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  • Servant Of God Nicholas Black Elk Tiny Saints


    Nicholas Black Elk was a relative of Crazy Horse, witnessed the Battle of Little Bighorn, and performed for the Queen of England in Buffalo Bill s traveling show. But above all, he was a Christian who honored the spirituality and traditions of his ancestors.

    Patronage: Native Americans, interfaith dialogue

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  • J R R Tolkien Tiny Saints


    J.R.R. Tolkien was an English author, professor and master of languages who is known as the father of high fantasy literature. He is most famous for writing The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. His Catholic faith influenced everything in his life. Tolkien described The Lord of the Rings as a fundamentally religious and Catholic work. Throughout his life, Tolkien made it a priority to attend daily Mass.

    The Grassroots edition charms highlight the stories of Catholic people whose stories have left an impression on the people they reach. These individuals are not on the official path to sainthood, which is why their charms do not say “Pray for us” like most Tiny Saints products.

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  • Saint Julie Billiart Tiny Saints


    Although homebound for many years of her life, Julie Billiart offered spiritual counsel to many and even co-founded the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She once said, “Be like the sunflower that follows every movement of the sun, and keep your eyes always turned towards our good God.”

    Feast Day: April 8

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  • Servant Of God Mary Lange Tiny Saints


    In 1829, Mother Mary Lang founded the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first religious order for women of color in the America. The sisters served in schools, orphanages, and hospitals. They even designed and made religious vestments.

    Patronage: African Americans

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  • Servant Of God Father Vincent Capodanno Tiny Saints


    On September 4, 1967 military Chaplain Vincent Capodanno was killed in action while caring for his men in Vietnam. He was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1969. The USS Capodanno was launched in 1972, bearing the motto: Duty with Honor. As a Servant of God, the Church is invited to pray for Father Capodanno’s cause for canonization.

    Patronage: military, chaplains

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  • Venerable Pierre Toussaint Tiny Saints


    Pierre Toussaint was moved from Haiti to New York as a slave and eventually took on work as a hairdresser. He was admired for his selfless service to New York s poor, sick and orphaned.

    Patronage: barbers, hairdressers

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  • Servant Of God Julia Greeley Tiny Saints


    After her emancipation from slavery, Julia Greeley became Denver s Angel of Charity. She helped families in need, towing her red wagon filled with coal, clothing, and groceries.

    Patronage: African Americans, slavery

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  • Immaculate Virgin Patroness Of America Tiny Saints


    In 1792, the first bishop of the United States, John Carroll, consecrated the nation to Mary under her title The Immaculate Conception. In 1846, the United States bishops unanimously chose Mary under that title as Patroness of the United States of America.

    Feast Day: December 8

    Patronage: United States

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  • Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne Tiny Saints


    After joining the Society of the Sacred Heart in France, Rose was sent to the Missouri frontier. She built schools for girls and, in her later years, served Native Americans throughout the region.

    Feast Day: November 18

    Patronage: Native Americans, education, children

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  • G K Chesterton Tiny Saints


    G.K. (Gilbert Keith) Chesterton was a devout Roman Catholic writer from England with a prolific output, including books, plays, essays and articles. He had a unique writing style marked by paradox, wit, and wonder. Chesterton was known for his eccentric personality, but had a profound impact on individuals such as C.S. Lewis, Michael Collins, and Mohandas Gandhi, inspiring them to become Christian, lead Irish independence, and fight British colonial rule in India, respectively.

    Our Grassroots edition charms highlight the stories of Catholic people whose stories have left an impression on the people they reach.

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  • Saint Hildegard Of Bingen Tiny Saints


    A mystic and Benedictine Abbess, Hildegard is known for her spiritual writings, musical compositions, art, and extensive knowledge of natural medicine. Her unparalleled works have earned her the title Doctor of the Church.

    Feast Day: September 17

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  • Saint Denis Of Paris Tiny Saints


    Denis was the first Bishop of Paris, renowned for his fearless preaching in the face of Roman persecution. In fact, they say that Denis kept preaching – even after he was beheaded!

    Feast Day: October 9

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  • Saint Helena


    Born around 247 AD, Helena was the wife of the Roman Emperor. When her son, Constantine, received a miraculous vision before a battle, Helena converted and became a devout Christian. She traveled to the Holy Land to find Christ s cross, which had been lost. Three crosses were discovered, so Helena asked a dying woman to touch each one. The woman was miraculously healed after touching the true cross.

