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    • 9781644138403 Fruit Of Her Womb

      Fruit Of Her Womb


      St. Louis de Montfort inspired a spiritual revolution in teaching us about Marian consecration and giving us a thirty-three-day plan to prepare our souls for that big step in our relationship with Jesus. In these pages, Fr. Boniface Hicks guides you through this “retreat” to help you gain a deeper trust in and childlike dependence on our loving God.

      “What this consecration teaches us is that we have a sweet, loving, perfect Mother who actually wants to live in this intense relationship with us,” Fr. Boniface reflects. “And so, if we accept Mary’s invitation to this relationship, we will find all the healing and happiness we have always longed for.”

      You’ll spend the first twelve days emptying yourself of the spirit of the world, followed by a week focused on self-knowledge. You’ll then spend a week dedicated to knowledge of Mary before concluding the final week, centered on knowledge of Jesus.

      Only ten minutes per day will produce spiritual renewal and wholehearted trust in Jesus through Mary. These short, personal chapters will show you how to:

      *Allow the Blessed Mother to cherish you as a baby in her womb and rejoice in your dignity as a child of God

      *Grow in patience, humility, and love (Our Lady makes it simple!)

      *Deepen your faith and live out your baptismal call to holiness

      *Close “escape routes” in your relationship with God and live in the freedom of total surrender

      *Take refuge and receive consolation in Mary’s protective care

      *Realize that sufferings and difficulty point to the hope and final victory that await you

      Fr. Boniface provides practical tips on opening your heart to God’s grace and profoundly beautiful reflections that will lead your soul to intimate union with our Lord through our Lady. Each daily meditation includes a Scripture passage, related quotes from popes and saints, questions to guide you on your journey, and traditional prayers to prepare for Marian consecration.

      This book affirms what St. Louis teaches us: that Mary’s womb is the best place to be formed perfectly into saints and into Christ Himself. By contemplating Jesus through Mary, the first tabernacle of the Lord, your love of the Holy Eucharist will become more fervent, and your heart will be inflamed as you pray the Rosary and reflect on the mysteries of her Son.

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    • 9781644136621 30 Days To Your New Life

      30 Days To Your New Life


      Happiness. Everyone wants it, but not everyone has it – or knows how to get it. According to a recent Harris poll, only one in three Americans describes himself as happy. Researchers have dubbed this the “most stressed” of all generations, despite its economic prosperity and technological advances. Anthony DeStefano, best-selling author of A Travel Guide to Heaven and Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To, addresses this problem head-on in his freshly rewritten book, 30 Days to Your New Life, by striving to bring the joy of Heaven down to Earth right now.

      Many self-help books explore the subject of happiness, but one important ingredient always seems to be missing: God. In this no-nonsense, refreshingly direct book, DeStefano bridges the gap between personal development programs and Christian/Catholic spirituality. The result is a wake-up call to readers: an outcome-based motivational guide to living life to its fullest – and holiest. DeStefano’s practical, pull-no-punches approach to popular theology has been described as “Tony Robbins meets Thomas Aquinas.”

      With candor and simplicity, DeStefano presents a 30-day program for attaining lifelong peace and fulfillment as well as (more importantly) eternal happiness in Heaven. The path proposed by DeStefano encourages consistent, purposeful, and prayerful action on the part of the reader and offers genuine hope to everyone, from ambivalent agnostics to engaged Evangelicals to the most fervent of Catholics.

      This is a book about getting results, about breaking out of self-delusion and taking small, practical steps to transform your life from head to soul. The author believes that as more and more people today struggle with depression and loneliness, self-help programs need to be less about “self-help” and more about “God’s help.” God, after all, is the Author of life. He knows what will make us happy – and what won’t.

      DeStefano utilizes the best personal-development tools available but balances and corrects them with Bible-based, faith-filled, time-tested, sacramental, Catholic principles. No matter how terrible your circumstances may be or how many times you’ve failed to achieve your goals in the past, this book will work for you.

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    • 9781644139516 Brides Of Christ

      Brides Of Christ


      With charming rhyming verses, the Benedictine Sisters present glimpses of their everyday life of joy, work, praise – and fun! Experience the excitement of entering the unknown mystery and beginning a new life inside the hallowed walls of the convent.

      You will experience the Sisters’ excitement about first receiving their habits, their delight in caring for the elderly Sisters (with wheelchair races!), and their joy in tending the frisky farm animals, singing for the Lord, and recording their heavenly music.

      You will marvel at the wonder of postulants as they seek God’s will and at the enthusiasm of novices as they journey toward their final profession as Brides of Christ.

      Through heartwarming illustrations and captivating verse, you will encounter a love story like no other, with its rich seasons and uniquely enticing rhythm of life.

      Above all, you will discover the happiness of the Brides of Christ, who give their lives totally to Jesus and delight in singing the song that Heaven sings!

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    • 9781954881877 Catholic Guide To The Old Testament

      Catholic Guide To The Old Testament


      Illuminate your understanding of the Old Testament with introductions and context for each of its 46 books.

      The Old Testament makes up over half of the Bible and spans the vast majority of Scripture’s historical timeline, yet the ancient culture in which it was written and the unspoken context of its books mean that much of its wisdom can be difficult for readers to understand.

      Now Catholics can be invigorated in the study of Scripture, connect with the story of God’s Chosen People, and uncover new meaning in the Old Testament’s narrative with A Catholic Guide to the Old Testament.

      This comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the Old Testament seeks to unveil the mysteries of divine revelation contained in the Old Testament and unlock the hidden details of this God-given text. It helps Catholics become better acquainted with each book’s human author, main characters, and important points in order to transform their understanding of the “big picture” of Scripture and its meaning for their lives.

      Written by 4 highly regarded biblical scholars, this guide to the Old Testament contains:

      46 introductions to each of the Old Testament’s books, including

      *the book’s relationship to the New Testament and Catholic Tradition,
      *its significance to the greater story of salvation,
      *who wrote it and when,
      *major characters, key events, and themes,
      *and more!

      *Over a dozen full-color charts outlining major feasts, kings and prophets, covenants, genealogies, and more.

      *15 full-color maps depicting the journeys of Abraham, desert wanderings of the Israelites, major kingdoms and empires, and more.

      *Over 20 articles on the topics of geography, laws, sacrifice, literature, the canon of Scripture, archaeology and the accuracy of the biblical narrative, and more.
      The Bible Timeline(R) color coding-the same system used in the chart-topping podcast The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)(TM) featuring Jeff Cavins.

      With this Catholic guide, readers will no longer wonder how each of the Old Testament’s books contributes to the narrative of Scripture or struggle to understand its main characters, historical context, and literary forms.

      The only introduction to the Old Testament based on The Bible Timeline Learning System, A Catholic Guide to the Old Testament is the perfect companion to The Great Adventure Catholic Bible and the various studies of The Great Adventure(R) Bible Study program.

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    • 9781954881839 Pocket Guide To Novenas

      Pocket Guide To Novenas


      20 novenas help Catholics “pray without ceasing.”

      Novenas have been with the Church from her earliest days as a way for Catholics to grow closer to Christ and connect with their faith in a more meaningful way. Prayed for 9 consecutive days, normally for a specific intention, this form of prayer is a great way to become more persistent in prayer and to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

      Featuring 20 powerful novenas, the Pocket Guide to Novenas offers a guide to prayer that will help readers understand where novenas come from, how to pray them, and what to expect when praying them.

      Of the 20 novenas featured in this pocket guide, 14 are newly written and not available anywhere else. The remaining 6 are traditional novenas that have been written by saints and other holy men and women throughout the history of the Church.

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    • 9781682782675 Simple Steps To A Stonger Marriage

      Simple Steps To A Stonger Marriage


      The secret of a good marriage, for the most part, is that there are no secrets, only commonsense, time-tested ideas practiced by countless others who have done it well.-from the Introduction

      Marriage expert Dr. Ray Guarendi has counseled enough couples to know that building a better relationship with your spouse doesn’t mean learning exotic new communication techniques or rearranging your lifestyle. In fact, a few of his ten “small steps” are lessons you learned in grade school, such as:

      *Say “I’m Sorry”
      *Listen a Minute
      *Make a List
      *Use Your Manners

      Plus, with his “resistance rationales,” Dr. Ray helps you overcome any reluctance you might feel to taking these small steps. Filled with straightforward advice, this book reminds you that a happier, more rewarding marriage is just a few small steps away.

