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Anthony DeStefano

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  • Christmas In Heaven


    In charming rhyming verse, Christmas in Heaven tells the poignant story of a little boy who is sad because his grandmother has passed away. It is Christmastime, and the boy asks his grandfather where his grandmother might be. The grandfather responds by telling the boy his fondest hope–that his grandmother is in Heaven.

    The boy closes his eyes as his grandfather describes that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday and that a great, festive party is taking place in Heaven. It’s a scene filled with angels and saints, music and laughter, joy and love, and most of all, abundant life!

    This beautiful little book will give children an unforgettable vision of Heaven while strengthening in them the theological virtue of hope — a hope that will assist them throughout their lives in dealing with fear, grief, pain, and suffering.

    It will also introduce them to the incredible world of the saints. Indeed, the most beloved saints and angels make appearances in Christmas in Heaven, all doing the things they’re best known for:

    *St. Honore, patron saint of bakers, is making Jesus’ birthday cake
    *St. Cecilia, patron saint of music, is leading the choir
    *St. Lucy, patron saint of the blind, is lighting the Christmas tree
    *St. Gabriel is blowing his horn
    *St. Nicholas is leaving presents under the tree
    *St. Therese is giving out flowers
    *St. Francis is surrounded by little animals
    *St. Patrick is handing out shamrocks

    The book includes a helpful two-page glossary with short descriptions of each saint depicted.

    Christmas in Heaven combines a delightful teaching on the saints with a sweet story of a boy who, through the eyes of faith, gets to see his grandmother again in Heaven. It is sure to tug at the heartstrings of readers young and old, bringing yuletide joy to all.

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  • Story Of The First Easter Bunny


    At a time when the profound significance of Easter is often overshadowed by commercialism, The Story of the First Easter Bunny is a refreshing and heartwarming reminder of the true meaning of this most holy of Christian holidays.

    Best-selling author Anthony DeStefano tells the tale of a pint-size bunny with enormous ears who seeks healing for his sick mother by searching for Jesus and listening to His words. The bunny shows courage and compassion on his selfless journey. When all seems dark and he is afraid, the bunny remembers Christ’s words and takes refuge in God’s promise by calmly waiting for the light.

    After the bunny witnesses the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection, he and his mother experience a life-changing miracle, and the bunny goes on to spread the message of salvation to all who will listen. His inspiring example is a reminder to readers – both the young and the young at heart – that God’s love is ever present and that when we trust Him with the confidence of a child, we find redemption, fulfillment, and lasting joy.

    This instant classic, told in charming rhyming verse and wonderfully illustrated by New York Times best-selling artist Richard Cowdrey, adopts the Easter Bunny as a symbol of hope in the Risen Lord, of the transformative power of faith, and of the reality of Heaven. It offers an inspiring alternative to our culture’s obsession with chocolate treats, dyed eggs, and cartoon characters of little substance.

    The moving tale of this endearing bunny who refused to give up hope will fill your heart with a song of praise and be a favorite in your home, classroom, and church for years to come.

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  • 30 Days To Your New Life


    Happiness. Everyone wants it, but not everyone has it – or knows how to get it. According to a recent Harris poll, only one in three Americans describes himself as happy. Researchers have dubbed this the “most stressed” of all generations, despite its economic prosperity and technological advances. Anthony DeStefano, best-selling author of A Travel Guide to Heaven and Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To, addresses this problem head-on in his freshly rewritten book, 30 Days to Your New Life, by striving to bring the joy of Heaven down to Earth right now.

    Many self-help books explore the subject of happiness, but one important ingredient always seems to be missing: God. In this no-nonsense, refreshingly direct book, DeStefano bridges the gap between personal development programs and Christian/Catholic spirituality. The result is a wake-up call to readers: an outcome-based motivational guide to living life to its fullest – and holiest. DeStefano’s practical, pull-no-punches approach to popular theology has been described as “Tony Robbins meets Thomas Aquinas.”

