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    • 9781400313266 Memory A Day For Moms

      Memory A Day For Moms


      Just one simple thought a day to preserve five years of memories with your children-finally, a record book that is doable! A Memory a Day for Moms,a beautiful five-year journal with carefully curated questions and writing prompts, offers you just that. Jot down a single thought, memory, or prayer, and build a treasured keepsake day by day.

      Mothers in all stages of life will find something to love about A Memory a Day for Moms, as it allows you to reflect on and record your children’s growth and your own journey as a mom. Whether you are knee-deep with littles or navigating the tricky waters of high school and beyond, prompts such as “My child said the funniest thing today!” “My hope for my child is,” and “Lately we’ve been enjoying _____ together” will always resonate.

      This luxurious journal makes a beautiful gift for a birthday or baby shower, or as a special treat for yourself. With spacious lines and a prettily designed interior, you will love coming back to A Memory a Day for Moms day after day.

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    • 9781610369015 Pass The Joy Please

      Pass The Joy Please


      There is a joy inexpressible and uncontainable that is delivered to a woman’s heart when she delivers a baby to the world! When an ordinary woman gazes into the eyes of her baby, joy is real and recognizable; love is unconditional and bottomless.

      However, sometimes that delicious joy is lost amidst sleepless nights, potty-training, strong-willed two year olds and never-ending mountains of laundry! When a weary mother is facing yet another day of tantrums, sibling rivalry, last week’s dishes in the sink and a house filled with unmade the beds, the joy of motherhood is often no where to be found.

      Carol McLeod is the mother of five and the “Marmee” to currently seven precocious and precious little people. When it comes to the days of being overwhelmed with the demands of children, she “gets” it. Carol understands the desire to be the world’s greatest mom and yet falling on your face … day after day after day.

      Carol is a mom who deeply cares about the next generation of women who are raising their children to make a difference in the world. She has written this devotional from the wealth of years of motherhood and from a heart that knows the true source of joy.

      If you have forgotten how to giggle or sing with your children … then this book is for you!
      If you have lost yourself in the quagmire of whining children … then this book is for you!
      If you have screamed at your children this week for no reason other than they were acting like children … then this book is for you!

      If you long to wring the joy out of motherhood … then this book is for you!

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    • 9781496412669 Becoming MomStrong : How To Fight With All That's In You For Your Family An

      Becoming MomStrong : How To Fight With All That’s In You For Your Family An


      Have you ever looked into the faces of the people who call you “mom” and wondered what in the world you got yourself into?

      If you’re like many Christian moms today, you’ve been reading the headlines and watching the rapid-fire changes in our culture with frustration and fear. Let’s face it: Moms today are facing questions that previous generations didn’t even see coming, and even our right to determine what is best for our own children is under fire. Popular speaker and blogger Heidi St. John (The Busy Mom) believes that today’s mothers need a special kind of strength. We need to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We dare not rely on human strength for the battles we’re facing right now. In Becoming MomStrong, Heidi has a powerful message just for you-the mom in the midst of it all. Through encouragement, practical prayer points, and authentic “me-too” moments, Heidi equips you for a job that only you can do: to train your children to hear God’s voice and to walk in truth no matter where our culture is heading. God wants to use this generation of mothers to do something extraordinary:
      *To be strong in the Lord
      *To know who you are in Christ, and
      *To impart that strength to your kids.

      In other words, He wants you to be MomStrong! So if you’re feeling tired or inadequate today, get ready to find new strength as you join Heidi St. John in Becoming MomStrong.

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    • 9780718099015 Slow Down : Embracing The Everyday Moments Of Motherhood

      Slow Down : Embracing The Everyday Moments Of Motherhood


      It’s an inevitable moment: your child reaches a new milestone, and you would give anything for time to simply slow down. Nichole Nordeman, bestselling Christian singer-songwriter and worship leader on the Belong Tour, captures these feelings and more in her new book Slow Down, based on the hit song that resonated with millions of parents around the world.

      No matter if it’s your child’s first step, first day of school, or first night tucked away in a new dorm room away from home, there comes a moment when you want to hit the brakes on this whole growing-up business! Nichole’s profound lyrics in her viral hit YouTube video “Slow Down” struck a chord with parents everywhere, and now this beautiful four-color book helps turn that short video into something you and your family can cherish for years to come.

      Slow Down encourages parents at all stages of raising children-whether your days are long and chaotic with little ones running around or if you’re sitting through a high school graduation and realizing just how quickly the years fly by-to slow down and relish each season of parenting. Filled with thought-provoking essays from Nichole, as well as practical applications for everyday life, beautiful illustrations of the song lyrics, and journaling space for reflection, Slow Down will be a poignant gift for any mom, as well as a treasured keepsake.