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    • 9781646802180 Holy Habits From The Sacred Heart

      Holy Habits From The Sacred Heart


      Jesus invites you to experience his love through devotion to his Sacred Heart, a powerful source of spiritual and personal healing that can also transform your relationships with family, friends, and others around you.

      In Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart, Emily Jaminet–executive director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network–identifies ten habits and virtues that come from the Sacred Heart. She also shows how you can intentionally practice these virtues in order to get closer to Jesus and strengthen the relationships that are most important to you.

      Having Jesus at the center of family life isn’t reserved for the pious; it’s a form of practical spirituality that is open to everyone. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has been a cornerstone of Jaminet’s life bolstering the faith of four generations of her family members. In this book she shares her own story as well as the real-life experiences of regular Catholics whose families have been changed for the better by the love and virtue that came from devotion to the Sacred Heart.

      The habits and virtues include:

      *Encounter the King: welcome Jesus into your home with the virtue of docility;
      *Welcome the Light: have courage to rid your heart of shame;
      *Let Go of the Need to Control: rediscover the liberating virtue of humility;
      *Put Jesus at the Center of Relationships: experience the release of forgiveness; and
      *Live in the Kingdom of Peace: experience the transforming power of prudence.

      Each chapter includes a prayer, reflection questions, and wisdom from St. Margaret Mary Alacoque–who began the Sacred Heart devotion–and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

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    • 9781646802104 Love In Recovery

      Love In Recovery


      Love in Recovery is shame-free essential reading for Catholic women who want real answers about how to handle sexual desire and addiction to pornography and masturbation.

      Rachael Killackey, founder and executive director of Magdala Ministries-an organization that helps women heal from sexual addiction-shares her personal story as she helps you to overcome your dependency, be free from shame, and live in hope.

      In this much-needed and practical resource, Killackey offers compassionate, down-to-earth advice and identifies the gateways to pornography addiction, its complexities, and the path to healing. You will learn that you can:

      *understand that your first exposure to porn was not your fault;
      forgive yourself;

      *be honest with the Lord through the Sacrament of Confession;

      *seek accountability and help in a group setting and professional, counseling or spiritual direction, if needed;

      *replace old habits of lust with new ways to love; and

      *share your story for the sake of freeing others.

      Love in Recovery is also the perfect resource for those working to minister to sexually broken women.

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    • 9781644138649 Praying With Saint Augustine

      Praying With Saint Augustine


      No Christian writer, perhaps no writer at all, has ever been as eloquent as Saint Augustine. Few have been as philosophically and theologically profound, or as passionately in love with God. No passages in Augustine’s writings are more eloquent than his prayers, or more profound than his prayers, or more saintly, than his prayers for prayer is the very life blood of sanctity.

      What better way could we have to know the heart of a man like St. Augustine than to listen to him pray? By reading his vast writings, we discover something of the saint’s enormous genius and theological insight. However, through his prayers we experience his relationship to God.

      And yet, few collections of his prayers have ever existed – a problem solved in these pages by Sara McLaughlin, who carefully culled through his writings to find some of the most potent prayers ever composed.

      This book is powerful. Anyone who prays these prayers from the heart will be changed from the heart.

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    • 9781644138564 Stillness In A World Full Of Turmoil

      Stillness In A World Full Of Turmoil


      Msgr. Laurence Spiteri weaves nearly five hundred Scripture references into thirty rich spiritual reflections about your call as a child of God and how to weather life’s storms. His introspective guidance on topics from the Creed and the sacraments to persecution, scandals, injustice, and suffering will help assuage any turbulence in your soul and provide you with a “retreat” from the noise of our times. With practical insights, Msgr. Spiteri will help you deeply experience God’s consoling love and cherish Christ anew.

      You will find spiritual food to refresh your soul and nourish you on your journey, and you will learn:

      Where your “identity card” as a Catholic lies:

      *The two places God speaks to you and how to develop a listening heart
      *The secret to triumphing over angry thoughts and finding true healing
      *How to overcome the three most common temptations
      *The key to being liberated from fear and receiving and showing mercy
      *The one thing that shows you have true faith

      Additionally, you will learn about how God spoke to the prophets via “landline” and how we are called to share our Faith with future generations. You will also discover the five phases of God’s relationship to His people in the Old Testament and how they apply to us today.
      As Monsignor breaks open teachings on our Blessed Mother, you will see how Our Lady is the bearer of our hope and intercedes for the victory of life. Regardless of the sufferings she experienced, Mary remained calm as her heart was united with the Holy Trinity and embraced God’s silence with trusting surrender.

      This book will inspire an intimate love of Christ in your heart and fire a love for the Holy Eucharist in your soul. It will help you fall in love with Jesus and come alive in the Faith as never before. You will glimpse the unseen mystery – the greatest miracle that awaits you daily – and, with Our Lady, will adore the silent wonder of His love.

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    • 9781644138489 I Would Like To Travel The World

      I Would Like To Travel The World


      Until the end of the 1930s, the Carmel of Lisieux regularly published “rains of roses”, collections of testimonies of people healed, converted, and reconciled through the intercession of little Therese. Therese had promised to “spend her heaven doing good on earth”, a promise which is being fulfilled in the four corners of the world.

      It is this miracle worker Therese that Guy Gaucher presents to us through numerous testimonies. At the end of the 1997 World Youth Day in Paris, John Paul II announced to an enthusiastic crowd that Therese would be proclaimed a Doctor of the Church. It is as a privileged witness that Guy Gaucher recounts this process which led the little Norman Carmelite to become the third woman in the history of the Church to receive this title. Therefore, the missionary momentum that inflamed the young nun will resume throughout the world. From the Philippines to the United States via Iraq and Siberia, the relics of the “patroness of the missions” will thus touch the hearts of men at the dawn of the 21st century.

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    • 9781644138281 Saint Peter And The First Years Of Christianity

      Saint Peter And The First Years Of Christianity


      Next to the period of Our Lord’s earthly life, the apostolic age that followed was-and is-the richest and most revealing for Christians. It was then that the blueprint for living the Gospels was drawn. Yet, for Catholics of the past two generations, the indispensable fruits of the Patristic Era have been all but memory holed, and the Church and broader society have suffered for it.

      As a remedy, Sophia Press has brought back Abbe Constant Fouard’s intimate and ingenious account of the early years of Christianity. Fouard created an authoritative and reverent account based on the Acts of the Apostles, brimming with precious facts from historians of Greece and Rome, penetrating reflections on Saints Matthew and Mark’s Gospels, an extensive outline related by Saint Luke, and a timeless introduction by James Cardinal Gibbons which upholds the authenticity of the Sacred Scriptures.

      As Catholic World magazine trumpeted over 100 years ago:

      “[Abbe Fouard’s book] shows how much may be obtained by the diligent and truth-seeking student … simple, clear [and] distinct. … Peter and the other Apostles seem to stand before us as living men. With him we follow them as they descend the Mount of Olives to re-enter the Supper-Room, where with Mary they persevered in prayer until the Holy Spirit came. Afterwards we see how he to whom Jesus had said, ‘Feed my lambs, feed my sheep,’ took the position of leader. … Our author does not have to prove that there was a church, because his readers hear the Church speaking.

      “We wish that more Church historians knew how to bring out our religion as a living thing. … Men are perishing because the truth is being willfully ignored, Christianity is being rejected because erroneous confessions of faith can be picked to pieces. Conviction is being overthrown to give place to doubt, and the remedy is knowledge of religion as God gave it to man through the channels which He appointed for its extension. … Abbe Fouard’s book will help to make the truth known.”

      This work brings to life through fascinating narratives and intimate details:

      *The life of St. Peter. not only as an apostle, but as a man
      *The true story of the early Church-free from modern criticism
      *The ancient Roman culture and religion
      *The moral condition of the pagan world (Is it better or worse than today?)
      *Six fascinating aspects of early Christian worship
      *Three ways that the Holy Spirit taught the Apostles to transmit the Faith

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    • 9781682782910 For Eternity : Restoring The Priesthood And Our Spiritual Fatherhood

      For Eternity : Restoring The Priesthood And Our Spiritual Fatherhood


      “We have to look at the truth head-on: the priesthood seems to be failing,” explains Cardinal Robert Sarah in this book. “The priesthood, its status, its mission, and its authority have been placed at the service of the worst crimes. . . The search for worldly glory, power, honors, earthly pleasures, and money has infiltrated the hearts of priests, bishops, and cardinals. How can we tolerate such deeds without trembling, without weeping, without asking ourselves probing questions?”

