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  • Does The Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships


    You may have heard the claim that the Bible, when read correctly, is not against believers entering monogamous, faithful same-sex relationships. The arguments sound quite compelling. “Jesus never talked about same-sex relationships.” “Paul was only condemning exploitative relationships, not consensual ones.” “We don’t keep the Old Testament food laws, so why would we keep the ones on same-sex sex?” “If God is love, he can’t be against relationships of love.” And more. Have Christians through the ages just been getting this one wrong?

    In this concise book, Rebecca McLaughlin looks at ten of the most common arguments used to claim that the Bible affirms same-sex sexual relationships. She analyzes the arguments and associated Bible passages one by one to uncover what the Bible really says.

    For Rebecca, as someone with a lifelong history of same-sex attraction, this is not just an academic question. But rather than concluding that the Bible does affirm same-sex marriage, she points readers to the gospel purpose of male-female marriage, a different kind of gospel-centered love between believers of the same sex, and God’s life-and-love-filled vision for singleness.

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  • Sexual Integrity Workbook (Workbook)


    Understand today why God created you to be sexual and discover the pleasure of honoring your most precious gift!

    God made sex good! Sex is to be valued and respected. You have one thing that you can give one time to only one person in one lifetime. Possibly the most unusual and the most important book about sex you will ever read. Sexual Integrity Workbook addresses sexuality with powerful insight.

    Refreshing wisdom for every sexual question or issue you have.

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  • Detransition Diaries


    We live in unprecedented times, when what was known for thousands of years, that we are created male and female, is now up for debate. It is now controversial to see that sex is binary, that a man can never become a woman, nor a woman a man, and that men should not enter women’s sports, women’s bathrooms, and women’s prisons, merely for saying that they are a woman. We are witnessing a rapid rise in gender confusion among young people, especially among young women and girls.

    The Detransition Diaries is both personal and historical. It is personal in that it recounts the stories of five women and two men who felt they were born in the wrong body and believed the lie they were told by peers, teachers, and medical professionals that they could be their “true” selves by medically and surgically altering their bodies to match the opposite sex. Their stories describe the short- and long-term harm that so-called gender-affirmative medicine did to their mental and physical health. The book is historical because it outlines the history of the “gender-affirmation” movement, including the various individuals and organizations who have peddled the idea that the sexual binary is arbitrary.

    The book closes with an analysis on how this dark chapter in medical abuse might end and what is needed for medicine to regain its obligation to do no harm.

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  • Parents Guide To The Sex Talk


    Having “the talk” with your kids can feel daunting and uncomfortable. What do you say? When and how do you bring it up? Take the pressure off the talk with this guide featuring tips to discuss changing bodies, sexual temptation, consent, and more!

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  • Is God Anti Gay


    A sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality.

    Is it ok to be gay and Christian? Does the Bible really say that homosexuality is wrong? Is sexual orientation fundamental to identity?

    Author and speaker Sam Allberry has expanded and restructured his best-selling book, which draws on his own experience as a believer who experiences same-sex attraction. As well as exploring Bible passages that talk directly about homosexuality, this new edition frames the whole discussion with Jesus’ general teaching on sex and marriage, as well as what Jesus teaches about finding ultimate satisfaction and happiness. It also challenges the current culture narrative, which inextricably ties sexuality to personal identity, and he shows that the gospel is good news for everyone, whatever their sexual orientation.

    This sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality has been written to help both Christians and non-Christians struggling with the Bible’s teaching on this issue, whether they experience same-sex attraction themselves or not.

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  • Adam And Eve After The Pill Revisited


    Celebrated author Mary Eberstadt continues her ground-breaking examination of the legacy of the sexual revolution. The book’s predecessor, Adam and Eve after the Pill (2012), dissected the revolution’s microcosmic fallout via its empirical effects on the lives of men, women, and children. This follow-on book investigates the revolution’s macrocosmic transformations in three spheres: society, politics, and Christianity. It also includes an analysis of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

    With unflinching logic, Eberstadt summarizes the toll on Western society of today’s fractured homes, feral children, and social isolates. Empathetic yet precise, she connects the dots between shrinking, broken families and rising sexual confusion, seen most recently in transgenderism and related phenomena. The book also traces the dissolution of the home to signature developments in Western politics, especially the increase in acrimony, polarization, street violence, and identity politics. The result is an indictment of the turn taken by much of the world following the post-1960s embrace of contraception and the stigmatization of traditional morality.

    The book’s section on the revolution’s infiltration of the churches is must-reading for anyone concerned about the fate of Western Christianity. In a moment when millions wonder whether the Catholic Church will retreat from age-old moral teachings, this book demands to be put at the center of discussion.

    Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited is both an indispensable blueprint for today’s emerging revisionism, and a manifesto for a more humane order to come.

