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    Eschatology (End Times)

    • 9781629117409 Rapture Of The Saints

      Rapture Of The Saints


      If you knew that within the next twenty-four hours Christ would return, according to His promise, are there any circumstances you would immediately change in the light of such a glorious event? Or are you living in such harmony with His will and purpose that no change of lifestyle would be necessary?

      Legendary Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer examines what Scripture has to say about the Second Coming of the Lord, with an emphasis on the body of Christ being ready for Him when He returns. The saints must live their lives in readiness to meet the Lord at any moment. The question we should all ask is, “How am I going to live the rest of my time before Jesus comes?”

      Lockyer address what both the Bible and scholars have to say about this event, and what it means for our lives today.

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    • 9781909559653 How Will The World End

      How Will The World End


      Introduction: Why Is It All So Complicated?
      1. How Will The World End?
      2. What Will Happen Before Jesus Comes Back?
      3. How Will Jesus Come Back?
      4. Will Jesus Come Back Before Or After The “Millennium”?
      5. What Happens After Jesus Comes Back?
      6. How Should We Live Until Jesus Comes Back?

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      Christians believe that history is moving towards a dramatic conclusion – that one day Jesus Christ will return in glory to judge the living and the dead. But there seem to be so many different views about how this will happen, and when it will take place. How can we make sense of it all?
      This short, readable book explains clearly and simply the liberating reality of what the Bible is actually saying about the return of Christ and the end of the world.

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    • 9781629111872 Coming One : What The Scripture Teaches About The End Times

      Coming One : What The Scripture Teaches About The End Times


      Understanding God’s Plan

      Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, which was, and which is to come. Revelation 1:4

      Did the Lord Jesus Christ complete His work on earth during His first advent and leave to others the finishing of His great plan of redemption? Or did He simply accomplish the first stage of that great work? And is He coming back again in person to complete His glorious plan?

      In this Christian classic, legendary author and pastor A. B. Simpson provides a thorough teaching on a topic that has been debated and theorized throughout history: the second coming of Jesus Christ. Among the topics Simpson addresses are…

      The premillennial versus postmillennial theories
      The church age
      The world powers
      The plan for Israel
      The false prophet and the Antichrist
      The great tribulation
      The new heaven and earth
      Signs of the end times

      As time grows short, it has never been more crucial for believers to understand God’s future plan as laid out in Scripture. We must be swift to hear His voice and obey His command so that we will be ready on that glorious day.

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    • 9781933184388 End Of The Present World

      End Of The Present World


      t’s one of those books that come out of nowhere almost literally just when the world needs it most.

      Is it all correct what it reveals about the future, both for the world and the soul? From the vantage point of earth, who can say? It is written by a human.

      But a great saint Th r se of Lisieux was so taken by this book that it spurred her entry into the convent. “Reading this book was one of the greatest graces of my life,” she says in her autobiography. “The impression I received from it is too sweet to express. All the great truths of religion and the mysteries of eternity plunged into my soul a happiness not of this earth.”

      Completed in 1881 by an aged French priest, this remarkable book surfaced long enough to draw Th r se into the convent and then, for more than a century, plunged back into obscurity.

      Now we offer you the very first English translation of this hope-filled, chilling work.

      In it, Fr. Arminjon gets right to the point: “The end of the world, Christ says, will come when the human race, sunk in the depths of indifference, is far from thinking about punishment and justice. It will be as in the days of Noah, when men lived without a care, built luxurious homes, and mocked Noah as he built his ark.”

      “Civilization will be at its zenith, markets overflowing with money, and stocks will never have been higher. Mankind, wallowing in unprecedented material prosperity, will have ceased to hope for heaven. Crudely attached to pleasures, man will say ‘My soul, you have goods to last for many years. Eat, drink and be merry.’ “

      Doesn’t that sound eerily like America just a year or so ago?