      In the arid desert of Western society, where man believes he is happier without God, Cardinal Sarah invites priests to become ever more clearly the signs of the presence of God in the world.

      Collected here are the writings of the greatest saints to help priests rediscover the essence of their priesthood so the people of God can renew their gaze upon them. This is not a treatise of academic theology, Cardinal Sarah explains, but a theology of the saints that is contemplative and spiritual as well as practical and concrete.

      “Each text will be for us like a renewed way of looking, a luminous feature to draw more accurately the spiritual portrait of the priest as Jesus Christ intended him and as we need him today,” writes Cardinal Sarah. “In light of these teachings of the Church and of the saints, together, we will examine the quality of our relations with God.”

      Ultimately, he claims, priests must avoid becoming simply specialists in God and masters of the Faith. Instead, priests must allow themselves to be transformed, renewed, governed, and divinized by it. It is through a priest’s gospel-filled life and testimony that he will restore God to His place in the world.

      “This book is an invitation to sit at the feet of Jesus, our High Priest,” Cardinal Sarah explains, “to allow ourselves to be renewed in our priesthood. At His feet and following in His footsteps, we learn to be priests, to let ourselves be formed in His image and likeness, and to enter fully into the Christian mysteries that we celebrate with faith.”

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    • 9781682782798 Father Bendict Answers Your Questions

      Father Bendict Answers Your Questions


      SKU (ISBN): 9781682782798ISBN10: 1682782794Benedict GroeschelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2023Publisher: Sophia Institute

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    • 9781644138847 War On Virtue

      War On Virtue


      In this monumental book by one of the Church’s greatest contemporary defenders, Bill Donohue explains how the ruling class is systematically undermining the virtues that have built Western civilization and producing a “moral holocaust” that the traditional family cannot withstand.

      These radical elites have rejected the idea of personal sin and replaced it with social injustice. They’ve rejected traditional values and replaced them with a dangerously misguided individualism that is misusing our liberties to destroy freedom as we’ve known it.

      In his incomparable no-nonsense style, Donohue offers a commonsense solution to restoring the virtues in the workplace and defending universal morality. You will learn the hard-hitting truth about the dangers of multiculturalism, the “blame America” campaign, the Black Lives Matter movement, and Critical Race Theory. This book also unveils:

      *The greatest enemies of the poor and of education
      *Three vital virtues that lead to achievement and happiness
      *Four groups that embody these vital virtues
      *Four bedrocks of virtue and, conversely, its greatest killer
      *Key aspects to the American Dream (and how they’re being squashed!)
      *Grit Scale factor and how we can “re-norm” society
      *Specific traits that successful cultures, families, and individuals exemplify

      Through Donohue’s incisive research and insights, you will also learn how today’s public officials are failing even the highest achievers and how the victim mentality they propagate is hurting those who need help the most.

      Rich with historical sources, contemporary examples, Catholic teachings, and hero testimonies from Mother Teresa to Dorothy Day to athletes and social activists, Donohue’s book arms readers with tools to stem the tide and restore authentic character, faith, and patriotism to our land.

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    • 9781644138601 Gods Grandeur : The Catholic Case For Intelligent Design

      Gods Grandeur : The Catholic Case For Intelligent Design


      In an age of rising unbelief, top Catholic thinkers show how, more than ever, both science and reason affirm the words of the great Catholic poet Gerard Manley Hopkins: “The world is charged with the grandeur of God.”

      This book, edited by biologist Ann Gauger, clears up common misconceptions regarding intelligent design, showing why it is an argument not from ignorance but from knowledge and how the evidence for God’s design of the natural world is growing. Part 1 explores scientific evidence from experts in cosmology, paleontology, genetics, chemistry, and biology. In part 2, you will learn about the purpose of creation, transcendent beauty, and the distinctiveness of the human person. The third part lays out the theology behind creation and how it reflects God’s glory and concludes with Dr. Anthony Esolen’s essay on the “symphonic order” of the universe, masterfully drawing from science, mathematics, literature, and philosophy.

      You will also learn:

      *What the Church really teaches about evolution
      *How neo-Thomists wrongly apply Aquinas’s thinking to evolution
      *Characteristics that distinguish humans from the rest of creation
      *Why materialistic scientists resist the Big Bang Theory
      *How to understand the biblical account of Creation
      *How natural law and transcendental beauty point to the existence of God
      *Specific scriptures from the Old and New Testaments that testify to the wonder of God’s creative hand

      *Why Pope Benedict XVI cautioned that vague explanations about creation are insufficient

      Moreover, you will learn how the understanding of ancient philosophers and Aquinas regarding the mind-brain connection, coupled with modern neuroscience support intelligent design and the creation of man as not only a material being but a spiritual being.

      Each chapter includes extensive references, enabling further exploration. The entire book will strengthen you as never before in the belief that the world is the creation of an intelligent and intentional Designer-One whose greatest longing is for you to spend all eternity with Him.

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    • 9781644138588 Popes Cabinet : Pius XII's Secret War For Saving Jews

      Popes Cabinet : Pius XII’s Secret War For Saving Jews


      For the first time since WWII, the newly opened archives of the Vatican’s Secretariat of State reveal the role of Pius XII and the Holy See during the war: the secret correspondence with President Roosevelt to stop the escalation of events; the Pope’s support of the Roman Escape Line to help the most persecuted; the diplomatic attempts to curb the 3rd Reich policies, the rejection of Marshall Petain’s racial laws; the organization of emergency baptisms to save thousands of Jews from deportation and the denunciation of high clergy in power in Slovakia’s Nazi government. These unique documents bring to light the hidden influence of the Vatican and the key role played by the Pope in Nazi-occupied Europe: a shining example of soft diplomacy in the darkest times.

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    • 9781644138106 Habsburg Way : 7 Rules For Turbulent Times

      Habsburg Way : 7 Rules For Turbulent Times


      Few families in history are as renowned as the Habsburgs, one of the principal sovereign dynasties of Europe from the thirteenth to the twentieth century. These enthralling pages provide glimpses into the lives of their esteemed members. The lessons that their lives teach will help guide your family in faith and will help you live in peaceful prosperity and grow in holiness. Their maxims could also provide a roadmap for healing the world we live in.

      You will read about the Imperial House of Habsburg’s saints and heroes, sinners, assassinations, and affairs, and the impact that freemasonry, Jansenism, and the Enlightenment had on them and on all of Europe. With warmth and candor, Eduard Habsburg – a member of the family and archduke of Austria – shares insights about the Seven Principles (maxims) at the root of Habsburg thought, action, politics, and family life, along with:

      *The main ingredient for a stable marriage and how to create a deep bond between spouses

      *The secret and value to a happy and productive family life

      *How the Habsburg’s Empire was different from “Star Wars”

      *Five dates to remember in Habsburg history and their significance

      *How to die like a royal (and it’s not what you may think!)

      You will learn the key role the Habsburgs played in the epic battles of Lepanto and Vienna and be inspired by exemplary Habsburgs such as Bl. Emperor Karl and Rudolf I, the first Habsburg ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, who helped a priest bring Viaticum to a dying man.

      This astounding Habsburg history tells of the devout reign of Maria Theresia Habsburg-Lothringen, mother of sixteen children, who saved the family lands and organized pilgrimages and countrywide vigils in honor of Our Lady and the Blessed Sacrament.

      It describes how Emperor Charles V safeguarded the Faith and how Venerable Magdalena, archduchess, and later Ferdinand II, heroically countered the Reformation. You will marvel at how Leopold I led his people to the pinnacle of Catholic piety and almost became a priest.

      You will discover fascinating Habsburg family lore and the manner in which their marriages were arranged (even in utero!). And you will find out how they promoted subsidiarity and protected people from politicians – and the extraordinary relevance that has for us today.

      Surely our world today be a better place if all of us, our societies and politicians, would study these Seven Rules for Turbulent Times and follow…The Habsburg Way.

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    • 0850042028711 My Catholic Busy Books

      My Catholic Busy Books


      Teach children some of the core basics of Catholicism with this fun reusable sticker book!
      This interactive sticker book engages children and keeps them learning while having fun- and the best part- you can use it over and over again! The static cling style stickers can be repositioned and used repeatedly for hours of play-based learning fun! This busy book is a fun way to teach some of the core basics of Catholicism- in this “essential set” we’ve included:

      – The Fruits of the Spirit
      – The Works of Mercy
      – The Rosary
      – The Virtues and Vices
      – On the Altar- Mass Items
      – The Sign of the Cross
      – The Beatitudes
      – The Sacraments
      – The 10 Commandments
      – The Liturgical Calendar
      – The Monthly Devotions of the Catholic Church

      Printed on beautiful, heavy, glossy cardstock with pages measuring 7.5″ x 10″.

