star
      * Lion of Judah
      * Son of God
      * Son of Man
      * Rock
      * Immanuel
      * Beloved
      * and many more

      This beautiful poster gives the definition, a scripture reference, and shows the spiritual meaning for today.

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    • 9781596360594 Names Of Jesus Pamphlet

      Names Of Jesus Pamphlet


      12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      Names of Jesus pamphlet
      There are many names for Jesus given in the Bible and each has a special blessing for us that will enrich your worship and prayer life. This fold-out pamphlet shows more than 50 names for Jesus, each with the meaning and Bible reference:
      * King of Kings, Lord of Lords
      * Good Shepherd
      * Chief Cornerstone
      * The Way, The Truth, and the Life
      * Advocate
      * I AM
      * Wonderful Counselor
      * High Priest
      * Holy One
      * Alpha and Omega
      * Mighty God
      * Morning Star
      * Lion of Judah
      * Son of God
      * Son of Man
      * Rock
      * Immanuel
      * Beloved
      * and many more

      This beautiful chart gives the definition, a scripture reference, and shows the spiritual meaning for today.

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    • 9781890947194 100 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Pamphlet

      100 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      Students will be amazed to discover that Jesus fulfilled more than 100 prophecies that were foretold 400-1500 years before he was born concerning his birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection. Reproducible worksheets on back. Now available as a pamphlet.

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    • 9789901983308 Genealogy Of Jesus Christ Wall Chart Laminated

      Genealogy Of Jesus Christ Wall Chart Laminated


      The Genealogy of Jesus Christ is an extra large wall chart showing Jesus’ family tree all the way back to Adam and Eve. (Researcher William Demery worked for many years on this project, then made copies by hand-a 16-hour task!) Now it is available with more than 1000 names and 100 fascinating facts.

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    • 9780830830374 Parables : The Greatest Stories Ever Told (Student/Study Guide)

      Parables : The Greatest Stories Ever Told (Student/Study Guide)


      Everyone loves a good story. But the parables of Jesus are a special kind of story. They sneak up on us, catching us off guard. The familiar suddenly takes an unexpected twist, and we find our secret thoughts exposed in the healing light of Jesus. In this guide John White, author of the bestselling book The Fight, helps us explore twelve of the greatest stories ever told.

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