Showing 151–200 of 434 resultsSorted by latest
Psychology And The Cross
$15.95To the initial astonishment of Catholic moral theologians a century ago, purging psychology of its amoral and antireligious errors was found to actually confirm age-old Catholic teaching about the nature of man while providing invaluable guidance on the development of personality. In this trail-blazing book, first published in 1958, Fr. G. Emmett Carter has assembled the wisest Christian thought showing how psychology can aid the Christian in achieving maturity, overcoming character defects, and conquering emotional disorders.
Fr. Carter — founding director of Montreal’s St. Joseph Teachers College — begins with a layman’s survey of modern psychology, revealing the “biases” during the age of Freud that caused him and many others to hold erroneous positions on the nature of man, religion, and God. He then shows how sound psychology draws all its strength from Christianity. Psychology, he writes, explains why we are anxious and afraid; Christianity provides the remedy. Fr. Carter goes on to reveal:
*How self-analysis is beneficial in leading to wisdom, peace, and lasting security
*Where the Bible itself provides us with “a blueprint for the study of man’s psychic forces”
*The main findings — and chief errors — of contemporary psychology
*How connecting religion and psychology leads to maturity, which is “the meeting place of the true man and the true Christian”
*The centrality of the doctrine of Original Sin to understanding the psychological makeup of the individual
*Guidelines for parents and educators for bringing young people to maturity
*Why suicide always represents a fundamental error of thought
*How your unconscious mind operates
Most notably, you will learn to maintain consistent motivation to attain Christian perfection. You will also learn how to overcome antisocial behavior and how to foster a healthy ego.
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Attaining Heaven : What It Is And How To Get There
$15.95Here is the one book you need to grasp the illimitable joys of Heaven – and to discover how to get there. You will learn here what Scripture unveils and what the Church’s greatest saints have written about Heaven and its joys, as well as the reason you’ll experience bliss, happiness, delights of every kind, satisfaction of all desires, joy unbounded, and pleasure in Heaven.
While any true understanding or appreciation of the joys of Heaven is impossible to us, this book unpacks the many hints of Heaven from Scripture and the saints to provide abundant matter for your meditations. You’ll learn that Heaven consists almost entirely of spiritual ideas that cannot be grasped without meditation — and even then only by one who is not preoccupied with this world and its goods.
Fr. J. P. McCarthy does more than explain what Heaven is – he provides clear guidance on what you can do to secure it. You will learn what to pray for, how to flourish in the virtues of faith, hope, and love, how to experience the depths of God’s love for you, and how to be filled with the fortitude you need to live for a happy eternity.
By reading and meditating on these pages, you will grow in your knowledge of God and will soon contemplate the mysteries of the Holy Trinity in a deeper, more fruitful way. You’ll also learn:
*What the “lesser joys of Heaven” are
*Why love is the only theological virtue you can take from earth to Heaven
*What it means to store up treasures in Heaven
*What the Beatific Vision meansBest of all, you will discover your true home in Heaven, where you will be welcomed into the friendship of loved ones, the angels, and saints, who await your arrival. You will abide in the total bliss of God’s love for you in the eternal wedding banquet and enjoy the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.
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Mementoes Of The English Martyrs And Confessors
$21.95Fr. Henry Sebastian Bowden wrote this powerful book so we will never forget the sacrifices of those martyrs who preserved and bequeathed to us our Catholic Faith.
The heroic witness of the English martyrs you meet in this superb volume of daily meditations will instill a greater piety and zeal in your heart. Each day features a captivating short story from the life of a martyr or an excerpt from his or her writings. Their testimonies, sometimes prophetic, always profound, impart urgent reminders to us about Catholic persecution as it has occurred through time.
The period of the English martyrs opened with Henry VIII’s “Oath of Supremacy” and the suppression of monasteries and then continued into forced Protestantism by blood under Elizabeth, and from there to the age in which Puritans killed Catholics solely for their Faith. In these gripping pages – increasingly relatable in our time – you will encounter extraordinary examples of valor in the face of shocking danger and cruelty, including the consequences laypeople faced for harboring priests.
Stirred by the selection of stories included, you will discover:
*Why the boy orator St. Edmund Campion was called “golden-mouthed”
*Which Jesuit priest martyr was also a renowned poet
*The courageous faith of four lay women named Margaret
*The number of brave souls who converted (it’s more than you think!)
*How priests such as Ven. William Davies fortified their fellow prisoners
*The sublime work of especially gifted English martyr poetsMost powerfully, these pages lay bare the thoughts the thoughts and feelings of martyrs such as Bl. William Hart, who wrote heartfelt letters to his Protestant mother and exhorted his spiritual children through his preaching to “Stand fast!”
From famous saints such as John Fisher, the “saintly cardinal,” to Thomas More, the civil lawyer and illustrious chancellor, you will read about greater- and lesser-known heroes of the Faith resisting bribes and withstanding tortures and steadfastly refusing to apostatize or betray friends.
Be inspired by the profound wisdom and courage of great Catholics who shed their blood for Christ and His Church. Such a cloud of witnesses will make your heart grateful for the Faith our fathers preserved for us and more confident than ever about the truths in which we believe.
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$19.95Literary genius Caryll Houselander wrote this book out of an abiding compassion for those who are suffering and in search of healing and happiness. She presents in these pages gripping examples of famous men and women who battled some form of neurosis that led to either their sanctification or their destruction.
The greatest suffering of our age is psychological pain, Houselander argues. A sufferer of neurosis herself, she unpacks the phenomenon that creates ego-neurosis — a type of disordered self-love that, at its core, attempts to satisfy our hunger for Christ. She reveals how failure to cultivate this essential relationship results in anxiety, disordered behavior, and psychological ailments such as scrupulosity, aberrant sexual behavior, hypochondria, and assorted manias.
God waits to embrace you with healing love and lavish you with redeeming graces, she explains. But you must first respond to His invitation. Houselander shows how sacramental Confession — the miracle of atonement with God — uniquely serves to alleviate your guilt and restore harmony to your soul. With her stirring meditations on hope, she shows you that Christ “fell in love” with us and took “all the suffering of guilt on Himself, wedding Himself to our sorrow, and offering the sacrifice of His own death on the Cross.” Incredibly, He re-creates us and gives us the fullness of joy through the gift of “spiritual childhood.”
In this thoroughly penetrating and rewarding book, Houselander will also help you:
*Accept your nature, avoid escapism, and open your heart to God’s mercy through the sacraments
*Surrender your self-pity, adore God’s boundless love, and strive to alleviate the suffering of others
*Enter the immensity of God’s life and enjoy the freedom and love you were created to receive
“Put on Christ” and employ the supernatural weapons of prayer and sacrifice
*Be a co-redeemer with Jesus by performing ordinary tasks with love to transform the world
*Let Christ be formed in you like Mary and echo her Fiat, which releases the Holy Spirit’s power
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Aquinass Lenten Meditations
$17.95There’s a multitude of Lenten meditation books but only one that’s packed with the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas. Journey through Lent with the Church’s greatest philosopher-theologian. This unrivaled spiritual master will guide you in encountering Our Lord and experiencing the type of fruitful Lent that he often experienced.
You will relish this magnificent treasury of sixty-three of Aquinas’s Scripture-based sermons specially selected for the holy season. From Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, you’ll learn how to deepen your prayer life, conquer temptation, resist the evils incurred by sin, and equip yourself for spiritual battle.
In the straightforward, logical language for which he is famous, Aquinas shows you how to detach yourself from the things of this world and refocus on the things above, reflecting on Our Lord and Our Lady as models.
You will learn the importance of fasting to the preservation of chastity and how to perform acts that will increase your humility and purity. As you contemplate the example of Our Lord on the Cross, Aquinas will help you weed out vices and cultivate virtues to prepare for the joys of Heaven.
Let the Angelic Doctor assist you in overcoming idleness and fostering a deeper devotion with stirring reflections on:
*Ways in which the Blood of Jesus is precious and salvific
*The confidence we should place in Our Divine Friend, even in sickness, suffering, and pain
*How Our Lady suffered and how she personifies charity, patience, humility, obedience, and detachment
*Why the pain suffered by Our Lord was the greatest pain possible in this life
*Jesus’ fourfold humiliation on the Cross — and the fourfold exaltation it merited Him
*How Christ manifested all virtues on the Cross, the “pulpit from which He taught all mankind”
Also included are forgotten or little-known traditional feast days, such as the feast of the Holy Lance and the Nails of Our Lord and the feast of the Holy Winding Sheet.
You will find rich meditations on Christ’s Passion and reflections for each day of Holy Week. Best of all, you will discover the greatest love story of all time: the Father who offered His only Son, and the Son who underwent every suffering and sacrificed His life for our redemption.
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Catechism Of The Catholic Church Ascension Edition
$64.95From the publisher of the popular Great Adventure Catholic Bible comes the first-ever edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church with the brand-new, specially designed Foundations of Faith approach!
The Catechism contains the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith’s most foundational teachings applied to the modern day. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ascension Edition makes the wisdom of this foundational document accessible through the Foundations of Faith approach.
Now, everyone can learn and understand the teachings of the Catholic Faith.
This exclusive, specially designed edition clearly shows the ancient roots of the Faith and, with The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) podcast, helps Catholics integrate the fullness of Catholic teaching into their daily lives.
There has never been an edition of the Catechism so revolutionary for Catholics seeking to understand the teachings of the Catholic Faith. Reviewed by top experts, theologians, and scholars, this edition has built-in tools that have never been provided in any other edition.
The result is a Catechism that will change your life as you come to understand why the Catholic Church teaches what it does.