      Each book is spiral bound, with over 120 reusable stickers on the back pages. The “extra” sticker material can be removed from the back pages to leave them blank so the stickers can be replaced on the back pages for storage.

      Warning! Choking Hazard. Not for children under 3.

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    • 9781682783603 Primer On Fundamental Moral Theology

      Primer On Fundamental Moral Theology


      Here is the book that shows you the road to happiness through the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle. It proves the relationship between the science of faith and human reason and how the truth will set you free in the hereafter and now.

      This book is invaluable for anyone who wants a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of Catholic moral teaching. In these powerful pages, Fr. Mullady unpacks how the Church is called to help form the culture and not vice versa. He explains a spectrum of truths, from man’s ultimate end, to the role of the will, to conscience and responsibility, to types of sins, virtues, and laws, and ultimately, to grace.

      Fr. Mullady soundly refutes relativism and explains the consistency in Church teachings using examples, such as Her teachings on birth control and capital punishment. He explains the connection between the intellect, the will, and the passions. He shows how moral teaching and theology must include a healthy respect for the law while encouraging interior formation in love, which the truth of the law seeks to foster.

      You will come to understand how authentic Catholic teaching applies to writings ranging from Karl Rahner’s works to Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia in light of the Catechismof the Catholic Church and St. John Paul II’s Veritatis Splendor. From the sentimental morality in Hume’s philosophy to the dutiful morality in Kant’s, you will see how these philosophies led to errors in thinking from hedonism to voluntarism to rationalism.

      Moreover, you will learn about the correct understanding of the formation of passions and freedom and discover:

      *The “feet” of the soul (and how to use them!)
      *Two passions that aid in the attainment of a desired good
      *Four qualities of actions subject to moral responsibility
      *Aquinas’s six arguments about what satisfies our intellect
      *The key truth denied in modern psychology that leads to immorality
      *Four reasons why human destiny cannot exist in exterior goods

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    • 9781682783443 Everyday Miracles Of Lourdes

      Everyday Miracles Of Lourdes


      Though they escape the notice of many, stunning miracles of healing take place each and every day at Our Lady’s Grotto in Lourdes, France. Inexplicable, biblical-like healings of body, mind, and spirit leave visitors with the gifts of peace and renewed faith. Here is the book that will move you, deepen your faith in Our Lady’s active involvement in our world, and help you personally encounter Our Lord.

      Marlene Watkins recounts twenty astounding true stories of miracles at Lourdes, including her own watershed healing, which inspired her to establish Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers and become the first volunteer.

      In these absorbing pages, you will marvel at how these volunteer helpers bring the sick to the Grotto – and then also experience healings themselves.

      You will read the stories of people who were cured and reconciled with God – from babies to preteens to near centenarians. You will be inspired, for instance, by the testimony of a woman with a progressive neurodegenerative disease who not only went to Lourdes to selflessly care for the sick but later returned to receive a gift from Our Eucharistic Lord and Our Lady.

      In chapter after chapter, you will encounter men and women who were healed from debilitating traumas, panic attacks, or mood swings.

      You will be consoled by stories of women who experienced the loss of babies, including by abortion, and found solace in the arms of our Heavenly Mother.

      And you will encounter a man who was struggling with faith and was drawn to Lourdes, where he met the Blessed Mother. Moreover, you will discover:

      *The three Ps of the Gospel message at Lourdes and how they relate to your life
      *How we will enter Heaven (it’s not the way you may think!)
      *A remarkable miracle of the “time-suspending, life-saving Rosary”
      *One simple prayer that St. Bernadette taught that can get you into Heaven
      *How a young woman’s wish was fulfilled and helped numerous souls
      *The unexpected way the oldest pilgrim and her marriage were renewed at Lourdes

      Above all, you will see how Our Lady leads souls into deeper communion with her Eucharistic Son and with one another, whether through caring for sick loved ones or experiencing loving relationships. Prepare yourself to become a believer and an ardent lover of Lourdes.

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    • 9781646802203 Ave Guide To Eucharistic Adoration

      Ave Guide To Eucharistic Adoration


      Spending time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament–a devotion that has been present in some form since the first century–is an important Catholic practice that honors the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

      The Ave Guide to Eucharistic Adoration offers a rich array of prayers, devotions, meditations, and Church teachings to read during your quiet time with the Lord, whether you have fifteen minutes or an entire holy hour. The book includes elegant, vintage lithographs and engravings taken from traditional prayer books, psalters, and Bibles and presented in a contemporary design.

      In Matthew’s Gospel, when Jesus goes to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before his death, he asks his disciples to “remain here and keep watch with me . . . watch and pray” (26: 38, 41). This is what our Lord invites us to do during Eucharistic Adoration.

      The Ave Guide to Eucharistic Adoration is perfect for someone new to the practice, as well as seasoned veterans looking for a unique way to pray during their time with the Lord. Because Eucharistic Adoration is considered an extension of the Mass, the book is organized around the four parts of the liturgy:


      In addition to traditional prayers and devotions, the reflection material includes profiles and writings of saints, encyclicals, writings of the Church fathers, short Bible passages from the New American Bible (the translation used in the Mass), and explanations of Church teachings. Each reading is accompanied by questions for reflection and is designed for fifteen minutes of personal time before the Blessed Sacrament. four readings make up an hour of adoration.

      The Ave Guide to Eucharistic Adoration also includes helpful information on the history of the devotion, reflections on what the Church teaches about it, and general steps and options for making a Holy Hour based on the book’s contents.

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    • 9781644139530 Popes Exorcist : 101 Questions About Father Gabriele Amorth

      Popes Exorcist : 101 Questions About Father Gabriele Amorth


      Readers will learn about the real Fr. Gabriele Amorth-his boyhood, priesthood, and lifelong war against the powers of Hell. They will also learn the basics about the Ministry of Exorcism and its foes: fallen angels and the humans who serve them. The reader will learn about the connection between Freemasonry and Satanism, exorcism and witch-hunts, and Fr. Amorth’s first exorcism, when he battled against Lucifer himself!

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    • 9781644138328 Sanctify Your Soul

      Sanctify Your Soul


      To guide you through the common challenges to sanctity, renowned author Fr. Leo Trese offers here twenty-four inspiring reflections to help you conquer temptations and remain on the steep and narrow road to Heaven.

      Principally, you will learn how to overcome a divided heart so you can go “all in” in the spiritual life. From there, you’ll discover how to order your affections properly and how to find the right balance for recreation. You’ll also learn how to assess your talents and limitations so you can achieve the preeminent goal of becoming precisely who God created and called you to be.

      Fr. Trese shares simple yet powerful ways for you to grow in love for God amid the bustle of life and despite the pull of myriad responsibilities. He shows you how to find peaceful tranquility in prayer and reveals the two most powerful ways you can be imbued with God’s mercy and see Christ in others.

      With kindness and humor, Fr. Trese will help you come to know yourself better, grow in wisdom and faith, and better discern God’s will for your life. You’ll also learn:

      *Seven ways to rekindle your faith and grow in love of God

      *How to surrender to God’s embrace and enjoy peace of mind and better health

      *How to avoid spiritual anemia and a decline in holiness

      *The “fail-safe” rule for attaining the level of sanctity that God has prepared for you

      *Techniques for imitating the Sacred Heart of Jesus, always searching for souls and working for their welfare

      *How to cultivate a deep, abiding devotion to our Lady

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    • 9781644138229 Road To Self Awareness

      Road To Self Awareness


      Here’s the one motivational book that provides you with a comprehensive approach to true healing – not cheap gimmicks masquerading as inner peace. Modern society has deconstructed our reality and placed blinders over our eyes. That’s why, in these pages, Ian Murphy shares the story of his healing from obesity -a story not about weight loss but about transformation, one that showcases what the life-changing truths of the Christian faith look like in action.

      Unsatisfied with the typical “self-help” books that limit their scope to mere problem-solving, symptom management, or pain alleviation, Ian set out to demonstrate through his own broken quest for well-being that there is a path to true betterment – one that recognizes and celebrates a person’s inherent dignity as someone made in the image and likeness of God.