    Feast Day: August 18

    Patronage: New Discoveries

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  • Our Lady Star Of The Sea


    The beloved title Our Lady Star of the Sea has been used for Mary for centuries. In the 1100s, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux wrote: “If the winds of temptation arise; If you are driven upon the rocks of tribulation look to the star, call on Mary; If you are tossed upon the waves of pride, of ambition, of envy, of rivalry, look to the star, call on Mary. Should anger, or avarice, or fleshly desire violently assail the frail vessel of your soul, look at the star, call upon Mary.”

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  • Saint Isaac Jogues


    As a newly-ordained Jesuit, Isaac Jogues was assigned to the native tribes of Canada in 1636. Though he saw many people turn to Christ, missionaries were not always welcome. In 1642, natives cut off Jogues’ fingers and made him a slave. He was released a year later and returned to Europe a legend. But Jogues’ interest there was only to obtain the pope’s permission to celebrate the Mass despite his missing fingers. Jogues returned to Canada with permission, but was accused of being a sorcerer and murdered by tomahawk.

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  • Saint Bernard Of Clairvaux


    In the year 1111, Bernard became a Cistercian monk at the age of 20. Confident, bold and outspoken, his influence spread far beyond the monastery. The honey-tongued orator settled international disputes, prevented a schism, inspired innovative architecture, outsmarted heretics, and defended the integrity of marriage – all while suffering from chronic illness. Sustained by his love for Christ and devotion to Mary, Bernard became one of the most influential figures of the 12th century.

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  • Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini


    In 1889, amidst the chaos and poverty of an over-populated New York, Mother Frances Cabrini and her sister companions arrived from Italy. They quickly began organizing catechism and language classes for Italian immigrants, established schools and orphanages, and served the poor throughout the city. Requests for Mother Cabrini’s help later came from all over the world. Today, her Missionary Sisters can be found on six continents serving in a variety of roles wherever there is a need.

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  • Our Lady Of Knock


    At least 15 people saw the exact same thing on the night of August 21, 1879, in the small, suffering Irish village of Knock. Judith Campbell was there and shared her story: “I saw outside the chapel … three figures representing St. Joseph, St. John and the Blessed Virgin Mary; also an altar, and the likeness of a lamb on it, with a cross at the back of the lamb.” Our Lady wore white robes, with a gold rose upon her forehead and a brilliant gold crown on her head. Within weeks, an inquiry into the apparition deemed the reports truthful.

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  • Saint Jane Frances De Chantal


    After her beloved husband was killed in a hunting accident, Jane Frances de Chantal sought peace and purpose as a Christian mother. She established stability for her children at her father-in-law’s estate, despite how difficult he made things for her. In 1604, Jane Frances met St. Francis de Sales and cultivated a holy friendship in which he became her spiritual director. Together, they founded the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary for women to live in a spirit “of profound humility toward God and of great gentleness toward the neighbor.” She founded 86 monasteries in her lifetime.

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  • Saint Mary Of The Cross Mackillop


    Mary MacKillop co-founded Australia’s first order of nuns, the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, in 1866. The sisters stared their work in a converted stable, providing free education to children of any background. They soon opened an orphanage, a refuge for women released from prison, and ministries for the homeless. A force for the message of Christ’s love, Mary’s intelligence, leadership, passion and autonomous spirit shook up the Church in Australia. In the end, Mary’s holiness was her legacy. In 1909, upoin his last visit to her, Cardinal Moran stated, “Today, I believe that I have assisted at the death bed of a saint.”

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  • Saint Katharine Drexel


    In 1858, Katharine Drexel was born into a wealthy Philadelphia family. The loving family prayed daily and provided food, clothing and rent to those in need. Katharine s devotion to the less-fortunate only grew over the years. She saw especially the suffering within African American and Native American communities. In 1891, Katharine made her vows as a religious and started the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. They led schools and missions throughout the U.S. and still do to this day!

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  • Saint Jose Sanchez Del Rio


    In 1927, Catholic Mexico was suffering from extreme religious persecution. Soldiers of faith, known as Cristeros, took up arms in defense of their faith and families. After begging to join the fight, 14-year-old Jose Sanchez del Rio served alongside the army general. He was taken prisoner in 1928 and suffered violent torture, including devastating wounds to his feet. Jose s captors ordered him to denounce his faith, but instead he shouted the words of a true Cristero before his death: Viva Cristo Rey!!!