This version of the Catechism contains:
*Carefully designed pages to make the majestic truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith readable, organized, and inviting
*An original and specially designed color-coded approach that helps readers understand how everything in the Catechism is connected together
*The Catechism at a Glance Chart woven within the text to show how the Catechism is structured and where to find key teachings of the Catholic Faith
*Highlighted key words and visual references that help Catholics quickly identify major truths and easily find their place within the big picture of the Catechism
*Dozens of callout boxes to highlight the books of Sacred Scripture and the writings of the Church that are the basis for the Catechism’s teachings
*An exclusive, never-before-seen appendix, “Sources from Scripture and the Church,” with a clear introduction to hundreds of sources in the Catechism
With a beautiful design to reflect the profound beauty of the Faith, this edition of the Catechism adorns the treasures of the Church’s wisdom with:
*A smooth, white, leatherlike cover
*Dazzling gold foil stamping
*4 silky, color-coded ribbonsThis remarkable book, formed by Holy Scripture and 2000 years of Church Doctors, scholars, and th
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Prayer Book For Tired Parents
$19.95Most new parents expect to lose sleep, savings, and serenity, but many don’t anticipate how their spiritual lives will be impacted by the birth of a child. Investing in your family’s spiritual well-being before new members arrive will give you a fresh mindset for embracing your vocation and will help you to find godly purpose in the midst of the excitement to come. This is a book that will help you develop a home brimming with love, peace, and faith that will help your family get to Heaven.
The Prayer Book for Tired Parents includes relatable, real-life reflections on the struggles that parents with young children face, as well as heartwarming stories on how they can make you a stronger parent and a better Catholic. You’ll also find traditional prayers and popular devotions related to parenting, along with a list of reverent reminders to facilitate family prayer and practice of the Faith. This handy “springboard to sanctity” also includes:
*Reflection questions and tips from seasoned parents on forming children in our world of activities and technology
*Inspiration from the lives of the saints who will intercede for you in your work as parents
*Practical resources to root your family in Catholic conviction and stoke your fervor for the Faith
*Techniques for forming habits of prayer and gratitude in your daily life, individually and as a family
*Appreciable and attainable ways to cultivate charity and grow in the love of God
*Sacramental strategies for fostering virtue, combating vice, and establishing healthy routines
Mother Angelica once quipped, “I want you to have a new concept of holiness. You’ve got to be holy where you are: washing the dishes, at the office, at school. Where you are, you can be holy there.” Like parenthood, the road to holiness is challenging and can be exhausting. However, this book will give you confidence in knowing that you have a plan of action, that you are not alone, and that countless other parents have grown in their love for God despite life’s myriad challenges.
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Biblia En Un Ano Companion Vol – (Spanish)
$24.95!Aprovecha aun mas La Biblia en un Ao!
Esta guia tan buscada de La Biblia en un Ao (con fray Sergio Serrano y el P. Dempsey) lleva a los catolicos de la mano a traves del exitoso podcast con resumenes, oraciones y contenido adicional para cada episodio.
!Es la forma perfecta de recordar lo que escuchaste en el podcast y de aprender aun mas sobre cada parte de la Escritura!
La Biblia en un Ao – libro guia presenta el contenido de cada uno de los episodios diarios del podcast, incluyendo:
*El plan de lectura exclusivo de La Biblia en un Ao
*La seccion “Reflexionar en la Palabra”, donde los lectores encontraran un resumen de las principales ideas y reflexiones hechas por fray Sergio en su comentario a las lecturas de cada dia.
*La seccion “Llevar a la oracion” donde los catolicos podran rezar todos los dias junto con el podcast y el resto de la comunidad de La Biblia en un Ao.
*La seccion “Profundizar”, que presenta un contenido unico relacionado con las lecturas de ese dia y que va desde imagenes y preguntas y respuestas hasta puntos para la oracion y formas de llevar a tu vida diaria lo que ensea la Escritura.
Ademas del contenido de todos los dias, cada periodo de tiempo cuenta con una Introduccion y un Repaso. Escritos por Jeff Cavins, estos te ayudaran a saber que debes buscar en los dias siguientes y a recordar lo que aprendiste en el periodo que acabas de terminar.
El volumen de La Biblia en un Ao – libro guia abarca los dias 1-120 del podcast. Para los dias 121-243, pronto publicaremos el volumen II, que estara disponible en la primavera de 2023. Si vas a escuchar el podcast comenzando en enero de 2023, !podras tenerlo en tus manos antes de que lo necesites!
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Women Made New
$21.95This powerful book features the captivating stories of twelve women who overcame personal trials and societal deceptions to become champions for the Kingdom of God.
Legendary televangelist Mother Angelica’s words of wisdom–and a glimpse into her own story of growing up in a broken home–will help you move from pain and regret to enduring hope and love. Radio personality Teresa Tomeo shares how she learned to follow God’s will amid exhausting career changes, and pro-life leader Catherine Hadro shows how she learned to overcome her tendency toward being a people-pleasing perfectionist. Television host Joy Pinto and other prominent Catholic women discuss the challenges they faced in conversion, family life, relationships, and other facets of life.
Pioneering broadcast host Johnnette Benkovic-Williams explains how she grew in knowledge of God’s truth when reverting back to the faith, and clinical psychologist Dr. Kimberly Scipione shares her emotional healing journey while offering tips on finding a reliable Catholic counselor.
Also included are assuring words for women who have experienced traumas such as abuse or divorce, as well as helpful resources that will help you along the path to wellness. You’ll learn about celebrated women saints such as Teresa of Avila and Joan of Arc, and gain wisdom on the healing power of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. You will acquire a step-by-step spiritual defense plan and grow in confidence as you:
*Open yourself to the Father’s protecting love and rest securely in His Presence
*Experience healing from life’s wounds and God’s mercy in making all things new
*Discover your “feminine genius” and dignity as a daughter of God
*Push back against Satan’s “self-talk” lies and shatter them with the truth of God’s Word
*Overcome self-doubt, reignite your faith life, and stoke the flame of your love for God
*Encourage others–and receive affirmation yourself–on the road to wholeness and holinessYou will come to understand that you are never alone and that by uniting your suffering to Christ’s, you can change the world. You will discover how to listen to God’s voice, surrender to His mercy, and trust that He is there to carry you through and deliver you from evil.
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Holiness For Everyone
$17.95In this spiritual powerhouse of a book, Eric Sammons organizes the wisdom of St. Josemaria Escriva into an action plan for living out holiness in your everyday life. The goal: to foster God’s grace within you so that you can be transformed into the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Declared “the saint of ordinary life” by Pope John Paul II, St. Josemaria Escriva — a twentieth-century Spanish saint and founder of Opus Dei — did more than anyone to convey that holiness isn’t reserved for those in religious life but is a universal call for all of us, whatever our vocation. St. Josemaria’s riches-to-rags story is an inspiration for anyone who seeks to answer Jesus’ call to “be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
In these pages, you’ll discover details about his mystical experiences as well as the nitty-gritty of his daily living. What’s more, you’ll find out how to implement a plan based on his everyday spirituality. Specifically, you will learn:
*How to be a contemplative in a noisy world
*How to offer your work to God and make the secular sacred
*How to be a faithful apostle, not an activist
*How to use suffering to draw closer to Christ
*How to incorporate spiritual disciplines into your prayer life
*How to identify and overcome your chief vices and replace them with virtuesIn page after page, Eric Sammons unpacks St. Josemaria’s spirituality and offers you practical reflections and suggestions for meditation, oral prayer, and contemplation. With this book as your guide, you’ll soon make a habit of powerful spiritual exercises that will assist you in advancing in holiness and keeping Christ at “the pinnacle of all activities.”
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Rediscovering Our Lost Fullness:
$17.95Andrew Comiskey, founder of Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries for those struggling sexually, shares here his profound experience in moving from brokenness (including same-sex desires) to a healthy and renewed Christian life. The Church’s clear, powerful teachings on marriage and family helped him control his passions and live a sexually integrated life.
With candor and grace, Comiskey recounts real-life stories of people who were freed from the grip of sexual disorders. You’ll see how darkness is dispelled in those who seek the presence of the Crucified Christ and how they gained control over their physical, emotional, and psychological sins. In page after page, you will learn to accept the person God created you to be and celebrate authentic human dignity. You will also discover how:
*The Holy Eucharist is our remedy for impurity and fortifies us in the battle for holiness
*Persons pursuing religious vocations can integrate their sexuality
*The Cross of Christ helps us to carry little crosses and so love others with an undivided heart
*We need strong relationships in the community of believers to avoid occasions of sin
*”Spiritual chastity” is important in forming personalism and sexual chastity
*Divine Mercy provides the secret to restoring authentic intimacy in Christ
Additionally, Comiskey highlights how to live chastely in marriage and how the gift of self to one’s spouse reflects the gift of Christ’s sacrifice for His Bride, the Church. He further evaluates the crisis in the priesthood and how celibacy points to Heaven and the resurrection of the body.
You will see how frequent reception of Holy Communion and the sacrament of Confession help you flourish in following God’s plan, develop self-control, and love others. You will learn why prudence is the paramount cardinal virtue and how it assists you in knowing what is true, opening yourself to Christ’s love, and acting in His freedom. Such freedom requires justice–knowing one’s impact on others–and fortitude–enduring hardship for another’s good, as Comiskey makes clear.
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Holy Mass : On Earth As It Is In Heaven – Join Us In Another Biblical Adven
$34.95Here is the book you need to deepen your love of the Holy Mass, understand the central Mystery of our Faith, and share this passion with others. This innovative book, presented as a conversation between two friends, reveals the beauty ever ancient and new which is born each day on our altars.