      Ian’s story is both authentic and amusing, a journey into total and lasting healing that can be replicated by anyone who feels trapped in self-doubt or anxiety, toxic messages or addictions, lethargy or misspent energy. It’s for all who seek a way out of the rut of simply existing or who are sick of merely reducing suffering and long to attain abundant life.You will discover not only what you are healed from but what you are healed for — the God of all joy awaits you. You will learn:

      *The definition of true healing and seven key aspects of restoration
      *What obstacle blinds you to seeing and thinking clearly
      *Our powerful ally against ignorance and irrationality
      *The one truth that is crucial to healing
      *What your focal point should be in the healing process
      *Two things that many forms of therapy often miss

      You will also learn about the role of emotions on your healing journey and how to cure disorder at its roots. Gradually, you will grasp how to overcome fear and develop virtue. By opening your heart to God’s mercy and healing, you will discover who you are as a beloved child of God and will experience spiritual renewal.

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    • 9781644138007 Rendezvous With God

      Rendezvous With God


      Published one day after his death on June 2, 1991, Fr. Vincent Miceli’s spiritual masterpiece shows you how to grow closer to our Lord and improve your prayer life. Trained in the old Jesuit tradition, Fr. Miceli leads you through a structured series of Ignatian meditations, explores key aspects of the Faith, and narrates events from the life of Christ with a realism that will inspire you to imitate Him better.

      This uplifting eight-day retreat will help you rest in the love of the Holy Trinity and delight in Their indwelling presence. Ideal for reading at home or away, Rendezvous with God is a prized resource in your quest for genuine spiritual progress. You will appreciate as never before how you were created by God out of His goodness and how much you are cherished by the Lord.

      Fr. Miceli draws heavily from Scripture, the writings of the great saints and Doctors of the Church, and his own experience. Each chapter includes helpful “points for self-consideration” and suggested readings from the spiritual classics (some of them long neglected). You will be enriched by incisive meditations on the wonder of your creation, the effects of sin, the terrible reality of Hell, the profound gifts of the Incarnation and the Paschal mystery, and the immeasurable depths of God’s mercy.

      Fr. Miceli guides you in ordering your life to attain Heaven, showing you:

      *How to develop a desire to love God above all
      *Ways you can shun sin and conquer temptation and disorderly attachments
      *The four methods to make your mental prayer fruitful
      *The key to making Confession a life-changing experience full of sanctifying grace
      *How to live the three modes of humility
      *Proven remedies against faults and failures

      Moreover, Father relates the importance of mental prayer to remaining faithful to Christ, explaining how to place yourself in Gospel scenes so that you can “speak to Christ with joy, with ease, with naturalness, the way the apostles did as they walked with Him, fished with Him in the Sea of Galilee, or picnicked with Him in the desert.”

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    • 9781644136584 Forgotten Language : How Recovering The Poetics Of The Mass Will Change Our

      Forgotten Language : How Recovering The Poetics Of The Mass Will Change Our


      Poetics represents the art of living. For the Christian, it also demonstrates the art of learning to live as a saint, exploring what it means to claim that God is remaking us through grace.

      A This delicate and delightful book serves as a poetic confession. It’s the meditation of a man moving uncertainly from chaos toward beauty who is seeking to connect earth to Heaven-and who found the poetry hidden in the form and beauty of the Mass, and of life itself.

      A With profound insights, Fr. Rennier illuminates the things of earth with the eyes of Heaven. He will help you add shape, structure, and heart to your prayer life as he reflects upon the meaning behind the actions in the Mass, the sacred objects, and the sacramentality we find in daily life.

      Through Scripture and his own reflections, Father unveils:

      The key to discovering the truth and real mystery of poetry
      The skill you need to quickly progress

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    • 9781644136348 Beautiful Holiness : A Spiri;tual Journey With Blessed Conchita To The Hear

      Beautiful Holiness : A Spiri;tual Journey With Blessed Conchita To The Hear


      Here is the definitive exploration of the life and spirituality of Blessed Conchita – the acclaimed mystic, saintly wife, and mother of nine children. Conchita challenges us to examine our heart to discover seeds of heroism, and invites us to love more sacrificially, do more for the care of the soul, fear not where Jesus leads, and to never underestimate Jesus, Mary, and the Holy Spirit, or their plan for good.

      Conchita had a small saying, “Let yourself be done and undone by Jesus”. This book begins with the story of a miracle and ends with Conchita’s family remembrances of spiritual warfare. The miracle story forms an arc over the entire work to point to the interventions of God in this ordinary lay woman. At the end, the account of Conchita’s spiritual battles reminds us to be vigilant. Conchita knew how to make the devil flee.

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    • 9781644134450 Coming Christian Persecution

      Coming Christian Persecution


      Churches burned. Christians beheaded. Catholic communities driven underground. Governments forcing silence upon those who profess fidelity to the gospel.

      These experiences are not confined to those of the early Church or to the missionaries and converts in far-off pagan lands centuries ago. The persecution of Christians is happening right now – and it is closer to home than you may realize.

      Throughout the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and even in the West, Christian communities are being targeted for their beliefs, whether through violence or public policy, and it’s a trend that continues to escalate.

      Moral theologian and news analyst Dr. Thomas Williams incisively juxtaposes the still relatively unknown global Christian persecution of today with that of previous epochs, describing it in its various forms and providing insight into what it means for the Church and for society at large. He also provides valuable advice on how these outrages can be remedied and what Christians can do to prepare for what is to come.

      In 2020, according to the World Watch List published by Open Doors, 340 million Christians were facing “high levels of persecution.” Dr. Williams masterfully reveals the state of affairs in countries that systematically persecute Christians, such as North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, India, China, and Pakistan. In many cases, Christians are forced to flee these countries or face economic repercussions, forced conversions to Islam, imprisonment, violence, torture, and even death.

      Dr. Williams also shows how Christian persecution has been with us since the beginning during the life of Jesus, from the time of His infancy to His death on the Cross. You’ll learn what Jesus said in the Bible about coming persecutions, as well as about the trials and martyrdom that His apostles endured and the hardships of the early Christians, including the five virgins who are commemorated in the Roman Canon of the Holy Mass.

      Dr. Williams also explores why Christians are persecuted. He reveals Voltaire’s and Gibbon’s thoughts on how Christians were vilified and how attempts to rewrite history-to blame Christian persecution on Christians themselves!-originally surfaced. Moreover, you will see how modern attacks against Christians spring from six primary sources: atheism, radical Islam, Hindu nationalism, totalitarianism, academia, and Satanism. In the words of St. John Paul II, “The Church has once again become a Church of martyrs.”


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    • 9781621646068 Let Beauty Speak

      Let Beauty Speak


      In an era marked by rampant secularism and endless noise, the ten principles of Let Beauty Speak empower Christians to evangelize the world by bringing beauty to the forefront of their lives and reminding the world what it means to be human. This book is particularly timely given the social unrest, political upheaval, and cultural strife of our times. The world’s problems cannot be solved by worldly solutions. Politics, medicine, technology, and other secular fields have their place in society, but the deepest existential questions of the human heart can only be answered by the beauty of holiness found in the lives of the saints.

      From cave diving in Austria to summer camps in New Zealand, Let Beauty Speak is full of personal stories and rich theology that will inspire you to become a great saint as you apply the book’s principles to your own life. Each chapter is organized into beautiful, bite-size sections that make it easy for non-academics to enjoy. Each chapter also concludes with practical tips and recommendations that give you an opportunity to further personalize the principles and transform your day-to-day life.

      From embracing childlike wonder to integrating prayer, work, and leisure into your everyday life, this is your how-to guide for evangelizing others by first living your humanity well. If not you, then who? If not now, then when? Turn these principles into a way of life, and you’ll join the long line of saints whose holiness was the remedy for the isolation, confusion, and meaninglessness of their times.

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    • 9780877939344 Concise Guide To Canon Law Updated Edition

      Concise Guide To Canon Law Updated Edition


      Pastoral ministers are faced with new questions and challenges every day, and answers aren’t always easy to find. Canon law can provide the answers to some of the most complicated questions, but busy pastoral ministers don’t always know where or how to find those answers. What’s needed is a clear, concise, easy-to-use reference guide to church law, one that puts the answers right at your fingertips.

      A Concise Guide to Canon Law will do just that. This handy reference provides a compact overview of the most important canonical issues facing pastoral ministers today. Arranged by topic, it offers a thorough summary of church law–including such topics as the sacraments and church organization–and is complete with reference numbers to relevant canons in the Code of Canon Law. Helpful sections of “frequently asked questions and answers” at the end of the chapters make finding answers to the most often-asked questions even easier.