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  • Rediscovering Our Lost Fullness:


    Andrew Comiskey, founder of Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries for those struggling sexually, shares here his profound experience in moving from brokenness (including same-sex desires) to a healthy and renewed Christian life. The Church’s clear, powerful teachings on marriage and family helped him control his passions and live a sexually integrated life.

    With candor and grace, Comiskey recounts real-life stories of people who were freed from the grip of sexual disorders. You’ll see how darkness is dispelled in those who seek the presence of the Crucified Christ and how they gained control over their physical, emotional, and psychological sins. In page after page, you will learn to accept the person God created you to be and celebrate authentic human dignity. You will also discover how:

    *The Holy Eucharist is our remedy for impurity and fortifies us in the battle for holiness

    *Persons pursuing religious vocations can integrate their sexuality

    *The Cross of Christ helps us to carry little crosses and so love others with an undivided heart

    *We need strong relationships in the community of believers to avoid occasions of sin

    *”Spiritual chastity” is important in forming personalism and sexual chastity

    *Divine Mercy provides the secret to restoring authentic intimacy in Christ

    Additionally, Comiskey highlights how to live chastely in marriage and how the gift of self to one’s spouse reflects the gift of Christ’s sacrifice for His Bride, the Church. He further evaluates the crisis in the priesthood and how celibacy points to Heaven and the resurrection of the body.

    You will see how frequent reception of Holy Communion and the sacrament of Confession help you flourish in following God’s plan, develop self-control, and love others. You will learn why prudence is the paramount cardinal virtue and how it assists you in knowing what is true, opening yourself to Christ’s love, and acting in His freedom. Such freedom requires justice–knowing one’s impact on others–and fortitude–enduring hardship for another’s good, as Comiskey makes clear.

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  • After The Revolution


    Equipping the church to recover from sexual confusion

    In After the Revolution, David J. Ayers provides the Christian heirs of the sexual revolution a resource to understand their challenges and social context to find a way forward. Drawing on social sciences and history, Ayers traces recent worldview shifts in North America and Europe. The historic Christian understanding of sex and marriage has been supplanted. And sexual confusion has infiltrated the church, especially influencing younger Christians.

    The church can uniquely and compassionately support sexual faithfulness and flourishing, but we need to reject formulas, surefire methods, and judgmentalism. Instead, we must recover a positive vision for Christian sexuality, singleness, and marriage that is firmly grounded in God’s word.

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  • Gen SeXYZ : Love, Sexuality And Youth


    “Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Encourage their interest in sex….”-Vladimir Lenin, 1921, How to Destroy the West

    Going through each of the prophetic statements made by Lenin in 1921 shows why America is where it is today. Only 4 percent of Gen Z think about life through a biblical lens. To them, sexuality is more important than friends, family, or their faith.

    Jeff Grenell’s goal in Gen SeXYZ: Love, Sexuality & Youth is to reach youth, youth leaders, and the church with a message that kicks the devil to the curb and restores sexuality to its God-given origins.

    When the church failed to respond to the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the present one of the 21st century, its role in society crumbled. The media stopped censoring, the government redefined marriage, schools taught progressive sex education, and the list of genders grew. We’ve experienced generational loss because we’ve gotten further away from the source of our original knowledge of sexuality: the Bible.

    Jeff points out that our understanding of sexuality must be anchored to the fact that God is love and the devil stole sex. He provides direct quotations from teenagers and leaders, practical knowledge, and tools to launch a spiritual revolution of love and truth that will grow the church to reach younger generations and combat the loveless, godless sexuality ethic in our culture that’s misleading them.

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  • Our Bodies Tell Gods Story


    In response to a world awash in sexual chaos and gender confusion, this book offers a bold and thoroughly biblical look at the meaning of the body, sex, gender, and marriage.

    Bestselling author, cultural commentator, and popular theologian Christopher West is one of the world’s most recognized teachers of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. He specializes in making this teaching accessible to all Christians, with particular attention to evangelicals. As West explains, from beginning to end the Bible tells a story of marriage. It begins with the marriage of man and woman in an earthly paradise and ends with the marriage of Christ and the church in an eternal paradise.

    In our post-sexual-revolution world, we need to remember that our bodies tell a divine story and proclaim the gospel itself. As male and female and in the call to become “one flesh,” our bodies reveal a “great mystery” that mirrors Christ’s love for the church (Eph. 5:31-32). This book provides a redemptive rather than repressive approach to sexual purity, explores the true meaning of sex and marriage, and offers a compelling vision of what it means to be created male and female. Foreword by Eric Metaxas.

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  • Facing The Facts


    Your body and its sexual nature are beautiful and exciting gifts from God that He wants you to understand and appreciate. Reading Facing the Facts and talking about it with your parents will give you a better understanding of God’s perfect design.