You will learn about God’s plan of salvation and how the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is the heart of our faith. This book will guide you in typology (parallels and symbolism) from Adam and Eve, the apple, and the fall to the revelation of God’s love through Mary-the new Eve-who bore Jesus, the fruit of her womb, for our redemption.
This book is ideal for everyone from older children and young adults to those simply looking for an approachable way to learn about how the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New Covenant. You will be awe-inspired as you discover new insights about how Moses and the Passover relate to the Last Supper and Holy Sacrifice of the Mass today.
Additionally explained is how priests prepare for Mass, how we should prepare, and the symbolism of the sacred vessels. You will walk through each part of the Mass from the opening procession and Liturgy of the Word to the Liturgy of the Eucharist and dismissal. You will find out how the prayer of the Our Father also signifies each act of worship in the Holy Mass. You will also learn about the real meaning of incense, candles, vestments, and much more.
This relevant book further includes an explanation of Eucharistic miracles, like Lanciano, as well as glimpses of the saints and their teachings throughout history. You will rejoice in these pages that provide clear teachings of eternal truths about the source and summit of our faith in a palpable way
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You Are That Temple
$18.95Our culture is facing a pandemic of obesity and a marked rise in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s dementia. The problem is physiological, of course — but it is also spiritual. Here is the book that will teach you how to attain optimal health and true harmony of mind, body, and spirit within the context of a well-rounded devotional life.
In his straightforward and engaging style, Dr. Kevin Vost reflects upon teachings from Scripture and St. Thomas Aquinas on the sacredness of the human body. You will learn the degree to which sins such as gluttony and sloth contribute to physical and spiritual health problems. You will also discover how factors such as genetics and hormones impact body weight.
Through Vost’s research, you will come to understand the importance of eating the real food that God created for us. Vost shares how he lost weight, kept it off, and lowered his blood pressure by doing so. He also includes other smart health suggestions and some sample recipes, including delicious vegetable dishes and smoothies.
This book uniquely integrates Christian wisdom with good nutrition, including the roles of carbohydrates, fats, proteins — and prayer. Additionally, Vost explains how to strengthen your body through weight training and the benefits of machine training to build muscles. He provides alternative fitness routines for those with joint pain who are unable to endure high-impact lifting, and he offers general suggestions on staying physically active for people of all ages.
At the end of each chapter, Vost provides a brief summary for quick referencing and extensive book, video, and online resources on Catholic approaches to health, faith, fitness, and nutrition.
Elevating this splendid manual further are compelling true stories of individuals and families whose lives were transformed by dietary adjustment, exercise, and consequent weight loss. Many found success by offering their sacrifices for the sake of the Kingdom, whether for specific loved ones, the unborn, or the salvation of souls in general.
Significantly, you will come to understand how:
*Scripture instructs you to love and respect your body
*Developing healthy habits enables you to love God with your whole self
*Cultivating moral, intellectual, and theological virtues will make your body a holy temple
*You can avoid illness through diet and exercise
*Practicing wellness fosters brain healthAdd to cartIn stock
Reading Scripture Like The Early Church
$19.95Before the Bible existed as we know it, the early Church developed a thorough understanding of what Scripture is – and what it isn’t. Over the centuries, fundamentalist and modernist thinking corrupted the proper understanding of Scripture and unleashed a series of heresies ranging from Sola Scriptura to the evolution of doctrine.
In this brief yet penetrating book, Dr. James Papandrea cuts through the confusion by revealing what the early Church Fathers actually taught and believed about the Holy Scripture as well as how they read, understood, and interpreted the Word of God. He explains the process by which the books of the Bible were selected and demonstrates the harmoniousness and complementarity of the Gospels.
With Dr. Papandrea’s guidance, you will see how Scripture attests to the truth of the sacraments, Catholic doctrines, and the hierarchy of the Church founded by Christ. You will come to understand how the Church Fathers differentiated the “literal” and “figurative” interpretations of Scripture (it will likely surprise you!). You’ll come to appreciate as never before the multiple layers of biblical meaning, from the historical and prophetic to the allegorical, apocalyptic, eschatological, and typological.
Dr. Papandrea further explains:
*How Scripture was written and why the Bible is infallible and reliable
*What is meant by “divine inspiration”
*Why revelation is dynamic and why authentic scriptural interpretation cannot contradict doctrine
*How our approach to reading the Old Testament differs from that of reading the New
*The spiritual senses of Scripture and how the Old Testament is fulfilled in Christ
*The importance of understanding the fullness of Scripture and the dangers in taking passages out of context
In addition, Dr. Papandrea provides tips for biblical interpretation and advice on how to choose the most accurate Bible translation. Most significantly, you will recognize how reading Scripture is a relational exercise that helps you encounter our Lord in His divinity and His humanity and enter into the mystery of salvation.
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Oremus : Latin Prayers For Young Catholics
$18.95In Oremus-Latin for “let us pray”, prayers from the Mass and other beloved Catholic prayers, in both English and Latin, are accompanied by master copies of some of the Church’s most beautiful artwork.
Young Catholics will learn to pray in the language which Pope Saint John Paul II said elicits “a profound sense of the Eucharistic Mystery” while exploring, reflecting on, and being inspired by studies of masterpieces of Christian art, from Fra Angelico to Bouguereau. This stunning compendium is an invaluable resource for young Catholics to use both at Mass and at home.
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Catechism Of The Spiritual Life
$24.99In this dynamic and authoritative book on the spiritual life, Cardinal Robert Sarah shows us how to enter into and progress through the spiritual life. He notes that the goal of this book is “to accompany all those who have set their hearts on responding to God’s love with a full, happy, fruitful life that will culminate in the eternal happiness of contemplating Him.”
Written as a catechism of the spiritual life, this book is organized around the sacraments, prayer, asceticism, and the liturgy and infused with a single goal: to make us all aware that our Baptism is the beginning of a great conversion — the great return to the Father.
Cardinal Sarah invites you to journey with him through the Gospels and discover the origin and meaning of each of the sacraments and how they are essential to helping you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus, foster your contemplative life, and flourish in communion with the Holy Trinity.
You will learn about the mysteries of our Faith — from the importance of being baptized shortly after birth, and thereby “plunged into the paschal mystery,” to receiving Confirmation as a child so as to be open to the liberating action of the Holy Spirit.
You will also learn about how the baptized are to prepare for spiritual priesthood — through docility and offering to God all the love, works, joys, prayers, and sufferings of their lives. In like manner, Cardinal Sarah explains how to renew the ordained priesthood, married life, and much more.
In chapter after chapter, the cardinal provides wise counsel regarding:
*How loss of faith in the Real Presence causes a decline in Christian communities
*Our need to restore the sacredness of the liturgy and silent Eucharistic adoration
*The power of the Holy Spirit at work through the sacraments of the Church
*The dangers of revisionist doctrines on morality based on sociology and science
*Why laws prohibiting our freedom of worship are more deadly than any virus
*Why the sacrament of Penance is essential for the daily spiritual combatYou will marvel at how the Old Covenant is fulfilled in the New and how we are called to the marriage banquet of the Lamb. “Without the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, the world is doomed to barbarity, decadence, and death,” Cardinal Sarah asserts. “No government, no ecclesiastical authority can legitimately forbid the celebration of the Eucharist.”
Cardinal Sarah reminds us that from the earliest centuries, Christians wer
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They Are Living In Chains
$18.95In the West African country of Benin – the birthplace of Voodoo – witches, “healers,” and charms are common and a way of life for many. Yet those who suffer from mental illness are nearly universally perceived as being possessed demonically and are thus objects of shame, disgust, and terror. In fact, most are chained to trees and treated like animals.
One man, however, travels all over West Africa to find those “unclean” people who have been disowned by their families and thrown out onto the streets. With love and affection, he gives them a home, medical treatment, and mental care.
In this gripping memoir, Gregoire Ahongbonon recounts his journey from a simple garage owner to a beacon of hope to the homeless and mentally ill of West Africa. You’ll learn how a succession of life trials and hardship brought him to the brink of suicide — and how God intervened and set his life on a new and valiant course.
You’ll journey with Gregoire through war zones, stonings, and near-death experiences as he swims against the cultural tide to care for those shunned by society. You’ll come to understand the dire poverty that grips this part of the world, as well as the horrific damage that widely held superstitions inflict on societies.
Best of all, you’ll be inspired by the real-life miracles performed through Gregoire’s efforts, demonstrating that God is actively engaged in our world and ready to work through those who care for His children.
Despite financial destitution and overwhelming obstacles, Gregoire has established 79 institutions in Africa that have helped more than 100,000 people. Few stories offer such a stirring, real-life example of courage, and fewer still provide such exhilaration over what can be accomplished when one follows God’s will.
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Finding Happiness In A Complex World
$18.95Why, since happiness is so universally sought after, are so many people so miserable? The answer can be found by unpacking the wisdom of two of history’s intellectual giants who set out to answer the question that has confounded man from time immemorial: What makes us happy?
Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas existed sixteen centuries apart, yet each reached similar understandings about what makes a person happy and what makes him miserable. In these enlightening pages, Dr. Charles Nemeth synthesizes the judgments of history’s two greatest thinkers to present for you a life plan that inevitably leads to a happy human existence, whatever your ethnicity, religion, or citizenship.
You will explore what it means to be happy and will come to understand the limitations of happiness. You’ll learn how to live in accordance with your basic nature so that your inclinations will not conflict with that which makes you flourish. And you’ll calibrate your compass so that you will be able to navigate your way into a state of life that makes you truly happy.