      With more and more lay people becoming involved with church administration, and with members of parishes and faith communities raising more complex and complicated questions, Understanding church law is vital and A Concise Guide to Canon Law makes it easy.

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    • 9781646801985 Holy Grit : A Saintly Guide To Becoming A Man Of Virtue

      Holy Grit : A Saintly Guide To Becoming A Man Of Virtue


      Discover what it means to become a man of faith through the lives of ten male saints and their experiences pursuing holiness. In Holy Grit, you’ll join Catholic life coach Paul George to consider some of the tough issues facing men today-struggles in marriage, parenting, suffering, and finding purpose-to determine areas for growth and take steps toward living the life for which God created you.

      You might have grown up with an image of masculinity defined by tough guys on TV-boxers, gangsters, cowboys, fighter pilots, the fastest gun in the West. These guys had courage, backbone, and guts. They had grit.

      “As a man, I know the struggles of living a manly existence. It is one I deal with daily,” George writes. “I’m no expert, but I’m a gritty guy, like you, grinding it out on my journey.”

      But George admits that grit isn’t enough to satisfy the longing in a man’s soul: you have to start trusting God and taking seriously the call to be holy.

      Holy Grit is rich in personal stories, thought-provoking questions, spiritual insights, and mental health tips that help Catholic men like you build the spiritual foundation you need to serve your family, parish, and community. George invites you to examine how saints such as Maximilian Kolbe, Louis Martin, and John Paul II understood themselves as men. Learning from the lessons of the saints, George will help you explore how to:

      *overcome vice with St. Augustine;
      *pursue God through your habits with St. Thomas More;
      *experience God’s healing power with St. Padre Pio;
      *surrender to the will of God with St. Peter; and
      *develop daily discipline with St. Paul.

      Each chapter introduces a saint, offers practical takeaways for modern men, and includes reflection questions, an action plan, and a prayer.

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    • 9781644138809 Pocket Guide To The Stations Of The Cross

      Pocket Guide To The Stations Of The Cross


      St. Alphonsus Liguori’s Stations of the Cross are the most popular and best loved in our Catholic tradition. Here is the guide that you need to bestow this powerful and essential devotion on children, faithfully, using the time-tested method of this great saint.

      Charming Catholic friends Fulton and Cynthia return in this enthralling comic book to take children back in time to walk the way of our Lord’s Cross. The glorious and endearing Lego-set photos will help readers of all ages to enter into these classic meditations on Jesus’ Passion and death in an entirely new way.

      Every time you pray these Stations, you will truly understand the abundant love that Jesus has for you. Through the sacred scenes, full-color illustrations, and revealing dialogue, children will draw ever closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

      Features include:

      *Stirring meditations from St. Alphonsus Liguori
      *Instructions on how to pray the Stations
      *Short preparatory prayers
      *Engaging photo scenes for each Station
      *Prayers for the leader and the people
      *Closing prayers

      This handy, pocket-size companion will help you and your family meditate on the sufferings of our Lord more often and be more willing to unite your struggles with His for the salvation of souls. A Pocket Guide to the Stations of the Cross is an ideal gift for classes and all the children in your life.

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    • 9781644138786 Pocket Guide To The Holy Rosary

      Pocket Guide To The Holy Rosary


      Here is the booklet that will teach your children how to pray the Rosary and make them love doing so. Charming Catholic friends Fulton and Cynthia return in this vivid and engaging Lego-style comic book that takes children on a fun and stimulating adventure through the twenty mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

      A Pocket Guide to the Holy Rosary is colorfully illustrated with images that capture young imaginations and help them meditate on each mystery and grow in understanding of our Lord’s life and sacrifice. The stirring images depicting scenes from the lives of Jesus and Mary are taken directly from Kevin and Mary O’Neill’s immensely popular Catechism of the Seven Sacraments.

      Features include:

      *A solid explanation on why the Rosary is prayed
      *Helpful diagrams and instructions on how to pray the Rosary
      *Basic prayers recited in the Rosary
      *Scriptural references for each mystery

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    • 9781644138762 Pocket Guide To Sacramental Reconciliation

      Pocket Guide To Sacramental Reconciliation


      In full-color illustrations and crisp dialogue, charming Catholic friends Fulton and Cynthia will help you learn about the immense gift to mankind that is the Sacrament of Reconciliation. From learning the difference between mortal and venial sin (and how to avoid them!) to how to prepare to make a good Confession, to what it means to receive the power of God’s healing love, grace, and mercy, this entertaining book will make you understand and appreciate this sacrament like never before.

      Other features include:

      *A prayer to pray before confession
      *The steps to making a fruitful sacramental Confession
      *Common questions and answers about the sacrament
      *Lists of Seven Capital Sins and Seven Capital Virtues
      *The Two Great Commandments of Love
      *Catechism of the Catholic Church references for further reflection

      Also contained is a complete Examination of Conscience for ongoing use. A Pocket Guide to Sacramental Confession is an ideal gift for classes and all the children and families in your network.

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    • 9781644138243 Straight To Heaven

      Straight To Heaven


      If you’re hoping to get to Heaven, you’ll need a plan to reach your goal. This handy manual not only presents all the elements of a life well lived; it also helps you incorporate those elements into everyday practice. Straight to Heaven is the one guide you need to achieve holiness now and Heaven later – all while eluding the traps and pains of Hell.

      Fr. Morrow explains that happiness is attainable now for those who live the gospel because they are bringing a bit of Heaven to earth. Conversely, those who fail to live the gospel are doomed to live a hellish life in this world and in the next.

      That’s why Fr. Morrow wrote this book – to help you put in place a practical plan to enable you to love God with your whole heart, mind, and soul. Fr. Morrow shows you how to discern and follow God’s will and improve your ability to extend mercy to others.

      Through engaging stories of individuals who lived heroically in difficult circumstances, you will discover ways to overcome vice and grow in the fruits of the Holy Spirit so you can become the saint God calls you to be. Most importantly, you will learn to keep your eyes fixed on the heavenly Wedding Feast and your eternal reward. You will also learn:

      *The difference between meditation and contemplation
      *How to grow in authentic sorrow for sin
      *The three methods of prayer – and when to use each
      *The most effective aid to staying on the path to holiness
      *How to overcome difficulties in prayer
      *Three ways to display your love to God

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    • 9781644138144 Understanding Saint Paul

      Understanding Saint Paul


      He traveled more than ten thousand miles without an airplane or car and founded fourteen dioceses. When he was blinded on the road to Damascus, St. Paul received his epic calling and was “made new.”

      Although there are numerous books on St. Paul and his letters, none “knock over” the average person. In Understanding St. Paul, Deacon Bob Evans breaks open the wealth of St. Paul’s wisdom in brief, understandable chapters through the lens of fascinating findings. You will learn about St. Paul’s tempestuous times and heroic life which reveal the mystery of his message. St. Paul’s letters, revered throughout the ages, construct much of the foundation for Christian theology. Next to Christ, St. Paul had the mightiest effect in winning souls for God and summoning all to evangelize. In page after page, St. Paul will help you answer the “why” questions about the meaning of life and stir and arm you with valor to defend your faith.

      As Evans unpacks the meaning of St. Paul’s words, you will learn what:

      *This apostle says to those promoting watered down theology

      *Style St. Paul used to write his letters and how this motivates listeners

      *Cultural revolution St. Paul composed his letters in and its impact on the texts

      *Ways Greek language possesses multiple meanings and how it helps interpret St. Paul’s letters

      *Passages from St. Paul are often mistranslated or interpreted erroneously

      *Letters attributed to St. Paul were actually written by him

      St. Paul didn’t shrink from the controversial topics of his time – many which remain relevant today – such as slavery, scandals, excommunication, sexuality, idol worship, witchcraft, sorcery, and Gnosticism.

      Evans lays out how St. Paul’s letters are organized and his view about important topics including grace, the struggle against evil, and the resurrection of the dead. Best of all, you will grow in knowledge of and fervor for the Holy Eucharist, Sacraments and charisms. St. Paul will teach you how Christology evolved and ways to most prudently order your life.

      Also provided are guidelines based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church for understanding Scripture, as well as an extensive bibliography and glossary.

      By imitating St. Paul in opening your heart and trusting God with ardent faith you begin to experience His Kingdom on earth. St. Paul’s letters embolden those undergoing persecutions and hardships to fight the good fight. Through the theology of the Cross, his writings prepare you for

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    • 9781644138120 12 Virtues Of A Good Teacher

      12 Virtues Of A Good Teacher


      Here is the book you need to discover and develop the twelve virtues that St. John Baptist de La Salle (1651-1719) – patron of teachers, education reformer, and founder of the congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools – determined were most important for teachers.