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  • Saint Louis De Montfort


    Born in France, St. Louis de Montfort became a priest in 1700. He was an amazing preacher who traveled far and wide, inspiring others to follow the example of loving obedience set by Mary. If you think of St. Louis de Montfort, think of Mary! In addition to writing hymns and books (including True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin and The Secret of the Rosary), Louis founded a small company of priests who led Marian missions and retreats. Louis also founded the Daughters of Wisdom who provided education and served the poor.

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  • Blessed Margaret Of Castello


    Little Margaret was born with dwarfism, blindness and a hunchback. Hidden away by her parents, she was locked in a door-less room attached to a church. She was alone, but befriended a priest and grew close to God. After a decade of isolation, Margaret s parents abandoned her in the streets. She was taken in by the poor and soon became a Dominican sister. Margaret cared for the sick and taught children while their parents worked. A light to all who knew her (and to those who know of her), Margaret proved that God has a plan for every single one of us.

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  • Saint Gregory The Great


    Pope St. Gregory the Great joyfully began his religious life around the year 575 as a Benedictine monk. So, when he was elected pope, Gregory was hesitant to take the office but resolute in following God s will. As pope, Gregory strengthened core elements of the Faith like liturgy and doctrine while prioritizing service and outreach. He ransomed prisoners, protected persecuted Jews, sent preachers to England, and cared for victims of the plague. Today, Gregory is considered a doctor of the Church.

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  • Saint Vincent De Paul


    Born in France, St. Vincent de Paul was a priest known for his compassion, humility and generosity. At the age of 24, he was kidnapped by pirates and spent two years in slavery. Upon returning home, Vincent worked passionately among the poor. Under Vincent s leadership, many people responded to the intensifying poverty of 17th-century France and remarkable organizations bearing his name still exist to this day. Vincent de Paul is the patron saint of charities and volunteers.

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  • Saint Veronica


    SKU (UPC): 641427586274 Color: Full ColorManufacturer: New Day Christian Distributors

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  • Saint Blaise


    St. Blaise was a skilled physician who lived in the 4th century. He was well-known for his kindness as well as his passion for treating both people and animals. Blaise had a unique skill for treating throat illnesses and injuries. He often performed miraculous healings, once rescuing a young boy who was choking on a chicken bone! As bishop, Blaise led his fellow Christians during a time of brutal persecution and was ultimately martyred for his faith.

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  • Saint Juan Diego


    In December of 1531, Mary appeared to Juan Diego outside Mexico City and asked that a chapel be built on the grounds. Juan Diego s bishop asked him for a sign to prove the message was from Mary. At the next apparition, Mary had Juan Diego fill his tunic with nearby roses that were unseasonably in bloom. When Juan Diego poured the roses out in front of the bishop, the image of Mary was imprinted on his tunic. The chapel stands to this day with the image on display for all to see!

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  • Saint Nicholas Of Tolentino


    Born as an answer to his mother s prayers, Nicholas demonstrated saintliness at an early age and later joined the Augustinian Friars. Nicholas was devoted to the poor, sick, and dying members of the community. The Bread of Saint Nicholas originates from the holy bread he would offer to miraculously heal the sick. In fact, Nicholas performed many miracles, including resurrections. He humbly told people, Say nothing of this. Give thanks to God, not me.

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  • Parents Of Saint Therese


    SKU (UPC): 696859298974 Manufacturer: New Day Christian Distributors

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  • Saint Louise King Of France


    Following decades of violence in France, King Louis brought peace and justice. He also showed great devotion to the less fortunate, founding hospitals, caring for the sick and inviting the poor to his palace for meals. It is said that King Louis, in an act of humility, presented his own royal crown to Christ and said, “There is but one King of France! Louis died defending the faith during a crusade.

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  • Blessed Maria Theresia


    Born in Germany in 1830, Mother Maria Theresia Bonzel founded the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. These amazing nuns ran orphanages, served as battlefield nurses, and even outsmarted an oppressive government! To this day, the sisters carry on that legacy, completely devoted to Christ in the Eucharist and honoring their foundress’ motto: “All as God wishes: He leads, I follow.”