Moreover, you’ll discover why happiness is obtained through action and not mere desire and why wealth and fame do not — and cannot — buy happiness. You’ll also learn why the body, despite providing avenues for sensory and intellectual pleasure, is incapable of providing true happiness.
Strikingly, none of the suggestions in this book have ever been shown to be flawed. These timeless recommendations for a happy life never go out of favor and never change. Instead, they remain a constant, permanent, universal set of criteria on how to achieve a happy existence.
You’ll also learn:
*The benefits of moderation, sensibility, and equilibrium
*The source of ultimate happiness and the means to attain it
*The formula for fostering contentment — what to strive for and what to avoid
*The essence of true goodness, happiness, and beauty
*Human excellence and different levels of happinessWith this Rosetta stone of a book, you will find solutions to fortify your soul and bring you peace. You will be equipped with a new sense of direction, hope, and healing that will guide you closer to lasting happiness.
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Wise Men Who Found Christmas
$17.95Finally, the True, Untold Story of the Wise Men…
They were not three kings. Nor were they from the Far East, or even Persia…
In this thrilling, visual adventure capturing the wonder of the Christmas season, New York Times bestselling author Raymond Arroyo shares the true, hidden story of the mysterious Magi, who risked everything to discover the truth. Based on new historical evidence, The Wise Men Who Found Christmas is the miraculous, untold tale of three seekers who followed a star and found themselves in the middle of the greatest story ever told. Stunningly illustrated by Diane Le Feyer, this enchanting family keepsake is sure to become part of your Christmas tradition – and a reminder that chasing truth is often the greatest adventure of all.
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Journey To Mount Carmel:
$17.95The Brown Scapular holds a special place in the devotional life of the faithful. It is neither jewelry, a sentimental religious article, nor a vain token of superstition. Rather, it is a silent prayer, a gift from our Heavenly Mother that draws us to the Sacred Heart of her Divine Son.
A simple pairing of two pieces of cloth with ribbon, wearing the scapular is a declaration that you have put on Christ and are seeking to follow His way in imitation of Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Although there is no formal preparation for investiture in the Brown Scapular, Fr. Jeffrey Kirby has collected in these pages the Church’s best writings on the subject to prepare you for receiving the scapular and incorporating it into your daily faith practice. Because Baptism is foundational to your consecration and commitment to Jesus Christ, Fr. Kirby centers the reflections in this book on the six baptismal promises in order to heighten and intensify your living out of the baptismal way of life.
A Journey to Mount Carmel will ground you in the spiritual significance of the scapular as a powerful sacramental that draws us closer to the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. Fr. Kirby explains Our Lady’s pivotal role in our salvation from the protoevangelium (“first gospel”) in Genesis to the Paschal mystery in the Gospels, and he reveals the depths of God the Father’s healing love for you and the maternal intercession of Mary in your life. From there you will grasp the protection and blessing Our Blessed Mother offers through the scapular.
Each chapter comprises three parts: preparation, with opening prayers and goals; teachings, which include a compelling real-world story with catechesis and reflection questions; and spiritual exercises, which include a brief reflection about a saint, a guided Lectio Divina meditation, a Rosary meditation, an examination of conscience, and more!
As Fr. Kirby breaks open wisdom from the Bible, Tradition, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, you will learn:
*How investiture in the scapular assists you in living out your baptismal promises
*How to grow in Christian discipleship, live as a “small Christ,” and press on toward eternal glory
*Why Carmelite spirituality opens your heart to spiritual freedom and the gift of contemplation
*Ways to nurture the gift of sanctifying grace in your life and actively listen to God
*How to triumph over concupiscence and find rest from the battle by creating “a Carmel
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Food For The Soul Cycle A
$34.95Vatican II called the Bible “the support and energy of the Church,” “the pure and everlasting source of spiritual life,” and “the food of the soul.” Yet, for many Catholics, their engagement with Scripture is often limited to what they hear at Mass. In Food for the Soul (Cycle A), the first book in a riveting three-part series, celebrated philosopher Peter Kreeft invites the faithful–clergy and laity alike–to a heart-to-heart relationship with Christ the Word through the Word of the Scriptures.
Moving through the first reading, second reading, and Gospel reading for each Sunday and other major liturgical celebrations throughout the three-year lectionary cycle, Kreeft brings the Mass readings to life with his trademark blend of wit and wisdom, challenging readers to plant their souls in the rich soil of Scripture and sharpen their minds with the Sword of the Spirit. Whether you are a layperson looking for additional insight on the readings at Mass, or a priest or deacon looking for inspiration for a homily, Food for the Soul is a gift to the whole Church from one of today’s greatest Christian writers.
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Sacrament Of Confession
$12.95The seven sacraments are the principal channels of God’s grace to His Mystical Body, the Church. Among these is one that washes us of sin and restores us to friendship with God. All this is accomplished by this one sacrament, this excellent channel of God’s grace: Confession.
Here is the single volume you need to guide you through making a good Confession and fruitful reparation thereafter. You’ll learn the numerous monumental advantages that frequent Confession brings to your soul as well as the steps to obtaining plenary indulgences for the remission of punishment due to sin.
But first, you’ll learn how to perform an effective examination of conscience based on the Ten Commandments and the traditional teaching of the Church. You will then discover not only common pitfalls in the spiritual life but also techniques for developing your spiritual life and aligning your will with God’s will.
Specifically, in this short volume, Fr. Perez’s wisdom will lead you to understand:
*Why the sacrament of Confession is not only useful but necessary for you and for all Christians
*How Confession cleanses you from sin and refreshes your soul
*Why a good Confession is more meritorious than therapy
*What is meant by perfect contrition and the means by which it is attained
*How Confession is invalidated by withholding a mortal sin or omitting the penance
*Tips for making your Confession prudent, honest, and brief
Also featured are prayers to help you prepare for Confession and to meditate upon after Confession. The handy manual includes accessible lists of the precepts of the Church, the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, the beatitudes, and the theological and cardinal virtues.
Due to Original Sin and concupiscence, we are born with a tendency to sin. Thankfully, God does not abandon us in this battle but provides us with this necessary means of salvation and healing. Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen often decries the massive resources people spent on psychologists when a good, thorough confession would have been much more efficacious–and free!
Your fidelity in receiving the sacrament of Confession will fortify your soul, open your heart to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and help repair our Church and our world.
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Taught By 10
$14.95Raising ten kids revealed to Dr. Ray Guarendi and his wife, Randi, a lifetime of insightful lessons. Dr. Ray shares his wisdom with clarity and abundant humor, because as any mother or father knows, parenting is too important to be taken too seriously.
With his rich, tenfold experience as a father, Dr. Ray gives guidance that will help you gain confidence toward molding and instructing your own children. Through his many and absorbing anecdotes, you’ll learn how to act with calm authority whether with a disrespectful teen or a tantrum throwing toddler.
Through parenting, Dr. Ray learned to avoid labels and to respect each child’s temperament. He reinforces how with each child you can become a better parent.
You will learn, as did he, to be better able to stand strong in God’s grace and trust in His plan if your children have special needs. You’ll be moved by stories of children who were affected by serious health issues, substance abuse, and unstable foster-care placement.
You’ll also learn:*Why stronger parents, who act more and lecture less, have smoother family lives
*How “the look” is a form of classical conditioning that helps convey authority
*The power of affection to show your children your love/li>
*To present a united front as parents and not be manipulated by your children
*How perseverance and consistency in setting and enforcing expectations pays off
*To resolve (and avoid) conflicts, teach respect and manners, and much moreMost strikingly, you will see God’s providence at work in forming your own family. You will grow in the resolve and wisdom to guide your children when young and give them wings to fly when older.
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Holy Is His Name
$22.95Catholics are taught to prize holiness-to admire it in others and to strive for it in their own lives. But we’re never quite told what holiness is. In Holy Is His Name: The Transforming Power of God’s Holiness in Scripture, Scott Hahn seeks to define the term in order to help us better understand our relationship with holiness. Tracing the meaning of holiness first through the Old Testament and then the New, Hahn masterfully reveals how God gradually transmits his holiness to his people-through creation, right worship, and more-and ultimately transforms them through the sharing of his divine life.
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Life Of Christ
$19.95Widely regarded, upon its release in Europe in 1941, as a masterpiece and the best biography of Our Lord ever published, Fr. Giuseppe Ricciotti’s Life of Christ is a monumental work in which the author surveys the chronology, history, customs, and geography pertinent to the life of Christ. In dignified and elegant language, Fr. Ricciotti retells the Gospel story in light of modern archaeological, critical, and historical findings.
“It has been my wish to write an exclusively historical and documentary work,” Fr. Ricciotti declared when the book was first published. He succeeded, bringing the entire Gospel to life, vividly and faithfully, in rich detail. Christ’s life is retold with intimacy and reverence, like a story – our story – of salvation.
Fr. Ricciotti details what Our Lord’s life was like from His infancy and childhood through His public ministry, teachings, miracles, Passion, death, and Resurrection. He unpacks the theological significance of each scriptural event – including the three Paschs of Jesus’ life – in light of the Old Testament and the traditions of the time and provides abundant insights to enrich your meditation throughout. Furthermore, he adds dimension and color to key individuals in the life of Jesus, from Our Lady and St. Joseph to St. John the Baptist and the Apostles.
Additionally, you will learn about significant Jewish customs and religious practices, which will illuminate your understanding of how Jesus lived and worshipped. Fr. Riccioti evaluates documents from Flavius Joseph and Roman writers to Christian sources that are not contained in the New Testament. Whether considering the miraculous or the scientific aspects of each mystery, you will see the relevance of these events and how they relate to the concerns of our day, to help you grow in holiness and in imitation of our Lord.