      Br. Luke Grande, F.S.C., fleshes out the essence of each virtue as it relates to teaching and how educators can cooperate with Goda(TM)s grace to actualize the potentialities of students in their charge.

      In page after page, you will be inspired by practical advice and reflections, including:

      *Four prudent ways of establishing a well-run class – and dramatically reducing disciplinary problems

      *Six “fallouts” of impatience in the classroom – and the best way to guard against it

      *Techniques for establishing consistency, discretion, and “fair play” among students

      *How to overcome pride, make God the center of your classroom, and accept guidance

      *Two surefire ways to enkindle a love of learning within students and appreciation for small gains

      *The pursuit of wisdom – knowing when to act and how to await Goda(TM)s help with trust

      You will also learn how to provide an example by how you pray and how you do “ordinary things greatly,” and how “playin(more…)

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    • 9781644137703 Who Do You Say I Am

      Who Do You Say I Am


      Christ’s contemporaries ascribed to Him many names and titles, and each represents a ray of light that brings us to a clearer understanding of our Savior. He was called Nazarene, Shepherd, Physician, Son of God, Christ, Lord, and Rabbi. All told, Jesus was given twenty-four names in St. Matthew’s Gospel – and each holds a key to unlocking the mysteries of Christ’s life. If you’re looking for a completely new access point for coming to know and love Jesus, this book is for you.

      In pondering the Gospel of Matthew, Eric Sammons rediscovers the beauty and wonders of Scripture and helps you grow in intimacy with your Redeemer. Through the lens of the saints, the prophets who prefigured Christ, and Church teachings, Sammons examines the twenty-four names to help you see the composite Christ in an entirely new way. In chapter after chapter, you will learn how Christ’s titles provide valuable lessons for you in daily living, including:

      *Carpenter’s Son: How Christ’s humanity unveils the extraordinary in mankind
      *Rabbi: What this title teaches about temptation and the means to conquer it
      *Ghost: How Jesus is the healing balm for anxieties that paralyze you
      *Shepherd: The two essential ways to preserve Church unity
      *Emmanuel: Three ways to know God and imitate His Love – especially in the Holy Eucharist
      *Son of Abraham: Incarnational faith – how God comes to us so that we may rise with Him

      Perfect for Lectio Divina, each chapter helps you meditate on Christ’s many titles through the perspective of His life and times, their theological and moral significance, and their impact on your life today.

      Above all, you will learn the authentic path to holiness and the secret to loving the Divine Bridegroom as He desires to be loved.

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    • 9781644137321 Catechism Of The Seven Sacraments

      Catechism Of The Seven Sacraments


      Join your friendly guides Fulton and Cynthia on a biblical adventure as they journey from creation to salvation and discover the importance of God’s sanctifying grace. Set in a vivid comic-book format with stunning photographs, this book makes profound theological concepts accessible to both the Catholic and the curious, the child and the adult. Following Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s teachings on Covenant Theology, this book sheds light on the parallels between the Old Testament and the New Testament and the sacraments instituted by Christ that we experience today. Readers will develop a deeper understanding of salvation history, discover how to participate in God’s covenant, and learn how to obtain grace through the sacraments, which are essential on our lifelong journey to the Eternal Promised Land.

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    • 9781644135945 Light Of The World

      Light Of The World


      Between the countless duties, deadlines, and distractions that afflict man, finding space to concentrate on the powerful omnipresence of God is a struggle. Still, spending just a few minutes each day in quiet recollection conveys rich rewards, enabling us to reorient our lives to the rhythm of the sacred prayer of the Church. Liturgical piety is indispensable for our sanctification as it draws us into the mystery of our Faith and fosters within us a spirit of charity and divine praise.

      For the first time ever in a single volume, the spiritual classic The Light of the World, by the renowned Dom Benedict Baur, O.S.B., offers a year-long cycle of powerful meditations following the traditional Catholic liturgical calendar. In the celebrated lineage of Prosper Gueranger, The Light of the World combines dogmatic precision with spiritual unction to offer a “daily retreat” for the entire Church year, renewing one’s daily spiritual life through the prayers of the classical Roman Rite. Features include:

      *Reflections for every Sunday, weekdays, ember days, rogation days, and more
      *Guidance for mental prayer and contemplation based on the liturgical orations
      *Daily prayers incorporating adoration, thanksgiving, petition, and reparation
      *Practical suggestions and resolutions for battling vice and growing in virtue
      *Devotions to Christ’s redeeming sacrifice and sanctifying presence as our spiritual center
      *Classic exegesis on the Sacred Scriptures and the sacraments
      *Colloquies on Our Lady as the model of prayer and guide to the interior life
      *Instructions on remote and proximate preparations for daily meditation
      *Spirituality based on the Rule of St. Benedict: “Let our mind be in harmony with our voice”
      *Methods of prayer from St. Ignatius of Loyola and the tradition of St. Sulpice

      Instructive and deeply inspiring, The Light of the World is an ideal companion volume for providing spiritually nourishing yet accessible reflections to extend the graces of the Church’s venerable worship into one’s entire day. Dom Baur offers readers an expansive tour of the treasures of our Faith through the prism of traditional liturgy, to preserve and impart its riches to future generations.

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    • 9781644134153 Way Of The Wilderness Warrior

      Way Of The Wilderness Warrior


      Are you ready to leave your comfort zone and embark on a hero’s adventure? You will encounter thrilling mountain climbs, explore caves in frigid winter, and dance around the fire in the wild pursuit of God.Riveting and accessible, this novelized account of the spiritual life is a hero’s journey for our times. It tells the story of the conversion of a young man named Austin through the ministrations of a tough inner-city priest, Fr. Lawrence, who challenges nine college students to take a leap of faith on the path to holiness.As his friends set out for England, Ireland, and New York City, Austin heads for a remote monastery where he meets Fr. Aelred, a Benedictine hermit who guides him on the spiritual quest. Through a fictional dialogue, author Fr. Dwight Longenecker unveils a twelve-part plan for union with God that parallels the classic purgative, illuminative, and unitive stages of the spiritual life. You will discover with Austin:

      *How our wounds and weaknesses can lead to growth
      *Different forms of Catholic spirituality
      *How to stay the course and win the great prize of becoming a saint
      *How to surrender to God and answer His call to perfection
      *Why Confession and the cultivation of virtue are at the very heart of spiritual growth

      This book is profitable for young adults, casual Catholics, and those more advanced in the spiritual life. Drawing from the wisdom of the Carmelite saints, St. Benedict, St. John Cassian, and other spiritual masters, The Way of the Wilderness Warrior opens the treasure house of Catholic spirituality in a creative, positive, and engaging way.Best of all, this book will show you how to discern God’s will for your life and how to pray without ceasing. In our challenging times, you will be inspired to become a vagabond warrior on your own wilderness journey to the Promised Land.

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    • 9781621646129 Adam And Eve After The Pill Revisited

      Adam And Eve After The Pill Revisited


      Celebrated author Mary Eberstadt continues her ground-breaking examination of the legacy of the sexual revolution. The book’s predecessor, Adam and Eve after the Pill (2012), dissected the revolution’s microcosmic fallout via its empirical effects on the lives of men, women, and children. This follow-on book investigates the revolution’s macrocosmic transformations in three spheres: society, politics, and Christianity. It also includes an analysis of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

      With unflinching logic, Eberstadt summarizes the toll on Western society of today’s fractured homes, feral children, and social isolates. Empathetic yet precise, she connects the dots between shrinking, broken families and rising sexual confusion, seen most recently in transgenderism and related phenomena. The book also traces the dissolution of the home to signature developments in Western politics, especially the increase in acrimony, polarization, street violence, and identity politics. The result is an indictment of the turn taken by much of the world following the post-1960s embrace of contraception and the stigmatization of traditional morality.

      The book’s section on the revolution’s infiltration of the churches is must-reading for anyone concerned about the fate of Western Christianity. In a moment when millions wonder whether the Catholic Church will retreat from age-old moral teachings, this book demands to be put at the center of discussion.

      Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited is both an indispensable blueprint for today’s emerging revisionism, and a manifesto for a more humane order to come.

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    • 9781646802128 From Prodigal To Priest

      From Prodigal To Priest


      Goyo Hidalgo’s struggle with excess, pain, and fear plagued him for ten years. The gritty story of his unexpected redemption started after a hard night of partying in Los Angeles and a life-changing message coming from his television.