    With candor and simplicity, DeStefano presents a 30-day program for attaining lifelong peace and fulfillment as well as (more importantly) eternal happiness in Heaven. The path proposed by DeStefano encourages consistent, purposeful, and prayerful action on the part of the reader and offers genuine hope to everyone, from ambivalent agnostics to engaged Evangelicals to the most fervent of Catholics.

    This is a book about getting results, about breaking out of self-delusion and taking small, practical steps to transform your life from head to soul. The author believes that as more and more people today struggle with depression and loneliness, self-help programs need to be less about “self-help” and more about “God’s help.” God, after all, is the Author of life. He knows what will make us happy – and what won’t.

    DeStefano utilizes the best personal-development tools available but balances and corrects them with Bible-based, faith-filled, time-tested, sacramental, Catholic principles. No matter how terrible your circumstances may be or how many times you’ve failed to achieve your goals in the past, this book will work for you.

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  • How The Angels Got Their Wings


    With these charming rhyming verses, Anthony DeStefano begins this enchanting children’s book on perhaps the most fascinating of all God’s creatures – the angels.

    How the Angels Got Their Wings is a winsome introduction to the story of the angels – pure spiritual beings of extraordinary power made by God to assist Him in carrying out His will. Beginning with the creation of the angels and the “war in Heaven” between the good angels and the bad, this book introduces children to the famous archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael – as well as to Satan, the ringleader of the fallen angels, who chose to rebel against God.

    This book also acquaints children with those special angels who are here with us right now, helping to protect and guide us – our guardian angels. It shows children how angels can assist them with all the problems they encounter in life, from communicating with others to choosing between right and wrong, and can protect them from physical harm.

    How the Angels Got Their Wings is a beautifully illustrated, highly entertaining, biblically correct, and theologically orthodox introduction to angels. Once children read it, they will be forever comforted in knowing that God’s love for them is so strong that He gave them not only His Son, but the angels above so they will never, ever be alone in life.

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  • Josephs Donkey


    Joseph’s Donkey is the heartwarming tale of a noble donkey purchased by St. Joseph shortly before his marriage to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The trusted creature helps Joseph in his carpentry business by hauling wood and stones, but he also plays a key role in all the major events recorded in the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels: he carries Mary to Bethlehem, where she gives birth to Jesus; he takes the Holy Family to Egypt to escape the evil king Herod; and he shuttles the family to Jerusalem, where the twelve-year-old Jesus gets “lost” in the Temple and is then found again.

    This rich and beautifully illustrated book will be a source of stirring entertainment for children, who will fall in love with the strong, dignified, humble, hardworking donkey. But more importantly, Joseph’s Donkey will introduce children in a potent way to the mysterious and wonderful character of St. Joseph himself. For the donkey in this story is a mirror image of the honorable head of the Holy Family. Thus, in coming to know and cherish the donkey, children will come to appreciate and grow close to Jesus’ foster father – the person whom God the Father chose above all others to watch over, guide, and protect His only begotten Son.

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  • Beggar And Bluebird


    The Beggar in the Bluebird is a charming story of a little bird whose flight southward for the winter keeps getting delayed because of the strange requests of a local street beggar. This inspirational children’s story demonstrates that great love and self-giving are always rewarded-though not in ways we can predict. It introduces children to the concept of the corporeal and spiritual works of mercy. Finally the book holds a big surprise for children at the end, which will remind adults of a famous scripture quote from Hebrews 13:2 about angels.