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Jesse Tree : An Advent Devotional
$17.95This Advent, lead your family closer to Christ as you prepare for the Lord’s coming at Christmas. Engage with the Old Testament patriarchs and prophets who are the branches in Jesus’ family tree and come to understand fully how, in Christ, this family history becomes the history of our salvation.
As you explore Jesus’ fascinating ancestry, you’ll see how God’s plan of salvation unfolds from Adam and Eve, through the Old Testament prophets, to the birth of Christ, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the sacraments of the Church. Marvel at the parallels between Adam and Christ, the New Adam; Eve and Mary, the New Eve; the patriarch Joseph and St. Joseph, guardian of the Redeemer; and others.
You will also learn about the rich, faith-building customs surrounding the Jesse Tree throughout the centuries — and how to create your own. The image of a beautiful ornament signifying an important person or event in the Bible is provided for each day. The daily meditation explains the mystery of the ornament that is featured. And extra information is included for families with older children who want to “dig deeper” into the significance of what is foretold.
The devotion in practice takes five to fifteen minutes per day, depending on family needs and style. Each day features the following:
*Full-color ornament with a distinguishing symbol
*Biblical passage or story illustrating the theme
*Brief, engaging meditation with questions for discussion
*Traditional prayer to enrich the devotion
*”Dig Deeper” section for real-life applicationGrow in the wisdom of Solomon! Learn to hear God’s voice like Samuel! Develop the trust of Elijah and the humility of Isaiah! Families will be enthralled as they learn about key biblical figures and discover the reasons for our beliefs, from why God created us to the origins of the Mass and the sacraments.
A key tool for instilling the virtues and strengthening your family’s faith, hope, and love, this Jesse Tree tradition will be passed on in your family for generations to come.
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Gods Plan For Your Marriage
$17.95This life is preparation for eternity, and from the beginning, God created marriage to help married couples become saints. Indeed, God has given to married couples the profound gift of being able to fulfill the purpose of their creation through, with, and in each other. Marriage is a foreshadowing of Heaven, and each married couple must work with God if their marriage is to be a foretaste of eternity.
In this thought-provoking and uplifting book, Fr. Robert Altier unpacks the theological significance of the Sacrament of Marriage and brilliantly explains how it has been a part of God’s plan from the beginning – and will eventually be fulfilled at the Marriage Banquet of the Lamb in Heaven. Teeming with practical wisdom and clear examples, these pages delve into the surpassing dignity of marriage as a covenant and a sacrament – and a call to holiness.
You will learn how the graces and virtues that are conferred in the Sacrament of Marriage transform the unity of the couple – not just in the flesh but in the heart and soul. You’ll learn how to predispose yourself to receive this divine power and, best of all, how to love your spouse more deeply. You will also explore the significance of marriage vows and how men are called to be the spiritual leaders and women are called to be the heart of their families.
Fr. Altier tackles contemporary questions and concerns, such as the real meaning of “being subject to one another in marriage” and those sensitive and controversial issues regarding sexual morality. Arguably one of the most theologically eye-opening books on marriage ever written, this book also explains:
* The definitive reasons why marriage can exist only between a man and a woman
* The characteristics of true love and how to love with heroic charity
* Why you must become vulnerable in love in order to become receptive to love
* How marriage leads to overcoming sinful tendencies and makes saintsAdd to cartIn stock
Little Way Of Living With Less
$18.95Do your possessions “spark joy”? In our materialistic society, we are often plagued with the slow torture of accumulated stuff, which creates disharmony, prevents us from living in the present moment, and keeps us from setting our eyes upon Heaven. The Little Way of Living with Less is a spiritual journey guided by St. Therese of Lisieux toward a “less is more” manner of living. It shares one couple’s effort to downsize, declutter, and detach — and the challenge of growing in virtues that is associated with this process. Indeed, this book serves as a practical antidote to the consumerism and commodification of daily home life today.
Through the words and example of the Little Flower, you will find peace, joy, and security as you learn how to overcome disorder — whether physical, mental, or spiritual. St. Therese will help form you in single-mindedness to complete the ordinary with extraordinary, selfless love, and you’ll soon find yourself becoming intentional about making God the center of your life and your home.
Best of all, you will discover that “everything is grace” (St. Therese) and will begin thanking God for your many blessings and experiencing His miraculous favors with greater mindfulness. Inspired by the Little Way, you will more confidently seek the things above and “choose all” in holiness. Let “the greatest saint of modern times” show you how to:
*Let go of clutter, unhealthy habits, vices, and sin
*Simplify your life and manage fear and anxiety
*Create order, beauty, and vibrancy in your home
*Detach from the world, cultivate poverty of spirit, and attain Heaven
*Find the happiness and gratitude that come from within
*Become humble and small, trusting in the mercy of GodBy living an integrated life that is free of materialistic pleasures, you will develop the freedom of a child of God to abandon yourself to the Father’s will. Enter into the Heart of Jesus and make room in your heart to experience the wonders of His love!
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Exorcism Files : True Stories Of Demonic Possession
$18.95Drawing from his extensive experience in assisting with cases of demonic oppression and possession, in The Exorcism Files, Adam Blai presents readers with enlightening true stories and traces their causation. Whether people provided a gateway through Ouija boards, tarot cards, Reiki, Yoga, or martial arts, Blai reports from firsthand observation how they were lured into the occult.
Blai also recounts shocking cases of participation in covens and cults under the guise of knowledge, empowerment, and liberation. This is sometimes accompanied by crimes and hauntings, which Blai also documents. An essential guide for our time, The Exorcism Files reveals numerous striking truths about the supernatural, including:
*The key signs of diabolic possession – and how they differ from those of oppression
*How dabbling in the occult opens the door to evil
*Why the devil most intently attacks priestly and religious vocations
*How evil can manifest itself in physical objects or symptoms
*Why only priests, with their bishops’ permission, should perform the old solemn rite of exorcism
*How engaging in mind control and ghost hunting is flirting with evil
Blai demonstrates that there is a supernatural enemy in this world who is trying to destroy us. Our defenses are the Precious Blood of Jesus, the sacraments of the Catholic Church, Holy Scripture, and Church Tradition.
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Mystery Of Divine Love
$14.95Have you ever longed for a soul-enriching personal retreat with a spiritual master that you could experience in the comfort and privacy of your own home?
Well, your wait is over, because this extraordinary volume by the Theologian of the Pontifical Household, Fr. Wojciech Giertych, O.P., aspires to nothing less than giving you intimate “eye contact” with God.
In his deeply penetrating and engaging style, Fr. Giertych reveals how to cultivate the theological and moral virtues in your daily life. He describes faith as a spark plug: “Every time we make an act of faith, the supernatural life is triggered; there is the ignition of the supernatural life, and power comes out of Jesus.” Miracles happen, he attests, when we show faith – like the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak, and His heart, with her belief and was healed of a hemorrhage.
You will learn how to pray in faith each time you pray, even when your faith has been challenged. You will also learn how to go beyond intellectual reasoning and experience and how to nourish the supernatural quality of faith. You will see how a mustard seed of faith can lead to contemplative prayer and communion with Jesus and will learn ways to introduce children to contemplative prayer.
This book reveals how to demonstrate authentic love in marriage and how to regard sexuality as an expression of charity, regardless of your vocation. It relates how to foster a pure faith, free of “mental contraceptives” that block the life of the Holy Spirit. Additionally, it clarifies the connection between faith and reason and their role in Catholic social ethics.
Best of all, Fr. Giertych explains how Christ shows us the “Face of the Father” and His paternal heart. In His divine mercy, Jesus pours His power out through us. In this radiance, you will view different aspects of the virtue of hope – how to rekindle it in your life and share it with the world. These pages also illustrate how:
The regular practice of contemplative prayer draws an outpouring of God’s grace upon us
We’re made holy and learn to encounter the mysterious presence of God by “the struggle” of faith
Surrendering our lives in trustful offering to God brings Him joy and frees us of discouragement
We can learn to be “a child before God” and thereby grow in receptivity to the Holy Spirit and receive healing
We can “borrow” divine love, like St. Therese, and thus quench God’s thirst and nourish others
St. Thomas Aquinas defines the essence
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Sins Of Parents
$18.95If you’re tired of modern psychobabble and are looking for practical advice and spiritual solutions to bring healing to your marriage and your family, this book is for you.
In this spiritual classic, Fr. Doyle explains the primary purpose of marriage – procreation and education of children – and offers advice on how to revive the true essence of a loving relationship. He will guide you in how to cultivate a home with faith and a nurturing temper so that your family may lead holy, happy, and healthy lives.
Also found in these pages is priceless wisdom about child-rearing that “may spell the difference between being an affectionate and well-loved parent, or a complete failure.” Fr. Doyle relates how parents sometimes confuse spoiling their children with providing them with love. He further notes the authentic needs, rights, and privileges of children. His insights have made the difference between happy, fruitful families and broken, debilitated families for more than seventy years.
God warned Moses that the “sins of our fathers” would create generational family dysfunction. Our civilization is reaping the fruits of easy divorce and poor marriage formation. In these pages, you will learn about the root causes behind parental sins of omission and commission, as well as the effects of abandonment, divorce, remarriage, and split families. Fr. Doyle examines their aftermath in youth who suffer from drug addiction, alcoholism, promiscuity, obesity, and crime, along with an amalgam of physical, emotional, and mental-health issues.
Through Scripture, classical reasoning, popular culture, real-world stories, and historical examples, Fr. Doyle addresses a broad array of topics. He evaluates the indissolubility of marriage and emphasizes why it is imperative that we restore a culture of life.
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Written In Stone
$14.95Who Said This? “The Ten Commandments are . . . unsuited and inadequate to modern needs.”