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  • Whats The Big Deal


    One Million Copies Sold in Series!
    Christian Book Award: ECPA Medallion of Excellence

    Your kids know about sex. But what they’ve gathered from TV, other kids, or the internet doesn’t tell them everything or answer all of their questions. What’s the Big Deal? was written to help parents provide the answers to their 8-to-12-year-olds. This book explains the basic facts about sex and related issues such as:
    Why God made adults so that they want to have sex
    What God actually says in the Bible about sex and why it’s designed for marriage
    The amazing changes ahead of you during puberty
    How to respond when you feel sexual pressure from friends, TV shows, movies, and magazines

    Your kids can read this book with you so you can discuss it together. This provides them the safe space to ask hard questions they might find embarrassing. The book will help kids understand what a beautiful and exciting gift from God sexuality is meant to be.

    Now revised and updated with:
    Separate chapters on puberty for boys and girls
    A chapter on the dangers of pornography

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  • How And When To Tell Your Kids About Sex


    A vital tool for building the kind of Christian character in kids that will enable them to stand on their own and make the right decisions, this guide offers parents a lifelong approach to shaping their children’s sexual character.

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  • Before I Was Born


    Before I Was Born emphasizes the creational goodness of our bodies, our existence as men and women, and our sexual organs. This book introduces new topics as well, including the growth and change that occur as boys and girls become men and women. It includes a tactful but direct explanation of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife.

    Before I Was Born explains in age-appropriate language the basic nature of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife and discusses conception, fetal development, childbirth, and breastfeeding. For children ages 5 to 8.

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  • Story Of Me


    This book is designed to help parents answer difficult or embarrassing questions about sex comfortably and truthfully (in age appropriate terms), and to encourage healthy communication between you and your child.

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  • Born This Way


    Lady Gaga’s song “Born This Way” has become an anthem for homosexual rights, asserting in a simplistic fashion that same-sex attraction is a trait much like hair or skin color. In Born This Way?, the author surveys the most common scientific arguments in favor of homosexuality and respond to pro-homosexual arguments. A review of the research will show that, while there are some genetic or biological factors that correlate with a higher incidence of same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior, as of yet there is no proof of genetic or biological causation for homosexuality.

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  • Pornography


    1. Culture
    2. Compassion
    3. Convictions: Creation
    4. Convictions: Fall
    5. Convictions: Redemption And Glory
    6. Wisdom
    Further Reading

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    Pornography is no longer looked down on as bad or unhelpful, but is something to enjoy without guilt. Christians work to a different agenda-set by the Bible’s revelation of the true meaning of sex and relationships. This book surveys the Christian worldview and applies it to the complex issues surrounding pornography. Discover the liberating and satisfying view of sex found in the gospel.

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  • Facing The Talk


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830843220ISBN10: 0830843221Wendy ChapinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2015Publisher: InterVarsity Press

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  • Purity Is Possible


    1. Beauty
    2. Fantasy
    3. Reality
    4. Factory
    5. Guilty
    6. Mercy
    7. Purity
    8. Liberty
    9. Intimacy

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    One in five Christian women use pornography. One in three visitors to a porn site is a woman. Many, many more women read explicit books like Fifty Shades of Grey. Even more than that write their own pornography – not on paper for publication, but in their heads for their own use.
    Helen Thorne knows all this because she’s done it.
    But no one talks about it. Our churches are silent on it. There are very few books about it. It is the unspoken struggle of thousands of Christian women – perhaps you, and probably someone you know.
    But no more. In this refreshingly honest, resolutely hope-filled and gospel-soaked book, Helen speaks the unspoken. In doing so, she shows how purity is better and more satisfying than fantasy – and that, whoever you are and whatever your struggles, that purity is possible.

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  • 60 Things God Said About Sex


    In many TV shows, the characters move from partner to partner, making sex the be-all and end-all of the male-female relationship. In many magazines, the advertised topics are centered on sex-good sex, better sex, more sex. The entertainment shows are focused on who’s having sex with who. Sex, sex, sex. It’s everywhere! But the only thing that seems to be a definite is that people are trying to find happiness through sexual relationships. God created sex for a specific purpose–and created it good. Sex is a gift from God. The Bible candidly deals with sex (more so than many modern sex manuals!), and this book is forthright in presenting the biblical view of sex as a gift from God, its intended use, and the spiritual parallel of a husband and wife’s sexual union as a symbol of the sacred consummation of Christ and His bride–the church. In this straightforward explanation of the biblical view of sex, Lester Sumrall will show you that the best way to have sex is God’s way. This book is perfect for couples about to get married, parents who think it’s about time to have “that talk” with their child, or anyone who finds that the world’s view of sex isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

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  • Love And Responsibility


    SKU (ISBN): 9780898704457ISBN10: 0898704456Karol WojtylaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1993Publisher: Ignatius Press

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