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    Bill Donohue

    • 9798889112464 Cultural Meltdown : The Secular Roots Of Our Moral Crisis

      Cultural Meltdown : The Secular Roots Of Our Moral Crisis


      In this incisive work, Bill Donohue pulls no punches as he contends that our moral crisis is a reflection of two competing visions of morality – one religious and the other secular. The former is grounded in our Judeo-Christian tradition, the latter in radical notions of liberty and equality that are tearing us asunder.

      Donohue explains how the religious vision acknowledges belief in God, truth, human nature, natural law, moral absolutes, and Original Sin. It understands the limits of the human condition and thus rejects the notion that human perfectibility can be realized on earth. The secular vision believes none of this, and its adherents are bent on destroying the last vestiges of our religious heritage.

      Weaving together examples from the earliest centuries to the Enlightenment to modern times, Donohue seamlessly lays out how to restore our moral code so that the mainstreaming of madness is terminated and rolled back. You will find answers about:

      *The immorality of legal decisions and their after-effects
      *The connection between freedom and truth – and the secret to their restoration
      *Whether all cultures and civilizations are morally equal
      *The balance between individual rights and the common good
      *The importance of natural law and reason in guiding society
      *What is filling the void of secularization (You will be shocked!)

      Additionally, Donohue exposes religious bigotry toward Christians in America and sounds the alarm for governmental accountability since free speech is no longer tolerated when it opposes the approved narrative. The secular vision, he further attests, embraces and promotes radical ideas about sexuality that work to the detriment of individuals and society. Donohue explains how accepting the postmodern, sexually decadent views of “intellectual visionaries” has historically led to violent chaos in other cultures – and may well do so again.

      Donohue probes the deep-seated animus that secular intellectuals hold against Western civilization -the United States in particular – and concludes that many have simply given up on their utopian dreams and turned to anarchism and nihilism. He stirringly reveals how their deeply flawed vision of man and society is the source of what ails us and how we will have to recapture our religious roots to restore normalcy. There is no third way.

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    • 9781644138847 War On Virtue

      War On Virtue


      In this monumental book by one of the Church’s greatest contemporary defenders, Bill Donohue explains how the ruling class is systematically undermining the virtues that have built Western civilization and producing a “moral holocaust” that the traditional family cannot withstand.

      These radical elites have rejected the idea of personal sin and replaced it with social injustice. They’ve rejected traditional values and replaced them with a dangerously misguided individualism that is misusing our liberties to destroy freedom as we’ve known it.

      In his incomparable no-nonsense style, Donohue offers a commonsense solution to restoring the virtues in the workplace and defending universal morality. You will learn the hard-hitting truth about the dangers of multiculturalism, the “blame America” campaign, the Black Lives Matter movement, and Critical Race Theory. This book also unveils:

      *The greatest enemies of the poor and of education
      *Three vital virtues that lead to achievement and happiness
      *Four groups that embody these vital virtues
      *Four bedrocks of virtue and, conversely, its greatest killer
      *Key aspects to the American Dream (and how they’re being squashed!)
      *Grit Scale factor and how we can “re-norm” society
      *Specific traits that successful cultures, families, and individuals exemplify

      Through Donohue’s incisive research and insights, you will also learn how today’s public officials are failing even the highest achievers and how the victim mentality they propagate is hurting those who need help the most.

      Rich with historical sources, contemporary examples, Catholic teachings, and hero testimonies from Mother Teresa to Dorothy Day to athletes and social activists, Donohue’s book arms readers with tools to stem the tide and restore authentic character, faith, and patriotism to our land.

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    • 9781621642091 Common Sense Catholicism

      Common Sense Catholicism


      This work analyzes how the three key elements of a democratic society–freedom, equality, and fraternity–have been misconstrued by intellectuals and policy makers who do not respect the limitations of the human condition. Their lack of common sense has resulted in social and cultural problems rather than solutions to them. By contrast, the social teachings of the Catholic Church mesh nicely with the demands of human nature, and as such they offer the right remedy to our cultural crisis.

      Freedom defined as radical individualism has eclipsed the understanding that real rights are tethered to responsibilities. Equality defined as radical egalitarianism yields little in the way of equality and much in the way of state-sponsored social discord. And fraternity without the foundation of familial bonds and religious communities leaves people isolated and disoriented.

      Catholic teaching offers much wisdom to remedy our insufficient understanding of the elements needed for a free and flourishing society. Its common sense is greatly needed to help modern Americans rediscover the true meaning of their highest ideals.

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