The answer is the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw (Man and Superman) – but it could have been any number of modern-day skeptics.
The once “shocking” views of such skeptics are now held by countless millions and sustained by unceasing propaganda from Hollywood, public schools, the government, and the pervasive media. The result? A widespread moral meltdown, unprecedented in human history, whose catastrophic consequences are just beginning to be felt and fully understood.
The good news is there is hope. But the hour is even later than when Fr. P. J. Gannon spelled out our stark choices some sixty-five years ago:
“Humanity has really two courses open to it – to get back to clear thinking and right moral principles, or to continue its perilous drift toward the abyss.”
Those “right moral principles” derive from the very Decalogue spurned by elites, past and present, argues Fr. Gannon, who was one of Ireland’s foremost preachers and delivered these essays as sermons to packed Dublin churches in the 1930s. He shows how the Commandments, as interpreted by the Catholic Church, provide solid answers to a wide range of moral and social questions and why the widespread flouting of any one of them brings disastrous results for the whole of society. Fr. Gannon explores critical, compelling topics, including:
Why modern morality makes sin virtuous and virtues sinful
Why non-Christian “spirituality” soon collapses into atheism
Why true liberty cannot and does not exist outside Christian tradition
How to form youth in authenticCatholic teaching in the midst of a spiritual maelstrom
When revolution is justified – and when it is not
How societies that exalt unfettered personal freedom inevitably degenerate into tyrannies
Can a soldier take his own life to prevent vital information from falling into enemy hands?
Can a woman jump from a high window to escape a pursuing attacker?
How modern conventions of speech have muddied the distinction between love and lust
Why the communal ownership practiced by religious communities cannot be the basis of society in general
Why every act of dishonesty is at the expense of the poor – whether the sinner is rich or not
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Christ And The Powers Of Darkness
$17.95Make no mistake about it: the father of lies is waging a war against your soul. At the end of your life, it will be either he who has won – or you, through God’s grace.
Here is the book that pulls the curtain back on the devil’s strategies and shows you how to safeguard yourself and your family against his deadly methods.
In this spiritual classic, Fr. Godfrey Raupert unveils the true aim and character of those dangerous forces seeking to destroy your peace and your way of life. You’ll learn how the devil and his fallen angels leverage your natural temperament and disposition in their efforts to inflict damage upon your soul. You’ll also learn why souls are increasingly attacked as they reach higher degrees of sanctity and how your own heroic spiritual efforts can thwart demonic activity.
Armed with revealing examples from the Old Testament to today, Fr. Raupert shows us how the work of evil spirits is stealthy and subtle – so subtle that even their presence and operation are often layers removed and not even suspected. He also shares in chilling detail true cases of exorcisms and house hauntings and what our Lord seeks to teach us through each.
In addition, Father Raupert answers questions such as:
Can evil spirits read our minds?
What is the difference between demonic possession and demonic obsession?
Why does God not use His power to destroy rebellious angels?
What is the difference between false and true mysticism?
Why is spending time alone with God imperative?
What is the most powerful defense against falling prey to the devil?
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Frequent Confession : Its Place In The Spiritual Life
$18.95This is the book you need to discover the significant advantages of frequent Confession and the keys to making each Confession more fruitful. Spiritual master Fr. Benedict Baur quells criticisms of frequent Confession and shares why it is more efficacious for vanquishing sin and repairing the damage due to sin.
In this exceptional book, Fr. Baur shows you how to develop a well-formed conscience, properly confess your sins, and develop a firm, practical purpose of amendment. He also shares how to make a meticulous examination of conscience and daily examen, and offers methods for compiling a detailed inventory of your sins. Moreover, Father provides a reflection on the most common sins of omission that lead many to fall into dangerous self-righteous dispositions.
Most importantly of all, Fr. Baur reveals what is really meant by “Christian perfection” and how to attain it in this life. He describes concrete ways to grow in knowledge of self, acquire the strength to uproot sins, and conquer self-love. You’ll deepen your spiritual life measurably as you learn how to:
*Focus on the root causes of sin and surmount sins that you habitually commit
*Overcome thoughts and impulses that are occasions of sin
*Detect when you are becoming lukewarm and promptly revive your love for God
*Grow in reverential love for God and conform your life to His will
*Atone for the temporal punishment due to sin – now, before PurgatoryWith clarity and wisdom, Fr. Baur explains why your conscience is holy and must therefore be obeyed. He conveys how frequent Confession increases sanctifying grace in your soul, gives glory to God, and brings healing, joy, and fulfillment.
An invaluable resource, this book will enrich your sacramental life and inspire you to greater charity for your neighbor. It will also move you to more frequent and fervent reception of Holy Communion.
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Gods Of Atheism
$19.95An excellent overview of the Enlightenment theologians/philosophers and how they
try to get us to deny God’s existence, why different forms and/or philosophies of
atheism still involve some ‘higher power’ or deified ideal of perfection.This eye-opening book provides a detailed overview of the Enlightenment
theologians and philosophers and their attempt to get us to deny God’s existence. Fr.
Miceli demonstrates that atheism’s vigor arises from its creation of mythical gods
in place of the true God. When the atheist has a spiritual posture against God he
is simultaneously posturing in preference for some other Being above God. As he
dismisses the true God he is welcoming his New God. Why must this be so? Because
every personal commitment of man presupposes, deep in the metaphysical core of
his being, a hunger for being and goodness.The aim of this work is to indicate that the great sin of contemporary atheism is that
it consists, through a sustained act of Supreme Self-Will, a narcissistic adoration and
love of himself.Add to cartOnly 1 left in stock
Struggles In The Spiritual Life
$18.95To navigate through the inevitable desolation and dryness that we experience in our
spiritual lives, Fr. Timothy Gallagher here helps you apply St. Ignatius of Loyola’s
Rules for Discernment to your own spiritual life.He’ll help you determine whether you are experiencing non-spiritual desolation, such
as burnout or depression, or spiritual desolation, such as the Dark Night of the Soul.
You’ll learn whether your spiritual struggles are due to a lack of formation of prayer,
or if you are simply being required to share a burden with God.Add to cartOnly 1 left in stock
Good The Messy And The Beautiful
$15.95God draws spouses closer to the Heavenly marriage through the sanctifying power of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
However, that means it is not always easy, and it certainly is not like what newlyweds may imagine.
In The Good, the Messy, and the Beautiful: The Joys and Struggles of Real Married Life, Edward and Beth Sri – national marriage speakers – show readers that the struggles of marriage are to be expected and, even more so, they are purifying us to make us saints.
No marriage is perfect, and neither is the Sri’s. This book is packed full of hilarious and relatable stories from their 20+ years of marriage. From their experience, see helpful tips, mindsets, and reminders of how to live out the beautiful vocation of marriage.
In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, God has an incredible vocation for all for spouses. The Good, the Messy, and the Beautiful goes into the nitty-gritty, explaining what to do when reality hits-when the rubber hits the road.
From discussions about:
*And moreYou will dive into new depths of the reality of Catholic marriage-from the messy to the beautiful-in this practical, entertaining, and wise book.
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Stages In Prayer
$12.99Here’s the spiritual classic that will elevate your prayer life from the “ordinary” to the “supernatural” by exploring and guiding you through the five fundamental stages of prayer.
Contrary to popular belief, true progress in your prayer life is not solely a function of adherence to a fixed set of rules. Rather, it is governed almost entirely by the emerging fruits of your prayer as the Holy Spirit leads you to live a life ever more pleasing to God. Thus, progress in prayer is more of an art than a science. Few Christians become mystics not because few are called but because few figure out how to navigate the stages of prayer and leverage the fruits to achieve union with God.
Fr. Arintero will show you how to progress from simple vocal prayer to the depths of spiritual meditation. You’ll learn how to “travel by foot” when those inevitable moments of dryness in prayer surface, and you’ll learn how to maximize progress in times of deep consolation.
With the writings of Sts. Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Francis de Sales, and Thomas Aquinas as his touch points, Fr. Arintero explains what is happening to the soul as it begins to enter into union with our Lord, including such manifestations as locutions and intellectual visions. Additionally, you will learn what to expect at each stage of contemplation, as well as the corresponding gifts many receive, such as ecstasies and raptures. Through the wisdom of the mystics, Fr. Arintero unpacks these mysteries and shares insights about:
*The importance of making specific resolutions to grow in virtue
*Why times of both great and light aridity are natural
*How God pours out the gift of wisdom on souls through prayer
*Why attachment to specific methods of prayer can hinder God’s movement
*What distractions in prayer may indicate and how to approach them
*How to prepare yourself for prayer of quiet and infused recollectionYou’ll also receive guidance from the saints and mystics on difficulties in prayer, the fruits of the Holy Spirit, passive and active purgation, and the practice of mental prayer.
There is no authentic active life without a fervent contemplative life. Fr. Arintero will teach you “not to think much but to love much” in prayer. You will glean how to attain peace and joy in God’s presence in this life and the next. By striving to grow in virtue and union with God, you will be emboldened to work for His kingdom and the salvation of souls. Through prayer, your charity will
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Pilgrimage To The Museum
$17.99Have you ever visited a museum and found the narrations in the self-guided-tour headsets a bit tedious? Slightly too clinical, perhaps? And have you ever noticed that God is rarely mentioned in art museums these days, unless in a cold, archaeological, “scientific” way? All of that is about to change.
In Pilgrimage to the Museum, author-curator Stephen Auth takes you on a provocative and colorful journey through the history of Western art, interpreted through a lens of profound Christian faith – appropriately so since, in Auth’s view, much of Western art expresses humanity’s search for God, the Divine Artist-Creator.