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  • Saint John Bosco


    As a boy, John Bosco would juggle and do magic tricks for his peers. Having captured their attention, he would use the opportunity to share a sermon he had heard at Mass! That story represents well the holy priest who dedicated his life to helping young people, especially troubled boys. Today, members of St. John Bosco’s order, the Salesians, continue to serve young people all over the world.
    Available November 2014

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  • Saint Dymphna


    Dymphna was an Irish princess whose father became dangerous with mental illness. Along with her priest and court jester, she fled her home to a place called Gheel. There, young Dymphna was martyred by her father in the name of chastity, but the story didn ?t end there. To this day, Gheel is a sanctuary of love, kindess and even miracles for those suffering from mental illness.
    Available November 2014

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  • Saint Raphael


    Available January 2016
    In the Old Testament, Tobit was an elderly man longing for death. All the while, in a land called Media, a young woman named Sarah is also suffering. When Tobit sends his son Tobias to Media on business, a man named Azarias joins him. Together, the two survive an attack from a fish and even cast out a demon. And to top that off, Azarias facilitates the meeting of Sarah and Tobias who marry and return to Tobit with the wonderful news. It is then that Azarias tells them all his real name: Raphael the Archangel!

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  • Saint Peregrine


    Born in the 13th century, Peregrine lived a life of great charity with a deep love of penance. The holy saint was miraculously healed of cancer a day before his afflicted leg was to be amputated. Peregrine s canonization in 1726 increased devotion to him and today he is a source of strength, faith and miracles for those affected by cancer.

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  • Saint Maria Goretti


    Tiny Saints are pretty much the coolest saint charms ever! They’re weatherproof, colorful, fun, and can be used ANYWHERE! Collect and share these little reminders of who s up in Heaven praying for us: real heroes we can learn about, know and love. This adorable kid’s-style Catholic medal is made of colorful rubberized material and features a fun cartoon image of Saint Maria Goretti. The Tiny Saints charms can be worn as a necklace, or you can wear and use it other ways too: each Tiny Saint charm also comes with a clasp to wear it as a zipper pull on a jacket or to attach to shoelaces, and with a steel chain to attach to bookbags, purses, or any personal belongings. Kids of all ages are sure to love it! Adults may also enjoy keeping these cute little saints on their bags or purses. The back of the medal says, “St. Maria Goretti, Pray for Us.” Other saints are available too, so be sure to view our entire Tiny Saints collection. These fun kid’s saint charms are a great way to get your children interested and excited to learn more about the lives of the saints. A great catechesis tool for the Year of Faith!

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  • Saint Kateri


    This Saint Kateri Tiny Saints charm comes with the charm, a quality 18″ duraflex necklace, an anywhere clip, and a steel chain. Use your imagination – as a necklace, attach to backpacks, jacket zippers, as a keychain, auto mirrors, and more! Saint Kateri was born in New York in 1656, the daughter of a Mohawk warrior. Her mother died of smallpox when Kateri was only 4 years old and the disease left Kateri’s face scarred and vision impaired for the remainder of her life. It was because of this that she became known as Kateri Tekakwitha (meaning, she who bumps into things). Nonetheless, Kateri was a loving and kind girl and learned of Christianity as a teenager. Kateri was baptized at the age of 20 and incurred the anger of her tribe when she left traveling by foot and canoe to join a colony of Christian Indians in Canada. Jesuit priests who lived there wrote of how Kateri would wake up early and, even in the bitter cold, wait outside the chapel doors to pray before the Eucharist. When Kateri, the “Lily of the Mohawks,” died at the age of 24, those present said that the deep scars on her face vanished. Saint Kateri is the patron saint of environmentalists, nature, youth, and outcasts.

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  • Our Lady Of Guadalupe Patroness Of The Unborn Tiny Saints


    Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the New Evangelization and the Unborn, symbolizes the profound connection between protecting and celebrating life and spreading the Gospel in innovative ways.

    ?Feast Day: December 12

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  • Venerable Jerome Lejeune Tiny Saints


    Professor J r me Lejeune discovered the the genetic basis of Down Syndrome in 1959 and dedicated his life to serving people with special needs. Today, his foundation continues to advocate for the intrinsic value of every human life.