      It is natural to find yourself yearning for the next thing-the next season, the next school year, the next break. Take a few moments to reflect and celebrate the privilege of being a parent and getting to watch your little ones grow-and Slow Down.

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    • 9781577997382 Holy Labor : How Childbirth Shapes A Woman's Soul

      Holy Labor : How Childbirth Shapes A Woman’s Soul


      Women are valued for their ability to bear children in many cultures. The birth process, though supposedly the most painful experience of a woman’s life, is seen as a necessary evil to achieve the end goal of children and motherhood.

      And yet, in the face of a typically masculinized Christianity that nevertheless professes that women are equally created in the image of God, shouldn’t childbirth–a uniquely feminine experience–itself shape Christian women’s souls and teach them about the heart of the God they love and follow?

      Drawing on her own experience of giving birth and motherhood–and the conflicting assumptions attached to them, by Christians and the culture at large–Aubry G. Smith presents a richly scriptural exploration of common conceptions about pregnancy and childbirth that will not only help mothers and soon-to-be mothers understand how to think biblically about birth, but also walks them through how to put the ideas into practice in their own lives. Along the way, she shows all readers how to see God’s own experience of the birth process–and how childbirth leads to a deeper understanding of the gospel overall.

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    • 9781433552274 Missional Motherhood : The Everyday Ministry Of Motherhood In The Grand Pla

      Missional Motherhood : The Everyday Ministry Of Motherhood In The Grand Pla


      Sometimes moms see the never-ending laundry, dirty diapers, and skinned knees as relatively insignificant when compared to activities and callings that seem more important and lasting. But there is eternal value in even the most mundane moments if the Great Commission informs how we’re thinking about all of life, including what it means to be a mom. Tracing motherhood in the story of the Bible and drawing out key implications for moms today, Gloria Furman helps women live out God’s story of redemption in their daily lives as they nurture their children and joyfully share the message of the gospel with those around them.

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    • 9781424549856 Little God Time For Mothers Devotional 365 Daily Devotions

      Little God Time For Mothers Devotional 365 Daily Devotions


      A little God time is what all mothers need but can rarely find in the craziness of everyday life. This one year daily devotional will encourage mothers of all ages to carve out some time for the refreshment and renewal found in God. When life demands your attention, find some time in your day to reflect on the God who truly desires to be with you.

      Excerpt: The Perfect Hire
      Whether “Mom” is your only title or one of several, the day you became a mother you took on a full-time job with crazy hours, non-existent pay, and inconsistent benefits. Some days, it’s the greatest gift in the world to love and serve our families. On others, we find ourselves wondering, Does this job get any easier? Any better?

      On those days with more responsibilities than time, more grumbling than gratitude, rest in this: your employer is not that tantrum-throwing toddler or eye-rolling teenager. God chose you specifically for this family; you were the only candidate for the job, and you are perfectly qualified. You work for Him, and He will give you all the support, recognition, and joy you need.

      “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:23-24, NIV).

      What part of your “work” as a mother is the most difficult for you? Share your struggles with God. Does it help you to remember you are working for Him at a job He chose just for you?

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    • 9781631160813 Moments For Moms DayBrightener

      Moments For Moms DayBrightener


      366 inspirational messages

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    • 9781936760701 Christ In The Chaos

      Christ In The Chaos


      Moms: Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop striving to meet false expectations. Stop thinking your performance dictates your worth.

      For far too long mothers have been beaten down by the law of “do better” and “try harder.” The burden of “getting it right” threatens to crush weary souls who desire to serve their families faithfully. Christ in the Chaos brings comfort to conflicted hearts that are starved of grace and longing for the freedom in Christ the Bible promises.

      In this book, Kimm Crandall emphasizes the importance of the gospel and how Christ’s life, death, and resurrection change every aspect of motherhood. From finding our identity in Christ and understanding God’s grace to taking off the mask of acceptability and dealing with the comparison crud, this book will free you to serve your family knowing that his love for you does not change based on your performance.

      Christ in the Chaos is a “must read” for every mother who longs for what is seemingly impossible: peace and freedom in the midst of her chaos.

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    • 9781577946526 Scripture Confessions For Moms

      Scripture Confessions For Moms


      The Scripture Confessions Series connects the reader to the timeless passages in God’s Word that speaks to the issues of most concern to them. More than just a book of prayers, the reader will find personalized confessions that will arm them with the Word of God for life’s battles.

      This unique collection of Scriptures is a must have for today’s busy schedules. Whether at work or home, readers can access Scripture Confessions and remind themselves of God’s faithful promises in all areas including healing, finances, protection, wisdom, and more!

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