In this beautifully illustrated voyage, you will experience with Auth and his wife, Evelyn, the ups and downs of man’s determined quest. Leaving all the art-history jargon at the front door, Auth will transport you in his spiritual time machine from Egypt’s Old Kingdom, through Greece and Rome, to medieval Europe; from the age of the Renaissance, through the Ages of Exploration and Enlightenment; and from the rise of atheism in the late 1800s to the seeds of a spiritual rebirth in the modern era. Along the way, you will experience anew the masterpieces of many artists, from Polykleitos to Raphael, Duccio to Rembrandt, Monet to Picasso.
Through the works of these great artists, you will encounter the profound truths that lead many to God and cause many others to wonder. You will discover how various themes and motifs of man’s struggle to find God occur, morph, fade, and then reoccur centuries later. As you laugh, cry, and pray your way through this illuminating voyage, you will emerge refreshed and renewed in your own journey to God- and you will never look at a work of art the same way again.
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Diary Of Saint Gemma
$15.95From 1899 until her death in 1903, the young Italian woman St. Gemma Galgani physically experienced the wounds of Christ every Thursday evening. The stigmata would appear and bleed on her hands, feet, and side, stopping only on Friday afternoon and leaving white marks as a reminder. St. Gemma also experienced countless visions, raptures, ecstasies, and other mystical graces – as well as intense temptations from the devil.
Here is the remarkable diary of this young saint, which her spiritual director ordered her to write. It will give you an enthralling glimpse into her numerous encounters with Jesus Crucified, with Our Lady, and with her guardian angel, whom she saw almost every day and would even send on errands, usually to deliver messages to her confessor in Rome.
You will witness St. Gemma’s courage in fulfilling even laborious duties while wearing the hidden crown of thorns, and you’ll learn what St. Gabriel Possenti, to whom she was especially devoted, taught her about the connection between bodily illness and spiritual healing. Moreover, St. Gemma will teach you:
*What to do when you are mocked, tormented, or experience powerful temptations
*How to overcome the hesitation to receive Holy Communion due to scrupulosity, dryness, and desolation
*The key to overcoming struggles in prayer
*How to remain faithful during periods of intense suffering
*How obedience will defeat the enemy and help you overcome sinful habits
*How your prayers and small sufferings relieve souls in Purgatory
St. Gemma was a laywoman who lived near Lucca, Italy. She yearned to be a Passionist nun, but her poor health prevented this. Instead, she was mystically espoused to Jesus and faithfully lived out the Passionist spirituality.
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Handbook Of Moral Theology Centenary Edition
$24.95First published in 1921, Fr. Prummer’s Handbook of Moral Theology was immediately regarded as an international classic. The author’s clarity of vision, precision of expression, and humble fidelity to the traditional Catholic moral framework during a period of social upheaval and increasing doctrinal deviation made his manual the standard reference text for generations of clergy, seminarians, and laity. For those seeking answers to moral questions, the Catholic advice was often “Look it up in Prummer!”
At long last, this centenary edition restores the superb English translation of 1956 in a fresh new typesetting, making Fr. Prummer’s original text much easier to navigate and more pleasant to read. The many citation errors that plagued earlier editions have been painstakingly corrected, and scores of additional citations have been added from Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae, Denzinger’s Enchiridion, and the Roman Catechism ? three of the author’s favorite sources. The topical index has likewise been expanded and now includes technical moral terms of more recent use (such as “double effect”) to allow for more rapid contemporary reference.
After a brilliant introduction to the science of moral theology, part 1 explores the end of man and all aspects of human conduct, and part 2 examines the sacraments and sacramentals and their core importance to the Catholic moral life. These packed pages contain the traditional Catholic moral teachings on:
*Law, conscience, sin, and the passions ? with their respective types, causes, and effects
*Commandments and precepts, how to observe them and recognize their violation
*Divine rights and obligations in Christian family life and civil society
*Excommunication and other penalties
*Indulgences and how to obtain them
*Virtues and vices
*Scandal and moral cooperation in evil
*Right worship, secret societies, private property, capital punishment, sexuality, abortion, war
*And much more!
In our own time of widespread confusion and decay, Fr. Prummer’s Handbook is the definitive and complete Catholic source book of the Church’s moral doctrine as it was received and taught before the laxity and innovations of the last century. Far more than a work of mere historical interest, this surprisingly relevant guide to Christian moral perfection is a treasure that will endure as long as there are souls seeking eternal life.
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Catholic Essentials : A Guide To Understanding Key Church Teachings
$18.95Finally, here is a book that provides brief teachings on the basics of the Faith for everyone. Quickly find answers you need to questions on faith, reason, Church governance, Christology, ecclesiology, Apostolic Succession, the Communion of Saints, the precepts of the Church, and much more.
You will learn-and be able to share-the meaning of the sacraments and the Sacred Liturgy, including the importance of Latin in the Mass, and aspects of the awesome mystery that is occurring. You will grow in reverence for the Holy Eucharist through the writings of saints such as Thomas Aquinas and the early Church Fathers.
Fr. Wade describes God’s mercy in a relational way, noting that He manifests His mercy as a gift throughout our lifetime before the inevitability of His justice at our judgment. In addition, Fr. Wade addresses a wide variety of contemporary issues, including:
*Which Church teachings apply to the many unhealthy beliefs promoted in our culture today
*Points of confusion surrounding vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life
*The definition of marriage and the vocation of parents
*What the Church teaches about private revelation, the afterlife, and the Antichrist
*Cultivating personal spirituality and virtues-regardless of your vocation
*Modern dilemmas in moral theology, and much more!Add to cartIn stock
You Are Called To Greatness
$17.95We are all called to be saints, yet many of us struggle to move beyond living as “average” Catholics who have settled into complacency. Here’s the one book you need to break through to higher ground and attain holiness in your ordinary life.
In these short, compelling chapters, Fr. Leo Trese brilliantly explains how we can manifest our faith, hope, and love for God in our everyday lives, and he shares concrete ways you can grow in zeal through simple actions.
You Are Called to Greatness offers valuable advice for parents on how to bring up emotionally healthy children to become saints, as well as how older Catholics can best serve our Lord in their golden years. Fr. Trese offers the secret to forgiving others – both spiritually and practically – and he shows us how our fidelity to making small sacrifices can bring tremendous fruit.
Fr. Trese discusses the most common sins you will encounter on your spiritual journey, and he provides a short, daily examen that will help you move from what you did wrong to why you sinned. He clarifies numerous misconceptions of God’s love that may be standing in your way, and he even tackles those issues that lead many souls to scrupulosity and oversensitivity.
Fr. Trese skillfully unpacks the four cardinal virtues and shows how they can become a permanent presence in your life. In addition, he explains how your sins against virtue diminish the happiness of those around you.
Best of all, you will learn about the importance of spending time daily with the Lord and how to give God the greatest honor. You will be consoled by Fr. Trese’s advice about distractions in prayer and, importantly, will learn how to intercede for others. Taking this classic book to heart will deepen your mental prayer, open the door of your heart to contemplation, and fix your gaze lovingly upon the Lord in all things.
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Visions And Revelations
$14.95Many Catholics feel deficient, if not hopeless, when they read of the many saints who experienced visions and revelations – mystical phenomena that seem so distant from their own experience. Or worse, those who do experience such visions and consolations can come to feel that they are especially favored by God and consequently become overly confident in their spiritual progress.
This is the book that explains everything you need to know about true Catholic mysticism. Spiritual master Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D., will guide you in understanding contemplative prayer and the preeminence of faith over revelations in the spiritual life. Drawing from the writings of Sts. Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, he lays out principles of discernment for both spiritual directors and laypersons on the journey to holiness.
Fr. Gabriel invites you to consider souls such as St. Therese of Lisieux, arguably the greatest saint of modern times, who wrote of only two visions in her life – but experienced mystical union with God. The real goal, he explains, isn’t seeking gifts but, rather, opening ourselves to God’s grace to attain a Spiritual Marriage with Him.
St. Teresa elucidates what is really meant by phenomena such as ecstasies and raptures in the spiritual life. Fr. Gabriel unpacks her profound mystical insights from Interior Castle to describe the various stages in the soul’s journey to God and how one’s prayer life develops in each mansion. These teachings are introspective, filled with psychological insights, and reflective of St. Teresa’s personal experiences. In this book, Fr. Gabriel also summarizes the many types of visions and locutions the great saint experienced.
In addition, you will receive St. John of the Cross’s advice about supernatural experiences, as well as possible sources of these phenomena – God, the devil, or the soul. Fr. Gabriel further shares his spiritually edifying and even awe-inspiring wisdom on:
The attitude a soul should possess regarding divine favors
How a spiritual director should respond to souls experiencing visions or revelations
The importance of exercising common sense and prudence in the spiritual life
How obedience helps the soul avoid deception and rest tranquilly
Why exercising the theological virtues is the shortest road to holiness
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Icon Of Trust
$13.95Here is the singular book you need to grow in total abandonment to divine providence and deepen your trust in God – and to appreciate as your mother and model in faith Mary, whose loving obedience is central to the achievement of your salvation.
Icon of Trust juxtaposes the Blessed Mother’s trustful and unwavering yes to the archangel Gabriel with Zechariah’s doubt and hesitation. You will learn how Mary’s total surrender, as the tabernacle of the Lord, ushered in your redemption. Whether searching for the Child Jesus for three days or standing at the foot of the Cross, Our Lady remained a faithful witness to His love.