      He woke up that April morning to the broadcast of Pope John Paul II’s funeral Mass. A reflection on the now-saint’s message of “Be not afraid” awakened a deep longing in Hidalgo’s soul-a yearning that led him back to the Catholic faith of his youth and ultimately into the priesthood.

      From Prodigal to Priest takes you on Hidalgo’s journey of reconciliation with his faith and his family. He offers compassionate encouragement to those who believe themselves unforgivable and reminds them that Jesus is always there to welcome them home to the Church. Hidalgo’s conversion story affirms the power of God’s mercy and the deep transformation his grace can bring.

      Hidalgo grew up in a devout Catholic family in a small town in Spain. He went to a minor seminary as a youth to begin studies to become a priest, but left after about five years. Once he went to college, he fell away from the faith-and repeatedly lied to his mother about it. Hidalgo’s dream was to travel the world and teach, leaving poverty behind.

      With Jesus’s parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) as a companion, you will walk with Hidalgo through both the joy and the difficulties he experienced as he came home to the Catholic faith of his childhood-confessing to his mother, relearning how to pray, going to Confession, telling his friends about his reversion, and his call to the priesthood. And you will learn that it’s important to pray, discern, trust, and be thankful to God, regardless of the outcome.

      Each chapter includes prayers for both prodigal sons and daughters and those who accompany them.

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    • 9781682783429 Prayers Of Desperation

      Prayers Of Desperation


      Sometimes our best prayers can be the questions we ask. Bishop Robert J. Baker, S.T.D., explains powerful ways to pray when facing the pain of abandonment, serious illness or addiction, loss of a loved one, or large-scale disaster.

      He points to the growth that occurs when, in our darkest moments, we turn to God in humility and ask such authentic questions as “Why me, Lord?”; “Why now?”; “When will this pain subside, my God?”; and “How can I possibly get through this?” Prayers of Desperation ushers us through the fog of turmoil and helps us place our faith and trust firmly in God, despite our despair or lack of understanding. When we begin the prayer dialogue with God that Bishop Baker gently explains, God will answer.

      This engaging, comforting, easy-to-read prayer and meditation book is invaluable for those who are beginning their search for meaning in life as well as for those further along on their journey of faith.

      Bishop Baker masterfully guides you to the core of your relationship with God by offering:

      *Solutions to help you unite your sufferings to those of Christ, including a stirring meditation on His Passion

      *An understanding of the Real Presence that will enlighten you, inspire you with charity, and rid you of anxieties

      *A solid answer and guidance to the question of what God’s plan is for your life

      *Lessons from St. Teresa of Calcutta’s real-life experiences on the question “Where are you, God?”

      *The spiritually intense avenues for human-divine encounters that bring you God’s healing

      *Explanations on why the Holy Mass, sacramentals, and devotions are key tools for getting your existential questions answered

      You will also learn important techniques for navigating through unplanned or unwanted situations, and the proper spirit in which to pray the “How?” prayer. Moreover, you will gain the confidence and ability to ask questions of God daily as you look to Him for motivation, inspiration, and understanding. Most significantly, you will find out who can be saved and the means through which redemption is attained.

      Bishop Baker includes at the end of each chapter a prayer, Scripture passages, quotes from St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, and a list of recommended readings on each topic.

      Far from suggesting a lack of faith, authentic questions asked of our Lord open our hearts to receive great graces and the gift of deeper wisdom during times of hardship. When we are receptive to listening to God, especial

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    • 9781954881679 Saintly Habits : Aquinas' 7 Simple Strategies You Can Use To Grow In Virtue

      Saintly Habits : Aquinas’ 7 Simple Strategies You Can Use To Grow In Virtue


      Seven clear, simple strategies from St. Thomas Aquinas for understanding and living out virtue.

      In Saintly Habits: Aquinas’ 7 Simple Strategies You Can Use to Grow in Virtue, Catholics will find a guide to virtue that will transform their understanding of what a virtuous life looks like and teach them how to put their new knowledge into practice.

      Written by professor Andrew Whitmore, Saintly Habits makes the theological wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas accessible to modern-day Catholics with explanations of:

      *What virtue is and is not
      *How the virtues are connected
      *The difference between virtues and vices
      *What conscience is and how to form it
      *How to break bad habits and foster good ones
      *Why prayer and the sacraments are necessary for spiritual progress

      Featuring anecdotes, relatable analogies, and practical suggestions that animate this presentation of the virtues, Saintly Habits takes a positive and encouraging approach to a seldom discussed topic by illustrating how St. Thomas’ seven strategies provide a roadmap for our spiritual journey that we can apply to our daily lives.

      By encouraging us to understand the virtues we already possess as Catholics, God’s desire for us to be holy, and the Church’s role in supporting our journey of faith, this book provides the tools that we need to answer the call to grow ever closer to Christ in virtue and holiness.

      This book is perfect for men who are on the Exodus 90 journey.

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    • 9781646801923 Jesus Companion In My Suffering

      Jesus Companion In My Suffering


      Lent can be a time of bearing heavy burdens, of carrying the worries, pains, and sorrows that weigh on our hearts. Joyce Rupp reminds us that even though we may feel alone during these times of personal distress, we have the loving, empathetic, and ever-present companionship of Jesus by our side.

      In Jesus, Companion in My Suffering, Rupp-bestselling author of several books on grief, loss, and suffering, including Praying Our Goodbyes and Jesus, Friend of My Soul-will guide you to see Jesus not only as someone who understands deeply what you have experienced but also as a teacher whose wisdom you can apply to your own life. By allowing Jesus to accompany you in times of trial, Rupp says, you’ll be encouraged to move toward more compassion for yourself and others.

      For each of the forty days of Lent, Rupp offers a brief reflection on a story from the life of Jesus, applying his actions and teachings to our own experiences. She also includes a prayer and daily intention that invites us to spiritual growth and to reach fuller depths in our faith. Questions for personal reflection or group discussion are included.

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    • 9781644138465 Evidence Of Satan In The Modern World

      Evidence Of Satan In The Modern World


      Convincing proof the devil does exist and still manifests his presence. Covers diabolical infestation, obsession, and possession. Many famous cases of possession and exorcism, plus a general discussion of the devil. This is one of the best books on the subject of possession ever written. Discusses also Satan at Lourdes–to distract from the apparitions of 1858–and the devices of Satan to deceive us.

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    • 9781644138304 Passion And Death Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

      Passion And Death Of Our Lord Jesus Christ


      This absorbing account provides you with an intimate look at the sufferings of Our Lord through the minds and hearts of those closest to Him. You’ll see Jesus through the eyes of His apostles, of those who condemned Him, of His executioners, and of those He met along the way of the Cross. Drawing from historical research, culture, and his own profound spiritual insights, Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J., masterfully intersperses scriptural accounts and narration to bring the Passion of Jesus fully to life.

      You will be moved by subtle observations, emotions, and actions swirling around Jesus as He endures His most terrible and triumphant moments. You will come to understand Judas Iscariot’s thoughts and motives in betraying Jesus, St. John’s personal intuitions about the agony of Jesus’ Heart, St. Peter’s impetuousness, and Jesus’ unconditional love.

      As he guides you through this introspective contemplation of the Gospels, Fr. Goodier reveals Jesus’ thoughts, feelings, and actions and explains the sufferings Jesus felt in His soul.
      Most significantly, you will see who Jesus is for you and who He longs you to be both for Him and for others. We need “active compassion,” explains Archbishop Goodier, to unite our sufferings to those of Jesus and to relate to the anguish of His Heart. Reflecting upon the agony of Jesus in the garden, the travesty of His condemnation, and the diabolical tortures that He endured, you will see as never before the immense sufferings that only the God-Man could abide.

      Through the eyes of the saints, the great lovers of God, you will begin truly to see Jesus, the pain He bore, and why He suffered. Our Lord’s words challenge and comfort contemporary believers as much as they did those who first followed in the footsteps of Christ and His apostles. Once you enter into Archbishop Goodier’s meditations, your understanding of the humility, mercy, and love of Christ will deepen, and you will never experience His Passion in the same way again.

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    • 9781644137895 Illustrated Liturgical Year Coloring Book Easter Cycle February 5-May 27 20

      Illustrated Liturgical Year Coloring Book Easter Cycle February 5-May 27 20


      SKU (ISBN): 9781644137895ISBN10: 1644137895Michaela HarrisonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2023Publisher: Sophia Institute

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