      Fr. Arminjon insists that we “steer clear of every perilous opinion and make no assertion that is not justified by Tradition and the doctrine of the Fathers.” Yet it’s precisely his sober reliance on Scripture and Tradition that makes this book so convincing . . . and so chilling!

      But Fr. Arminjon doesn’t merely sketch the darkness ahead; he also shows how Jesus will fill that darkness with light; and he details the rich bounty Christ has in store for all who stay faithful.

      That’s what caught Th r se up in such fervent love of God, nourished her impatience for Heaven, and confirmed her decision to choose a life wholly consecrated to Divine Love.

      The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life: let it show you how to read the signs of the times and prepare you to bear yourself as a Christian (as it did Th r se)…no matt

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    • 9781603740227 Waging Spiritual Warfare

      Waging Spiritual Warfare


      The end of the age is causing the clash between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness to intensify. Today’s church is lamentably ignorant about spiritual warfare. In this follow-up to Spiritual Warfare, Richard Ing exposes Satan’s deceptions and prepares believers for the final global conflict. This book will help you to deliver those suffering physical and psychological oppression, overcome the obstacles of religious pride and unbelief, understand the role of angels, recognize the signs of the end times, resist being deceived, and know the believer’s role in the worldwide revival to come. Know your enemy so you can defeat him!

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    • 9780883682302 Protection From Deception

      Protection From Deception


      According to Scripture, supernatural signs and wonders will multiply as we approach the end times. God isn’t the only one with a plan, however – Satan is plotting a scheme to deceive with supernatural signs and wonders of his own. In this book, Derek Prince warns Christians of deception, equipping them to recognize and resist the Antichrist, test the source of supernatural signs and wonders, and distinguish between the Holy Spirit and counterfeit spirits. By resisting Satan’s schemes and rejecting the false church, believers can beautify the true church and prepare for the end of this age, when Christ will gather those who have remained faithful.

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    • 9781596360891 4 Views Of The End Times Pamphlet

      4 Views Of The End Times Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      Four Views of the End Times pamphlet

      So what does the Bible actually say about the end times leading up to the return of Jesus Christ? Historically, four views have predominated Christianity’s understanding. Finally, those four views are explained and illustrated in simple terms.

      Each view includes a definition of the position with its main points, supporting Scriptures, the time period for the view’s main popularity, and Christian leaders supporting that view.
      Positions covered:
      – Dispensational Premillennialism
      – Amillennialism
      – Postmillennialism
      – Historic Premillennialism

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    • 9780961897543 End Time Events (Expanded)

      End Time Events (Expanded)


      Time Is Running Out! The Earth Lease Is About To Expire!

      Could this be the end of the world as we know it? In the midst of cataclysmic natural disasters and great moral decay, God is unveiling new revelation from the Scriptures to prepare this generation for the most traumatic change on the earth in six thousand years!

      In this revealing and prophetic look at God’s Word, bestselling author Charles Capps opens the Scriptures surrounding the end of the age. Pinpointing God’s plan for the events that will end this world as we know it, this exciting book brings to light types and scriptural composites which God has hidden in the Bible for this generation!

      This careful study of end-time events offers clear answers to question such as:
      * When will this age end?
      * When will the Antichrist be revealed?
      * Will God protect His people or deliver them from the seven years of Tribulation?
      * What Bible keys reveal the end of the church age?
      * What is the Solomon Concept and how does it reveal future events?
      * Do biblical numbers unveil end-time revelation?
      * And many others!

      Don’t be left in the dark concerning the twenty-first century and the events that will close out this age, thrusting the inhabitants of planet earth into the last millennium before eternity!

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    • 9780914936107 Interpreting The Book Of Revelation

      Interpreting The Book Of Revelation


      Full of insights developed from a lifetime spent studying, teaching and modeling God’s Word, Interpreting the Book of Revelation promises to become an indispensable resource in any library. It is the author’s assurance that despite one’s eschatological persuasion or opinion regarding the contents of this book, the reader will gain valuable insight into the interpretation and understanding of this miraculously inspired Book of Revelation.

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