This small book will unveil for you the ways in which the Virgin Mary teaches us to trust in Jesus – such as in the episodes of the Wedding at Cana and the Upper Room. It will show you how Old Testament words and events are fulfilled in Our Lady’s mission and how, as the New Eve, Mary mediates for us at Calvary and Jesus entrusts us to her maternal, intercessory care. It also reveals how Mary’s self-emptying, or kenosis, aids in the salvation of the world.
You will learn the parallels between Our Lady and the Temple and will explore the meanings of the “Ark of the New Covenant” and “Daughter Zion.” And you will delight in how this essential feminine symbol of Israel elucidates the Wedding Feast of the Lamb in the Bible.
Icon of Trust reflects upon the deep meaning of the words Totus Tuus. Through the lens of Scripture and Catholic authors, it explains how to place yourself in the hands of Mary and love Jesus with her heart. Best of all, Icon of Trust explains how Mary was created by God “full of grace” and sheds light on her key role in building up the early Church community.
This book will help you realize your call to:*Imitate Our Lady’s fiat at the Annunciation and rejoice in her Magnificat
*Accept that God first loved you and then respond to His overture with love
*Foster docility by emulating Mary’s heart of openness and simplicity
*Be attentive like the Blessed Mother and ponder God’s mysteries in your heart
*Follow Our Lady’s childlike faith, even in dark and difficult times
*Pray with Mary for the coming of the Holy Spirit and the salvation of soulsAdd to cartIn stock
War And Peace
$19.95Witnessing the growing threat of communism, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen recognized that modern atheism was a new type of Messianism threatening to beguile and conquer humanity.
Sheen stressed the use of reason as the unparalleled countermeasure to deceptive communism. The first three books contained in this anthology are a collection of Sheen’s classic Catholic Hour radio addresses that were heard by millions of listeners in the 1930s and 1940s. Here, in a single compilation, are Bishop Sheen’s most clearly delineated investigations into the underlying causes of communism – every bit as relevant today as when he spoke them – along with an entirely sound and hopeful program for defeating it.
In the fourth book of this anthology, The Philosophies of War, Sheen addresses the confusion felt by most people who were dissatisfied with the ephemeral and superficial commentaries about World War II. Like a master surgeon, Sheen applies the sharp scalpel of his crystal-clear logic to lay open the sources of the world’s infection. The fifth book, Seven Pillars of Peace, presents the principles upon which Sheen believes the foundations for a just and lasting peace must be built.
By making these five powerful resources your own, you’ll have in one volume the means to thrive spiritually in our current seemingly desperate time. Drawing from biblical, cultural, and contemporary examples, Sheen will show you:
*The spirit of the Antichrist, immoral leaders, education, and societies
*How personal sin is sickening our culture – and the cure for this “pandemic”
*The proper understanding of and instinctive human need for authentic freedom, justice, and love
*The need to unite for personal rights, including freedom of conscience
*Why it is crucial to be intolerant of evil and embrace a divine solution
*How America must choose to repent in order to overcome our present crisis
Most notably, Archbishop Sheen proclaims the hope of Christ’s Cross and the immeasurable power of His resurrected love. He exhorts us to carry our individual fragments of the beam. It is always darkest before the dawn, Sheen teaches. Times of discouragement are moments when great spiritual transformations can occur. If we return to God and do penance, we will attain interior peace. The future of America’s freedom and restoration as a constitutional republic depend on our decision – now – to obediently trust in God.
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Wrath Of God
$18.95The end of the world is an unmistakable focus of Christ’s teaching. Yet contemporary Catholic preaching ignores it, leaving it almost exclusively to Protestants and to the growing number of believers in private revelations or alleged Marian locutions.
“This book does not intend to further multiply such messages,” writes Fr. Livio Fanzaga, notable Rome-educated theologian and founder of Europe’s largest Catholic radio network, Radio Maria. Instead, Fr. Livio seeks to acquaint ordinary Catholics with the biblical and Church teachings necessary to evaluate various kinds of speculation about the end of the world, to read the signs of the times and recognize the evils of our age, to prepare ourselves spiritually for the end whenever it may come,” and to discern the answers to such urgent questions as:
What will be the “supreme religious deception” that will lead countless Catholics to abandon their faith?
Will the Antichrist be a clerical traitor? A religious leader? A politician? A collective phenomenon? Some combination?
How will the Antichrist succeed in posing as the friend, even protector, of the Church – while seducing her members?
Which of us will be most vulnerable to seduction?
Will the Antichrist’s appearance coincide with the end of the world?
Which prophetic visions or private revelations about the end times fall within the bounds of right doctrine, and which don’t?
Drawing numerous prophetic insights from Hugh Benson’s Lord of the World and Vladimir Soloviev’s Tale of the Antichrist – which he carefully evaluates in the light of Scripture, magisterial teaching, and recent history – Fr. Livio compiles a persuasive and vivid portrait not only of the Antichrist, but of the world as it will be when it welcomes him.
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Unleashing Hope : The Biography Of Vernerable Mother Luisa Josefa Of The Mo
$16.99Here is the book that you need to “live in hope” in uncertain times. This seminal biography of Venerable Luisa de la Pea Navarro (1866-1937), “Mother Luisita,” reveals gripping historical events and stories of the atrocious persecution of Catholics in Mexico in the 1920s and 1930s. Mother Luisita’s Carmelite spirituality, illuminating each page, will remind you that God has your back and keeps His promises. Mother’s life and late religious vocation bears witness that it is never too late to begin, that you can trust God, and He will never abandon you.
You will learn how Mother formed her sisters to prepare a dwelling place for God within. This helped them withstand violence and remain faithful in the face of death, when they had to flee for their lives repeatedly. There were times when they had no food or money, but God always provided.
Mother Luisita is still a beloved spiritual mother to the faithful in Jalisco, Mexico, and beyond, and memories of her holiness and kindness continue to bring hope and healing. Included in this biography are firsthand testimonies, Mother’s inspirational maxims, excerpts from her letters, a prayer for her cause, and other compelling documents.
You will also learn about Mother’s early life: her poor health from youth, her privileged background, and her marriage to a medical doctor, with whom she founded a hospital for the poor.
Fortify your faith as you read about Mother’s adventures, trials, and joys in establishing two religious orders – the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles and the Carmelitas del Sagrado Corazon de Mexico – as well as numerous foundations and institutions. The work of the Sisters proceeded even during a smallpox epidemic and periods when it was illegal to be Catholic in Mexico.
Discover the truth about the atrocities that the faithful suffered during the Mexican Revolution through a rare testimony of a Carmelite religious superior before the U.S. Congress.
Best of all, you will be encouraged by Mother’s:
*Devout Catholic family and great devotion to Our Lady and the Rosary
*Character and faith formation and love of intercessory prayer and the Holy Eucharist
*Transformation as teen and how she overcame self-centeredness and worldliness
*Compassionate and indefatigable care for the poor, the sick, and orphans
*Obedience to God’s will, regardless of the painful sacrifices it entailed
*Profession of vows – in secret, despite the dangers
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Living Calm : Mastering Anger And Frustration
$17.95This is the book you need to master your anger so your anger won’t master you. Popular TV host, clinical psychologist, and best-selling author Dr. Ray Guarendi incisively cuts to the heart of the matter to help you determine whether your anger response is justified – and what to do when it isn’t.
Dr. Guarendi unpacks for you the many types of anger and the types of people who suffer most from anger. For some, anger is a trait; for others, it is a state. Some are “wired fiery,” with an anger that is always simmering or on a low boil, while the anger of others often comes and goes quickly.
You’ll learn why feelings aren’t neutral, and whether anger is a product of your nature or nurture. You’ll also learn the difference between righteous and unrighteous anger – and why those closest to us can anger us the most.
In his straightforward, engaging, and humorous style, Dr. Guarendi also unveils healthy strategies for coping with those who make us angry and how we can make choices to regulate our emotions. From this compelling, life-changing book, you will also learn:
*The danger of harboring negative feelings
*The surprising benefits of anger, as well as its liabilities
*Pros and cons of venting anger and of holding it inside
*The advantages of exercising self-control in the heat of an argument
*Ways to take ownership of your thoughts, words, and actionsBest of all, this book will help you grow in virtue as you develop Christlike patience, charity, self-control, forgiveness, and humility in your relationships with others. By responding prayerfully and choosing to love deliberately, you will attain greater happiness, clarity of mind, and peace of heart.
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Overcoming Worldly Concerns
$17.95No matter how pure or virtuous your intentions may be, you can easily get so caught up in temporal pursuits ? “the things of this world” ? that you forget about God and His intimate, sustained involvement in your life. But with help from this book, you can turn that around by making an examination of your life that will orient you on the fertile path to Jesus Christ.
It’s not enough simply to call yourself a Christian or attend Sunday Mass: you need to decide to live for God rather than for yourself. To help you do so, Archbishop Alban Goodier explains how giving yourself to God will ennoble you and bring you great rewards. He details the many ways in which you will gain happiness by rising above the concerns of this world, even amid the cares and duties of your daily life! He shows how the very fact of God’s existence ? to say nothing of achieving spiritual closeness with Him ? gives meaning and dignity to your life in a way that worldly possessions or success never can.
Uncompromising, incisive, and comprehensive, Overcoming Worldly Concerns is a much-needed wake-up call for every “comfortable Christian.”
Abandon yourself fully to God and learn:
*The little-known fact that will inspire you to resist sin with all your strength
*The ways in which you’ve been throwing away God’s grace
*The secret of the saints that makes them such a powerful help for you today ? if only you ask for that help
*How you can be certain of God’s love for you at any given moment
*How you can arm yourself for the spiritual warfare that is sure to beset your soul
*The many forms and levels of prayer (and why just knowing them is not enough)
*The most common hindrances to prayer ? and how to overcome them
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