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  • Our Ladys Picture Book


    In this charming book, DeStefano introduces Catholic children to well-known images of the Blessed Virgin Mary by giving children a peek into her own personal “picture book.” Over the centuries, Our Lady has been the subject of thousands of works of art that depict her as an advocate of sinners, a protector from harm, and a powerful intercessor with her Son. Our Lady’s Picture Book highlights Mary’s unique role in salvation history by explaining some of her most famous titles of honor, including: Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Our Lady of Loreto, Our Lady of the Assumption, Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Our Lady of the Rosary, Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, Our Lady, Queen of Peace, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. When children read this book, they will not only be captivated by its exquisite images, but will also learn to ask Our Lady to intercede for them with Jesus at all times and in all circumstances. Indeed, Our Lady’s Picture Book is actually a beautiful, book-length prayer to the Mother of God. Together with Our Lady’s Wardrobe, it will give children a magnificent yet simple introduction to the main purpose of Mary’s life-to love and serve Jesus Christ and to lead others to do the same.

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  • Grumpy Old Ox


    This new children’s Christmas book by bestselling author Anthony DeStefano tells the story of a mean-spirited, prideful old ox who has lost his sight-both physically and spiritually-but who nevertheless experiences the transformative power of God’s grace after he witnesses the birth of Jesus Christ in a humble stable in Bethlehem.

    Illustrated by New York Times bestselling artist Richard Cowdrey, this new holiday book teaches children the true meaning of Christmas while also explaining the central message of Christianity: that faith in Jesus leads us to resurrection and new life.

    Moreover, it shows the profound connection between spiritual pride and blindness. Like the main character in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, this Scrooge of an ox is a slave to his own anger and crippled by his own coldness. He seems destined to live out his days frustrated, unhappy and alone-until he makes a life-altering decision of faith that brings him the miraculous gift of healing and joy.

    This uplifting, inspiring book will delight all Christians, though Catholics especially will appreciate its powerful Eucharistic message. Connecting the manger in the stable, from which the ox eats his food, to birth of the Son of God, the story shows that Jesus is the Bread of Life; that he came into the world to feed the hungry, to restore sight to the blind, and to set free those who are captive to sin.

    All of this is contained in a 32-page picture book that is sure to entertain and enthrall children with its adorable rhymes and beautiful illustrations for years to come.

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  • Our Ladys Wardrobe


    Over the centuries, Our Lady has appeared at many different times and in many different places, but few realize that she almost always appears in quite diverse and dazzling styles of dress.

    In these stunningly beautiful pages, best-selling children’s author Anthony DeStefano considers Mary’s distinctive raiment in the various apparitions and elucidates the message she bears in each. By means of these wise pages and their delightful images, children come to understand the main lesson of Mary’s whole life — the need to do whatever her son Jesus tells us to do.

    First, children meet Our Lady in Nazareth, poor and therefore not robed in splendor. Next, they encounter her in Heaven, dwelling in an enormous mansion (as is promised by Jesus to all who live there) with an exquisitely beautiful wardrobe. DeStefano engages young readers in consideration of fifteen exterior garments of Our Lady, thereby leading young souls directly into the interior messages of her Immaculate Heart.

    Here children will explore the wardrobe and messages of:
    –The Blessed Virgin Mary in Nazareth
    –Our Lady of Mount Carmel
    –Our Lady of Perpetual Help
    –Our Lady of Czestochowa
    –Our Lady of Grace
    –Our Lady of Lourdes
    –Our Lady of Fatima
    –Any many more!

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  • Seed Who Was Afraid To Be Planted


    There once was a seed
    Who lived in a drawer
    In a room of a mansion
    By a beautiful shore…

    So begins this lovely retelling of the parable of the grain of wheat for children ages 3 and up.

    The Seed who Was Afraid to be Planted introduces children to a tiny seed content to remain in his safe, cozy drawer with the other seeds. Suddenly, a day comes when the gardener who lives in the mansion takes the seed from his drawer and plants him in the ground. Faced with his biggest fear, the seed undergoes a miraculous experience that changes his life forever.

    Beautifully illustrated and written in simple but delightful verse, The Seed who was Afraid to be Planted reminds us all that no matter how small or scared we may be, God has great plans for us-plans even more wonderful than we can imagine.

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