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  • Blessed Carlo Acutis Tiny Saints


    From a young age, Carlo Acutis demonstrated a unique love for Jesus in the Eucharist. Creative and passionate, Carlo also found joy through computer programming and technology. He used his skills to build websites featuring topics including Mary and the Eucharist. He was a light to all who knew him and beloved by family, friends, and teachers. Carlo developed leukemia at a young age and offered all of his suffering for the Lord, the Pope, and the Church. He died in 2006 at the age of 15.

    Feast Day: October 12

    Patronage: Computer Programming, Youth

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  • Saint Anthony Tiny Saints


    St. Anthony of Padua was a 13th-century Franciscan friar known for his rich knowledge of Church theology. Even more importantly, he had an incredible ability to explain the Faith so that anyone could understand even the deepest truths. Anthony is often seen holding the child Jesus, who once appeared to him and touched his face. St. Anthony has become beloved by millions as the patron saint of lost things.

    Feast Day: June 13

    Patronage: Amputees, Expectant Mothers, Lost Things, Married Couples, Seafarers

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  • Saint Joseph Tiny Saints


    Joseph is a quiet hero, the man God trusted to be Mary’s husband and Jesus’ foster-father. Joseph showed deep faith during Mary’s pregnancy, great courage in leading his family into Egypt, and fatherly wisdom while teaching his son how to work and pray. A carpenter by trade, Joseph is the patron saint of workers. He died with Mary and Jesus by his side, and is invoked for a happy death.

    Feast Day: March 19

    Patronage: A Happy Death, Carpenters, Fathers, Men, Workers

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  • Saint John Paul 2nd Tiny Saints


    As pope from 1978 to 2005, Pope John Paul II tackled difficult global issues, visited 116 countries, and met frequently with world leaders. His message was for everyone. “Do not be afraid,” he said. “Jesus Christ is the hope of the world.” The beloved pope’s courage and deep faith inspired a generation of faithful. Today, many call him Saint John Paul the Great.

    Feast Day: October 22

    Patronage: Hope, Perseverance, Poland, World Youth Day

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  • Saint Francis Of Assisi Tiny Saints


    St. Francis was born in Assisi, Italy, the son of a wealthy merchant. He joined the military but soon became a prisoner of war. When he finally returned home, Francis felt drawn to serve the poor. While praying before a crucifix, Francis heard Jesus tell him, “Repair my house,” the Church. Francis’ radical poverty and simplicity soon attracted many followers. Today, the Franciscan Order remains one of the most beloved religious institutions worldwide.

    Feast Day: October 4

    Patronage: Animals, Pet Owners, Pets, The Environment, The Poor

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  • Servant Of God Thea Bowman Tiny Saints


    As a child, Thea was exposed to the richness of her African-American culture and spirituality. She fell in love with the history, stories, songs, prayers, and traditions. As a nun, she gathered together people across the country for singing, gospel preaching, prayer and storytelling. Her programs were designed to foster communication and understanding, and to break down racial and cultural barriers.

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  • Saint Charles Borromeo Tiny Saints


    Charles Borromeo was made a cardinal in 1559 by his uncle, Pope Pius IV. While the Church was suffering the effects of the Protestant reformation, Charles did his best to bring about internal reform. He prayed, helped organize the Council of Trent, made the Archdiocese of Milan a place of conversion and virtue, and sacrificed his personal wealth to care for the poor and sick.

    Feast Day: November 4

    Patronage: Bishops, Cardinals, Catechists, Catechumens, Seminarians

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  • Blessed Chiara Luce Badano Tiny Saints


    Born in 1971, Chiara was a thoughtful, vibrant, and popular Italian girl. She loved spending time with her friends, coffee, music, dancing, tennis, hiking and swimming. At age 17, Chiara was diagnosed with bone cancer. Before she died in 1990, Chiara told her mother, “Oh Mama, young people, they are the future. You see, I can’t run anymore, but how I would like to pass on to them the torch, like in the Olympics! Young people have only one life and it’s worthwhile to spend it well.”

    Feast Day: October 29

    Patronage: Childhood Cancer Young Girls

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  • Our Lady Of The Rosary Tiny Saints


    When we pray the rosary, we meditate on the life of Jesus through the eyes of Mary. It gives us insight into the Gospel and brings us closer to Christ!

    Feast Day: October 7th

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